2098 United African Nations is formed
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United African Nations is formed

Gathering / Conference


Ethiopia, Algeria, Libya, Somalia, Uganda and the Central African Republic form the United African Nations. The United African Nations are a group that follows a policy of "non-alignment". The countries pooled in resources to form the United African Forces, an armed force at the disposal of the United African Nations.

The United African Nations were formed following the U.S.-led secession of South Sudan to the Democratic Republic of Congo. The initial members were just 6 of the countries in Africa. The principles of the U.A.N. were guided by the disintegrated United Nations. They believed in the power of peace, however, the U.A.N. charter was much more perceptive to war, calling for the creation of a United African Forces that would fight on behalf of the countries of Africa if necessary. All the members of the U.A.N. were allowed to call upon the U.A.N. to deploy these forces if they felt threatened by a foreign power. At the time of creation, a mere 50,000 troops were a part of the United African Forces and the members themselves were sceptical of the U.A.N. However, with time, it has grown to be one of the most powerful organisations in the world.

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