A Bewitching Performance at the Doratov Auction House Report in Årendan | World Anvil

A Bewitching Performance at the Doratov Auction House

Campaign 2, Session 3

General Summary

Big Moments:
  • The group walks into Hops & Robbers Brewery
  • The party heads to the bar and orders a round of beers as well as Holland says that he is there for the usual.
  • The party is led into the back where the barrels are located and the bar wench opens the secret entrance to the Nero it.
  • The party descends down into the Nero’s Pit and Holland signs up for the nights fight
  • Holland is called into the ring, and as he steps in he BEAST SHIFTS
  • Holland casts, Shillelagh on his staff and fairy fire on Roj
  • Roj runs to Holland and attacks with his Rapier with a 20 and deals 8pts of piercing damage
  • Holland attacks Roj with his shillelagh with an 18 and hits dealing 11pts of bludgeoning damage knocking him out
  • Holland druid crafts a flower to throw on the unconscious body of Roj as he is dragged by 6 people out of the ring
  • Holland prepares for the second fight Klip massages his shoulders
  • Holland walks towards the ring casting Shillelagh on his staff
  • Kuydon goes into a rage and charges forward at Holland and attacks with his great axe with a 22 dealing 14pts of slashing damage knocking Holland out.
  • Ellywick runs over to Holland and casts cure wounds giving him 9pts of healing
  • Klip signs up for the next fight
  • Holland places all 25gp he won on Klip in the next fight
  • Klip whips out his hand crossbow and fires a shot at Kuto with a 13 and hits dealing 8pts of piercing damage
  • Klip uses his action surge and fires again with a 19 and deals 12 pts of piercing damage knocking her out
  • Klip retrieves on of his arrows on his way out of the ring and he and Holland collect their winnings
  • The party head back to 432b and takes a long rest
  • As the party wakes up there is a masquerade mask waiting for each of them. Klip has a rat, Holland has a wolf, Ellywick King Cobra
  • Holland casts detect magic as a ritual on the mask, it does not appear to be magical
  • Klip takes a long bath
  • Kip asks Farlynn for scones and he brings him tea and scons to the bath, then begins asking him about the locked room on their floor
  • Farlynn explains that the locked room leads up to Demona’s study. That no one has been up there for some time
  • Klip says that it would be beneficial if they could investigate it quietly together so as not to emotionally distress Ilantha with a 16 persuasion and succeeds
  • They agree to go after Farlynn goes grocery shopping
  • Ellywick goes into the library and spends time looking over many books with an investigation of 18 and gets a great deal of information about the city, and the pantheon
  • Farylnn brings Ellywick, who is a bit hung over his version of a McGriddle
  • Holland is looking for druidic messages, notes, and signs, outside in Demona’s garden. He finds a list of the things that she would grow there and where during what season. Some of which were out of season to be grown, however she apparently used her magic to make it happen. A little side hustle possibly selling fresh out of season vegitables.
  • Farlynn suggests to Holland that he may want to get a finer set of clothes for the evening.
  • Klip informs the party that he has convinced Farlynn to take them up into the attack laster in the day
  • Holland mentions that he would like to try and find the temple of Bahamut and Ellywick says that she could take him, having learnd where it was
  • The party heads to Abbott’s Fine Wears in the 4th district
  • Holland asks Ellywick for assistance in picking out an outfit as he is out of his depth
  • Ellywick picks out a shirt and slacks out for him and he purchase them
  • Klip purchase a dashing cape and then shoves in his bag to the horror of Mr. Abbot
  • Ellywick and Holland head to Bibbits and Bobbles for the Arcane and meet Madam Rontu
  • Ellywick asks if Madam Rontu has a potion of invisibility but cannot afford it.
  • Holland and Ellywick head back to 432b
  • Klip talks with Farlynn in the kitchen when he arrives back to 432b and Farlynn suggests that it would be nice if they could gather information for Ilantha while they are at the auction
  • The group heads upstairs with Farlynn and he unlocks the door to the attic study of Demona
  • Holland cats druidcraft on a clump of moss in his hand and uses it to light the way as they enter the staircase
  • The group follows Holland as they enter the study.
  • Ellywick looks around to see if anything seems to have been more recently moved or touched or important with help from Klip (Investigation 20) a leather bound journal has been disturbed the most recently (arcna check of 16 added) Ellywick notices a box on a shelf with arcane scripture and a little bit of a magic aura
  • Holland looks for ingredients, plants, or projects that Demona may have been in the middle of before she passed away. (Investigation 17) and finds and herbalist bundle of: Lovers Thorne, Pepper Berry, mothers rest x2, and a ghostbloom.
  • Holland casts detect magic on the box that Ellywick found, the box itself is not magical but there is a magical aura from inside with an Enchantment arura
  • Holland says that they should leave the box, but clocks the round window in the room, and DOES take the herbalist kit.
  • The party leaves the attic and Farlynn gives Klip a wink
  • The party changes into their nicer clothes and heads the Doratov Auction house, Holland shows off his new outfit to Farlynn as he leaves.
  • Holland makes a perception roll of 7 on his way to the auction house and notices nothing
  • Ellywick presents her letter and as escorted to the stage and she begins to set up
  • Ellywick performs with her dulcimer at the cocktail hour with a NATURAL 20 for a total of 24. People are so enchanted by her performance. She gets a card of a talent agent and advantage on all rolls between now and the auction.
  • Ellywick is handed a glass of champagne and with a perception check of a NATURAL 20 for a total of 23 notices that it is Eloise
  • Holland makes a perception check of 8 to see if anyone is noticing him from the fight the night previous but with the mask and the new clothe and no one seems to notice him.
  • Klip leads Holland to the bar with a perception check of a NATURAL 1
  • Ellywick walks around perceiving all conversations around her trying to grab important info with a 21 and hears someone mention Ouroboros with such intensity that she stealths over with a NATURAL 20 and is not seen by the human man or the “human man” and learns more information about a ship that was chartered east and about two Beren gnomes
  • Holland slips his mask off around the waitstaff using his folk hero background and helps them take glasses “backstage”
  • Holland asks if they have heard any juicy gossip from the fancy people with a persuasion roll of 19 and heard a rumor about Count Sobek.
  • Squijum asks if Holland could get her Ellywick’s autograph and he agrees, walks over to Ellywick to receive one and then brings it back to her
  • Klip loudly wonders if anyone caught the display at Nero’s Pit last night for a persuasion check of 21 and a woman in a raven mask wearing a form fitting black suit and she comments on the new air ganasi that fought. She is a little infatuated with him.
  • Klip asks if she would like to go together some time with a persuasion of 9 and she says, well she will see him there maybe
  • Klip asks if she has her eye on any of the items up for auction and she says yet the Tomb of Leadership and Influence, Iron Flask, or Cape of Mountbank
  • Klip registers for a paddle and gets the number 100.
  • Ellywick looks for Eloise with a perception of 21 and notices that she is casing the joint and percieiving what paddles people have. She also spends a great deal of time lingering around the backstage entrance.
  • Holland asks Squijum who was talking about Count Sobek and she says a man in a ram mask
  • The doors open to the main room and guests including the party begin to file in.
  • Klip notices a Castor Gun on the hip of a red tiefling with a perception check of 19 as he walks through the door

Rewards Granted

Inventory Updates:
  • Ellywick 5cp
  • Klip 5cp
  • Holland 5cp
  • Ellywick pint of Beer
  • Klip pint of Beer
  • Holland pint of Beer
  • Holland 25gp
  • Holland 25gp bet
  • Holland 50gp
  • Klip 25gp
  • Holland Wolf masquerade mask
  • Klip Rat masquerade mask
  • Ellywick King Cobra masquerade mask
  • Holland 5gp
  • Holland fine slacks, shirt, and a black ribbon for a bowtie (fine clothes)
  • Klip 3gp
  • Klip a dashing cape
  • Holland Fire elemental ember, exe oil, earth elemental dust
  • Holland 35gp
  • Holland herbalist bundle of: Lovers Thorne, Pepper Berry, mothers rest x2, and a ghostbloom.
  • Ellywick a business card or a talent agent
  • Elltywick Champagne
  • Holland Ellywick’s autograph
  • Holland Ellywick’s autograph

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Nero Pit Fight: Holland VS. Roj “Earthcrusher” Catheradu
  • Nero Pit Fight: Holland VS Kuydon Hardane
  • Nero Pit Fight: Klip VS Kuto Jughe

Character(s) interacted with

  • Farlynn Mendelcusp- Male Halfling, pale with red hair. Steward for Ilantha Mianelis, Farylnn runs the entire estate top to bottom. He prides himself on his lemon scones.
  • Abbott- male human, round with glasses clipped to his nose, owner of Abbot’s Fine Wares
  • Madam Rontu, Gnome camel skin long dark hair, giant glasses, owner of Bibbits and Bobbles for the Arcane
  • Squijum- a member of the wait staff that was working at the Doratav Auction house who has a talent crush on Ellywick

Related Reports

  • Hops & Robber Logo: the face of a jackalope who’s antlers stretch up and around a foaming pint that seems to hover over the jackalope’s head
  • Members of elite societies in Osmen will often wear masks at events to hide their persona and speak more freely
  • Doratov has three temples within its walls: Temple of the Raven Queen, Avandra, and Bahamut
  • Doratov is the capital of Osmen
  • Bibbiets and Bobbles for the Arcane a magic shop owned by Madam Rontu
  • The Crimson Court (The guild of companionship/brothels), a location in the 3rd district called The Bloom Rose. The Name Mr. Wells has been noted on it.
  • 7 clans rule the country and all of which have estates in the 5th district
  • The name Skarsgård appears in Ilantha’s hand writing on a clipping about a robbery
  • Bahamut is the head god of the pantheon the god of honor of justice
  • The Raven Queen is the god of death, winter, and fate. She is the goddess of the transition between life and death
  • Avandra is the goddess of freedom, luck , and change
  • The Pott’s family owned a floral shop that burned down last winter, but reconstruction happened very rapidly.
  • Ouroboros chartered a ship going east. They had two twin gnomes with them. Both names started with an E and they shared the name Berens.
  • Count Sobek the ambassador for Osmen to Aubrön has been acting very strange. He is in one of the 7 families that make of the Oligarchy and he got in trouble for doing deforestation in the swamps


  • Jacob Limestall was late for this session, having lost track of time and joins at 34minutes.
  • Holland beast shifts for the first time
  • The matches in the Nero Pit involve 2d6 and 1d4 rolls to determine the race, class, and power level of the opponent. The matches are also not to the death, all “killing blows” will be categorized as none-lethal unless stated otherwise.
  • Jacob gets inspiration for an amazing continuation spoof of “I Want You To Want Me.”
  • James calls Holland Warryn for the first time. (Warryn Timbers or Gnonjohull or Squirrel is Ryan’s character in Campaign one!)
  • The group plans the next month of sessions during their break
  • Mary rolls the most natural 20’s in campaign one or two in one session with 3
DM: James O’Donnell
Cast: Mary Fedrico(Ellywick Beren), Jacob Limestall(Kip Ference), Ryan O’Donnell(Holland Spikescale)
MIA: n/a
Recap By: Mary Fedrico
Report Date
10 Jul 2021
Primary Location
  • Hops & Robbers Brewery
  • The Nero Pit
  • Abbott’s Fine Wears
  • Bibbits and Bobbles for the Arcane
  • Doratov Auction House
  • Rolls:  
    • Initiative: Holland 14, Roj Natural 1
    • Initiative: Kuydon 18, Holland 5
    • Initiative: Klip 14 Kuto 10
    • Klip rolls a 15 on his history check about masquerade masks and the elite
    • Klip rolls a 16 on his persuasion check to convince Farlynn to take him to Demona’s study
    • Ellywick rolls an 18 on her Investigation check to gain knowledge of Doratov
    • Ellywick rolls a 20 on her investigation check to find items of note in Demona’s attic
    • Ellywick rolls a 16 on her arcna check to accompany her investigation check
    • Holland rolls a 17 on his investigation for plants or projects that Demona was working on before her death
    • Holland rolls a 12 on his arcna check while he is identifying the aura within the box in Demona’s study
    • Holland rolls a 7 on her perception check as they walk through town, and notices nothing
    • Ellywick rolls a NATURAL 20 for a total of 24 on her performance check during the cocktail hour of the auction
    • Ellywick rolls a NATURAL 20 for a total of 23 on her perception check and notices Eloise posing as a member of the wait staff
    • Holland rolls an 8 on his perception check to see if anyone notices him from the previous nights champ.
    • Klip rolls a NATURAL 1 on his perception check as they are making their way towards the bar
    • Ellywick rolls a 21 on her perception check to pick up important noteworthy conversations
    • Ellywick rolls a NATURAL 20 on her stealth check to sneak over and hear more about the Ouroboros conversation.
    • Holland rolls a 19 on his persuasion check to chat up the staff of the Auction house for juicy gossip
    • Klip rolls a 21 on his persuasion check to see if anyone caught the fight at Nero’s Pit last night
    • Klip rolls a 9 on his persuasion check to get a date from the raven mask wearer to the Nero Pit
    • Ellywick rolls a 21 on her perception to clock Eloise and does
    • Klip rolls a 19 on his perception check (using his inspiration at James’ suggestion) and notices a Castor Gun on the hip of a red tiefling.
    • “Oh no, oh no.” Holland seeing a Barbarian enter the ring.
    • “Umm….can I heal him NOW?” Mary
    • “You are welcome to come back, there are no race, or class, restrictions. It is an equal opportunist blood bath.” James
    • “Do you wana take a stab at it?” Ellywick
    • “In this corner we have Klip the air ganasi desperado.” Emcee
    • “And remember the finest of wears…”Abbot “Is at Abbots” Ellywick
    • I kneed you to kneed me.” Farlynn “Didn’t I Didn’t I see you rising” Klip
    • “We’re with the band.” Klip
    • “Did you see that ridiculous display at Nero’s Pit last night!?” Klip
    • “I feel like I got to the end of the book and the last two pages are missing.” Mary


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