Steampunk Grafts in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

Steampunk Grafts

Steampunk Grafts

Mechanical hands, robotic eyes with an unnerving red glow, ports and wires running down the length of someone's arm— these grafts are a popular, if invasive, way of garnering an advantage over one's foes or curing the Doomed condition. Grafts are more robust and customizable than any organic limb. Sometimes, these components are obtained from the deceased to serve as replacement parts, and other times, they're intentional upgrades, built to fit the recipient's needs.

All the items presented in this section are considered magical technology for the purposes of spells and magical effects that influence such technology.

Attaching a Graft.

Attaching a graft for the first time requires a laborious or emergency surgical procedure, normally removing an original or damaged body part. This procedure takes one hour and requires a healer's kit, a set of mechanist’s tools, and a knife (or a facility with access to such tools), as well as someone to perform the operation. A graft is permanent until another graft is provided to replace it.

This surgery is intensive and necessitates recovery time. When you finish installing a construct graft into your body, you lose half your hit points and all of your hit dice. For 24 hours after installation, you can't use the graft's abilities, as you adjust to its presence. Replacing a graft or adding a new graft in its body slot takes only 30 minutes. You still lose half your hit points when replacing a graft, but you don't lose hit dice.

Constructs. Constructs can replace grafts with customized or improved components with ease. A construct can install a graft on themselves with 10 minutes of work, requiring the construct to disable a part of its body, remove it, and install the new component. A construct can install grafts without assistance, unless the graft is installed into the Head or Arm slots. Constructs require no recovery time and suffer no penalties after adding a construct graft.

Body Slots. Each graft takes up one of the following slots: Right arm, Left arm, External, Head, Internal, or Legs. You can't have more than one graft in the same body slot. For instance, if you already have a right arm graft, you must remove it before you can attach a different right arm graft.

For the Doomed. For characters with the Doomed condtion, randomly determine the injured body slot that is immenently causing thier death - the flesh (or graft) that was previously there is too damaged to be saved and will need to be replaced with a new graft to end the Doomed condition.


Cost. The cost of obtaining and installing grafts are shown on the Graft Cost table below. Given time, most of these can be acquired at far cheaper rates, if one is willing to track down a disreputable seller and accept the risks inherent to an unsanitary operation.



The following construct grafts are listed alphabetically.


Adamantine Plating

Slot: External

Prerequisite: Construct race

Your Armor Class equals 17 and any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit. You can't wear conventional armor while you have this graft installed. You can only install this graft if you are proficient with heavy armor.


Arcane Synapses

Slot: Head

You have stolen a bit of arcane potential by inserting some additional arcane nerves into your brain. You learn one cantrip of your choice from the wizard spell list. Intelligence is your casting ability for this cantrip.


Arm Blade

Slot: R or L Arm

Whenever you would normally be able to draw a weapon, you can collapse your mechanical hand into your forearm with a flick of the wrist, extending a wide shortsword in its place. You can revert it to its normal form whenever you could normally stow a weapon. While this weapon is installed, you are proficient with it and can't be disarmed of it. You can't hold or otherwise manipulate a weapon, shield, or other object with an arm that is transformed.


Arm Cannon

Slot: R or L Arm slot

One of your arms is replaced wholesale with a powerful blaster cannon. This arm cannon lacks any hand or manipulator, so you can't use that arm to hold or manipulate objects while the arm cannon is installed. Only one of your arms can be an arm cannon. An arm cannon is a blaster that deals 2d8 radiant damage on a hit and has the Blaster (range 30/120) property. You are proficient with it and can't be disarmed of it.


Concentration Module

Slot: Internal

Prerequisite: Spellcasting feature

Your body houses a mechanical mind, secondary to your true mind, to assist in arcane focus. Whenever you make a Constitution saving throw to maintain concentration on a spell, you can add your spellcasting ability modifier, instead of your Constitution modifier, to the roll.


Embedded Battlefist

Slot: R or L Arm slot

You replace one of your hands (your choice) with an imposing, articulated gauntlet / battlefist. While this weapon is installed, you are proficient with it and can't be disarmed of it. Additionally, it has the Light property.


Embedded Phaser

Slot: R or L Arm slot

One of your hands is mechanical and can transform into a phaser. You can transform your hand into a phaser any time you would normally be able to draw a weapon, and can revert it to its normal form when you could normally stow a weapon. You are proficient with this weapon and can't be disarmed of it. You can't hold or otherwise manipulate a weapon, shield, or other object with an arm that is transformed.


Embedded Translator

Slot: Head

You have a universal translator magic item installed within your skull and can use the effects of it at will.


Finger Picks

Slot: R or L Arm slot

Your mechanical hand has retractable thieves’ tools built directly into the fingers. You are always considered to have these thieves’ tools on your person and can conceal them perfectly. If you are proficient with thieves’ tools, you can add a +2 bonus to ability checks you make using them.


Heart of Steel

Slot: Internal

You have replaced your heart with the core from a construct. As a result, you can ignore the effects of 1 level of exhaustion, and you only need to rest for 4 hours to gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep. Because constructs already have construct cores, they can’t install this graft.


Heavy Legs

Slot: Legs

A mechanical exoskeleton, rooted in your legs, helps carry your weight. Your lifting and carrying capacity doubles.


Impulse Unit

Slot: Legs

You have installed thrusters into your legs and back. On your turn, you can use 10 feet of your movement to leap 10 feet vertically. In zero-gravity environments, this allows you to move 20 feet in any direction on your turn.


Infrasight Eyes

Slot: Head

You have replaced your eyes with sensors that can see in the dark. You gain darkvision, the ability to see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.


Logic Unit

Slot: Head

Having augmented your brain with an algorithmic processing unit, you have advantage on Intelligence checks to perform mathematical operations and solve logical dilemmas.


Mithral Plating

Slot: External

Prerequisite: Construct race

Your Armor Class equals 14 + your Dexterity modifier. Additionally, you have resistance to lightning damage. You can only install this graft if you are proficient with light armor.


Overdrive Module

Slot: Internal

You have installed an internal generator, which can accelerate your metabolism for a short while. You can use your bonus action to fire up your Overdrive Module. For up to the next minute, whenever you make an ability check, attack roll, or saving throw, rolling a 19 counts as rolling a 20. This effect ends early if you roll a 1. Once you use this ability, you must finish a short or long rest before using it again.



Slot: Any

One or more of your organs or limbs has been interchanged with an efficient mechanical version. A replacement can effectively solve any amputation, organ failure or doomed condition, but they can't return to life someone that has died; such work is solely the domain of necromancy. Replacement limbs appear metallic or otherwise mechanical. A replacement organ or limb takes up one body slot relevant to it; for example, a robotic hand takes the right or left Arm slot and a replacement kidney takes up the Internal slot.


Shield Module

Slot: External

By activating this mechanical plate installed near your spine, you can cast the spell mage armor as a bonus action targeting yourself, without using a spell slot. Once you do so, you can’t cast the spell again using this graft until you finish a long rest.


Spiked Plating

Slot: External

Your Armor Class equals 14 + your Dexterity modifier (maximum +2). Additionally, your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 piercing damage and, whenever you begin your turn grappling another creature, that creature takes 1d4 piercing damage. You can only install this graft if you are proficient with medium armor.


Tesla Module

Slot: Internal

This device, installed in your chest, electrically polarizes your skin and discharges a shock of electricity to attackers. Whenever a creature within 5 feet of you hits you with an attack, you can use your reaction to deal 1d6 lightning damage to each creature within 5 feet of you.



Slot: Internal

This component protects your body from extremely hot or cold conditions, allowing you to endure the Extreme Temperatures (see Appendix E) of space and other harsh environments without taking damage.


Traction Spikes

Slot: Legs

Retractable spikes in your legs and feet allow you to climb more quickly. Climbing no longer halves your speed and you have advantage on saving throws against being moved against your will or knocked prone.



Slot: External

Folded into your back and resembling a hump when not in use, these silver, clockwork wings allow you to soar. You can deploy or retract these wings as a bonus action. While deployed and unencumbered, they grant you a 30 ft flying speed (60 ft. if a constructed paragon with wings). Whenever you spend 3 full consecutive rounds airborne without landing, you gain a level of fatigue. Any fatigue gained in this way is removed upon finishing a short or long rest.

Additionally, as a reaction while falling, you can deploy your wings to glide gently to the ground. You can do so even if you have no time remaining to use your wings.
NOTE: The Doomed condition is for the Level Up rule system and does not apply to 5e.


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