Tabaxi Subraces Species in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

Tabaxi Subraces

Right or wrong, Tabaxi have been labled as independent, proud and often aloof. In actuality they are a diverse race with some strong distinctions in sub-species:


Blueel: a grey-furred Tabaxi with subtle blue tones, thick accent and old-world customs.

Blanchette: fluffy and white, marked by traditional customs and typically wealthy from old money.

Hazata: black face and hindquarters and feet fading to tope, exhibiting a penchant for wanderlust.

Shurdan: short grey hair, marked by a patient culture, may make excellent diplomats.

Ragadon (or "Mix"): Ragadon’s are quite common and are the result of mixed lineage. Some associate with an acestral culture, but many have found it easier to simply embrace "Ragadon" as its own culture.

Wilac: heavily perturbed mixes of two colors gray/white, brown/white, smallish faces. This is one of the Tabaxians oldest cultures with a deep history and a wide range of skills and interests.

Duskette: a larger, more muscular build of Tabaxi, with muted light brown furs.

Cuette: small build Tabax featuring blending bands of color.

Xarline: a hairless breed of Tabaxi, typically pink in flesh tone. An odd “breed” with questionable lineage. Some Tabax lose their hair to a disease or illness, some intentionally remove their hair - these, if discovered, are called out as faux-xarlines. Those who naturally have no hair are true Xarlines and fairly rare. True Xarlines tend to be reserved and withdrawn, shaped by generations of distrust and shunning.

Leop: lean form with spotted patterns, this culture of Tabaxi are often primal or less cultured and less intermingled.

Dusklun: all black with yellow eyes and subtle variations. The Duskluns are sleek and revered and often exemplify the purest and most attractive features of the Tabax race. Many of the most religions Tabax are Duskluns as well. Wealthy or poor they are often enlightened and in pursuit of higher more lofty goals.

Yersock: Elongated in form and influenced by the human Hadi culture from off-world. Yersocks are viewed by some of the other Tabaxi subspecies as cultural traitors. As a culture many exhibit a respect for tradition and honor and have adopted the ways of the Hadi.


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