Technological Progession Technology / Science in 1889 | World Anvil

Technological Progession

Transportation   Electric trams (also known as trolleys or streetcars) are gaining popularity in large cities over the horsedrawn variety being perceived as faster, cleaner, and more reliable.   Steam locomotives are the primary means of transportation when doing long-distance travel. They have been in use for over a century in Britannia and the American Union has recently laid over 100,000 kilometers of tracks across the emerging nation.   Screw-propelled steamships are used to cross oceans to reach different continents. Crossing the Atlantic Ocean now consistently takes under 8 days, unlike sailboats that could take up to a month.,   Airships, filled with lighter-than-air gases are in their infancy and considered novel curiosities rather than reliable means of transportation.   Entertainment   Phonographs are present in nearly every household of well-off individuals, providing access to music otherwise destined only for the rich in music halls.   Moving pictures have in the past decade improved a lot by use of celluloid photographic film, allowing reels lasting several minutes long to be projected.   Photography also has improved and is within the reach of any well off individual, though a fair amount of technical expertise is required to develop the films.   Communication   Telegraphy is the primary means of rapid communication across the globe, with telegraph lines being drawn across the continents and the oceans.   Weapons   The era of firearms has encompassed the globe for infantry.  Nations currently back their military might with artillery.   Classical weapons such as bows, crossbows, and various melee weapons have fallen out of use, though swords may be at time be used by some cavalry units.   Armour is seldom worn these days, as they cannot compete with the sheer power of firearms, though helmets are often worn to help deflect shrapnel.