President of the Republic of Russia Rank/Title in 2300 | World Anvil
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President of the Republic of Russia


elected by popular vote every 5 years; can run for reelection. term limits capped at three.


The President is in charge of overseeing the final approval and implementation of laws. It is rare for the President to veto a law. The President oversees the enforcement and implementation of laws. They also have command over the military and limited authority over the management of law enforcement.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

With 65% of popular vote or Duma vote, The President may be impeached.

Notable Holders

  1. Andrei Petrenko (2040-2050) 2 terms
  2. Vladimirova Ivansky (2050-2060) 2 terms
  3. Alexandria Povlinsky (2060-2068) 1 term, 1 partial
  4. Vladimir Orensky (2068-2075) 1 term, 1 partial
  5. Yuri Semenov (2075-2080) 1 term
  6. Pavel Nyshov (2080-2085) 1 term
  7. Andriy Vasylenko (2085-2095) 2 terms
  8. Slaven Popovic (2095-2100) 1 term
  9. Pyotr Sidorov (2100-2110) 2 terms
  10. Karl Meknikov (2110-2118) 1 term, 1 partial
  11. Alexandria Lenkov (2118-2130) 2 terms, 1 partial
  12. Natalia Gagenrich (2130-2135) 1 term 
  13. Vladimir Petukhov (2135-2145) 2 terms
  14. Vladimirova Antonov (2145-2160) 3 terms
  15. Alexei Dmitriev (2160-2180) 4 terms
  16. Alina Kotov (2180-2185) 1 term
  17. Inessa Smirnov (2185-2195) 2 terms 
  18. Alina Sokolov (2195-2210) 3 terms
  19. Timofey Dmitriev (2210-2220) 2 terms
  20. Andrei Molchalin (2220-2225) 1 term
  21. Aleandra Borodin (2225-2235) 2 terms
  22. Alina Dobrow (2235-2240) 1 term
  23. Natalia Dominik (2240-2258) 3 terms, 1 partial
  24. Alexander Garin (2258-2260) 1 partial
  25. Bella Dmitriev (2260-2265) 1 term
  26. Dmitri Kuznetsov (2265-2275) 2 terms
  27. Yelena Alexeyev (2275-2285) 2 terms
  28. Natalia Aslanova (2285-2295) 2 terms
  29. Mikhail Dmitriev (2295-2300) 1 term
  30. Pavel Krupin (2300-present)
Civic, Political
Source of Authority
Constitution of the Republic
Length of Term
5 years
Past Holders
Related Locations
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