Ruins of Elder Hall Building / Landmark in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

Ruins of Elder Hall

The Ruins of Elder Hall

A band of Kobolds in habit the ruins of this town. The most prominent structure is The Ruins of Elder Hall (a place where the town elders used to meet).


The kobolds will be scattered around the town sleeping. The Kobold leader and his trusted retinue will be in the Vault sleeping on their "horde of treasure".
  The prisoners will be in room 4.


The Kobolds are more active at night, They have lit a bonfire for warmth. With the capture of Quarton Delatain, Quincy Delatain and Janadine Travis they are in a bit of an excited frenzy breaking open barrels taken from the down ship and are attempting a feast.
  As they sample the goods however, they become increasingly disappointed with the dried hard lentils, uncooked rice and coffee beans. The coins they captured however to give them pleasure and they've stored them below-ground in the vault accessible by trap door.
  They are in danger of eating one of their captives as the night wears on (see area 4 - Supply Room).

The Vault


1 - Stairway

A 5' wide set of stairs descends to a flagstone floor. Near the bottom of the stairs is an old chest covered in cobwebs (it contains torches that are well preserved).
  During the day, Kobolds in area 2 will be alerted to intruders descending the stairs.


2 - Foyer and North Foyer

At one time there were some commemorative moments on shelves in the eastern wall alcove - this has all deteriorated and covered in cob webs. However a Ring of "Age Telling" can be found in the debris (when two people touch if the wearer is older, the ring glows).
  The Kobold Leader has attempted to make a "horde" of treasure to lay on (30 gp and a bag of x5 10gp gems.
  A dim Continual Flame torch flickers on the wall.
  There is a statue of a robed Kelmonite figure here. An inscription in Kelmonian can be translated by magic to read: "While Elders guide and non-elders work, all serve one another - Adje Kada 6.4.1"
  During the day: Kobolds are sleeping here (unless alerted).
During the night: Kobolds are upstairs having a feast.

3 - South Foyer

A Continual Flame torch flickers next to a statue of a robed figure - an inscription in Kelmonian could be translated by magic to read "On the seventh day of the seventh cycle, the seven eldest shall govern for 70 days. - Adje Kada 7.3.9"
  The stone door here to Room 4 is LOCKED (The Kobold leader has the key).

4 - Supply Room

The prisoners are kept here.

5 - Archive

There is a door to the North (Locked) - the Kobold leader has it.
  The elders documents and texts were kept here, but they've all mostly deteriorated. However a few intact items remain:
    • In a bone scroll tube is a Charcoal Rubbing of an interesting circular pattern (This is an Anterians rubbing from a metal door in the rocks 12 miles east of here.
    • A glass vile containing a non-magical blue liquid (an Anti toxin - cures most poisons)


6 - Hall of Past Elders

    • Three Continual Flame torches illuminate this room.
    • Moth-eaten rugs like on the floor
    • 11 Sarcophagi
    • x2 Urns - one contains an assortment of candles, the other 12 shaped fist-sized polished stones (6 light, 6 dark, some kind of game).
    • Candelabra - silver (10 gp value)
    • A Chest - contains a copy of Chapter 1 and 2 of the Adje Kada, a necklace of gold (5gp value) and some wood animal carvings.
    • x2 Armor Mannequins - leather armor
    • A Statue of a hooded figure - inscription in Kelmonian can be read with magic: "A wises elder recognizes when one should no longer lead. Adje Kada 12.12.12"

  The Sarcophagi contain the skeletons of the elders - some Sarcophagi contain multiple skeletons.
  There is a stone door to area 9 with the Kelmonian inscription "Only the Elder can walk the Halls of Leadership, a journey taking a lifetime Adja Kada 7.3.25" - if it is opened by anyone who is not and elder from the vault-builders society, the statue will reveal itself as a Stone Cursed (see Volos) and attack the party.

7 - Hallway

There are pairs of columns along the hallway, touching a pair causes faint magical chimes to sound in the area.
  There are five pit-traps (1d8 piercing) in the floor covered by illusory floors. As long as someone is touching a pair of columns the illusory floors will hold the weight of a Medium or smaller person walking over them.

8 - Armory

The room is illuminated by a Continual Flame Torch.
  The North wall bears an inscription in Kelmonian. Magic can read it: "Reading in the dark is the folly of fools. Adje Kada 2.2.2"
  The North wall also has a magically concealed door (DC 25).
  There are two armor mannequins - one wears chainmail and the other wears a visored helmet and a shield (all normal).
  There are two copper-braziers - when ignited so they cast light on the wall, they will reveal the magically concealed door in the north wall.
  There is a bow, a weapon rack (empty) and archery target (all normal).

9 - Vault

ENCOUNTER: Violet Fungus
  There are x2 Continual Flame Torches mounted on the walls.
  There is a Raised Platform containing a semi-translucent pristine wooden chest.
  There is a Sunken floor containing a semi-tanslucent worn and alge covered chest and a pool of water.
  There are writings on the East wall in Kelmonian. Magic can read it: "Each new Elder reaches new heights of Wisdom by standing on the Wisdom of the Elders past. Adje Kada 2.1.1"
  When the Raised Platform is slid over the pool, the illusory chests disappear and real treasure chest appears. The chest contains:
  • all 12 Chapters of the Adje Kada - a Kelmonite manuscript detailing their culture - an orderly society governed by Elders. If one knows the language, reading it will take one month and grant a +1 to Insight Checks when dealing with other people.
    • x2 Healing potions
    • 1 gold necklace and gold pendant in the shape of a drop of water (worth 100gp). This items is a ceremonial necklace that new Elders wear for a month.
    • Silver goblet (10gp) - Also used in Kelmonite Elder ceremonies.


10 - Hidden Room

A brass cone that is 2 feet long and 1 foot wide at one and and 1 inch wide at the other. It radiates magic (Transmutation). Speaking any number of words into the narrow end generates a reverberating, gibberish "noise" that lasts for 1 minute. This "noise" is actually giberish in the Cyrlok language. In effect the cone hurls a [url:]Confusion[url] spell that affects only Cyrlok. The item can be used 3 times per day.
  In a wood scroll tube is a spell scroll that contains the spells:
Heat Metal
Blindness/Deafness (2nd)
Shatter (2nd)


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