Session 15 - The raising of Nidalia the Lamia in 100 Worlds | World Anvil

Session 15 - The raising of Nidalia the Lamia

Day 14 of Olmis (Continued)

  Night time outside Lance Rock   Gorn the soldier (who they’d rescued and sent on his way) emerges from hiding and joins their camp during the long rest. He was too fearful to travel the roads alone.   In the camp outside Lance Rock the PCs finish a long rest and send a message to Zane using the sending stone they were given (paraphrase: "we have the stone, enemies dispatched but not defeated, camped near Lance")   Less than 1 hour later, Rhuarc and 6 Leonids, Jento (M), Kensar (F), Tajer (F), Udella (F), Lelloa (F) and Casab (F), arrive in the field via a flash of purple light.   Rhuarc explains that he was sent by Zane to help secure the Silver Diamond and prepare/secure the area for the resurrection of Nidalia (the dead Lamia of good alignment). Introductions are made. Rhuarc believes Zane should be arriving by morning. He explains that the Leonids are help sent by an Oracle on Tycho I that Zane met with while researching the wisdom of resurrecting Nidalia.   Lane asks Inbar and Marliza (the two Jackalwears sent with the PCs) about the Leondis (they appear to keep their distance). The are keeping a safe distance and explain that most (but not all) Leonids on Tycho I were wanderers, nomads and briggands.   The Leonids keep their distance at first and set up their tents and begin maintaining a watch. While the Leondis are busy setting up camp, Rhuarc speaks with the PCs and asks if the diamond is secure and it is indicated that Josef has it. Rhuarc offers his portable hold as a hiding place if the party wants it, but they opt to hold on to it. Jento the Leonid seems to be watching Rhuarc, but does not interject into the private conversation the PCs are having with him.   Taraxacam begins patrolling the large camp. Rhuarc sets up his tent and is resting. The well-rested PCs are just killing time waiting for Zane / morning.   Thanatos is leaning against a tree at the edge of camp watching. He notices one of the Leonids, Lelloa, wears the symbols of Anubis (one of the Ancient Gods). He whispers a reference to the fact that Anubis judges the dead. Lelloa’s ears perk, she briefly pauses and makes eye contact with the Dragonborn. They nod at each other, perhaps acknowledging their collective faith in the rebirth of the ancient pantheon.   After the camp gets quiet Rhuarc gets up and approaches Josef and makes small talk (and then drops a note on the ground). Rhuarc then says something about needing to relieve himself and he heads off to the designated "latrine" away from camp. Joesf waits a bit then nonchalantly fetches the note which reads: "The furry-eared ones have amazing senses. Not 100% sure of their loyalties. Meet me at the edge of camp to discuss - have the others occupy them for a bit."   Josef eventually rises and walks into camp and says he’s going to pass the time by meditating on some ideas he has for opening the adamantium strong box. He sets the box by the camp's fire and this draws the attention of the Leonids, including Jento) who gather around (except two who patrol). The story of how difficult the box is to open is re-told for all to hear.   Thurgood begins ritual casting Identify with hopes of learning the boxes secrets.   Obviously interested, Jento calls Tajer over to look at the box. As she inspects it Olivine begins to explain the techniques Taraxacam and he tried and how the box "should have opened, but magic seemed to interfere". Tajers eyes are wide and eager to have a go at opening the box - soon the two are discussing a plan of attack on the box - each picking up on some new techniques from the other!   Thurgood finishes his casting and detects that "Arcane Lock" is ensorcelling the strong box - making any lock much harder to open.   Josef slips away to the edge of camp to meet up with Rhuarc in secret.   Soon Lane casts a spell boosting the chances of Tajer and Olivine. With all the early ground work from Taraxacams assisted attempt earlier in the day the rogues have a triple advantage in opening the box! There is a tense, yet expectant hush in the camp and finally the tell-tale "click" of a lock no longer secured.   Cheers abound with Tajer and Olivine forging a common bond of accomplishing a difficult task.   Everybody peers inside the box to see three scrolls. Jento rapidly loses interest and calls his pride to him. The PCs investigate their new find and discover a small cache of necromantic spells: Animate Dead, Vampiric Touch, Crown of Madness.   Meanwhile at the edge of camp Rhuarc and Josef have a secret conversation. Rhuarc gives Josef two "decoy" gems and suggests distributing them amongst the group - He says he hopes all Diamonds "smell the same" and might throw the Leonids off (if they are up to no good). Josef takes the decoys and the two return to camp.   Josef finds Taraxacam and gives him the REAL diamond and distributes the decoys to ??? and ???. he tells Taraxacam that if things "go down" high-tail it to Red Larch with the Silver Diamond.   The camp once again grows quiet for a bit until Jento, Kensar and Lelloa approach Taraxacam who has been patrolling and avoiding the crowd of folks in the center of camp. The Leonids make small talk and engage in barter with Taraxacam.   -Jento gives Taraxacam wine he has made and encourages him to not let it go to waste.
  • Lelloa gives him a necklace in exchange for a blanket of warmth.
  • Kensar offers a bracelet "of great tribal value". Taraxacam roots through his backback and finds a gem he got in Lance Rock.
  • At the finding of the gem, there is increased interest and further inquisitions about more valuable gems Taraxacam may have. Kensar says that gem he found is not valuable enough for the trade and asks what other more valuable gems he may have (he has hidden the Silver Diamond in a pocket inside his shirt). Taraxacam does not locate anything of greater value in his pack. Kensar peers into the backpack over his shoulder while he searches. She asks if she may look. He agrees and she pulls everything out in a very thorough search for something of more value.   The leonids exchange looks and Kensar then begins "cuddling up" to Taraxacam. It's as if she is patting him down looking for something, but appears to not find anything. Alarmed at what is happening, Rhuarc finds Lane and voices concern over the events and Lane wanders over to pay closer attention. Others soon join.   With all the folks joining the "barter circle" Jento instructs his pride to return to their tents and that barter is “over”.   Taraxacam re-packs his backback and sits at the fire alone with his new necklace and wine. However, soon Kensar joins him and sits next to him. They begin sharing Jento's wine back and forth. Kensar leans into the Eladrin, and says "I’m so cold, I wish I had a blanket like the one you gave to Lel". Taraxacam throws a huge pile of wood ontothe fire. The camp groans at the flirtations (be they legitimate or staged). Old man Lane grows weary of the Leonid and watches her like a hawk (Also he doesn't want the inferno sized bonfire to burn down the camp and surrounding grassland)!  

    Day 15 of Olmis

      After finishing the Leonid wine, Taraxacam and Kensar finally grow quiet and pass out, snuggled against each other by the fire from 1:30 am until sun up.   As the sun rises, a purple light flashes in the field NE of camp - Zane, 4 acolytes and Korvala (the Jackalwere leader) approach. Finally!   Taraxacam and Kensar stir at the commotion. Taraxacam’s appearnce has changed to vibrant fall colors. Kensar crawls SW toward the Leonid tents.   Soon everybody (except Kensar) moves to the NE edge of camp to greet the approaching Zane and company. The remaining five Leondis are clustered together at one flank of the camp.   Greetings are exchanged and Zane sets a strong box down on the ground, unlocks it - within is the dedicated heart of Nidalia. He asks if the Silver Diamond has been recovered, and there is a resounding "yes". "If I may have it we can begin the resurrection."   Taraxacam looks to Josef who says its okay to give Zane the Silver Diamond. The eladrin reaches inside his shirt to the diamond's hiding place only to find he does not have it. Panic sets in as he frantically pats himself down. "Its gone!"   Ever-prepared and fully expecting shenanigans, Josef casts Locate Object and senses the gem rapidly moving SW to the forest! Lane says "but I watched them all night!"   Zane says "Get the gem!, we’ll secure the heart!"   Like the start of a marathon, PCs begin to depart camp at top speed after the not-as-drunk-as-she-appeared and fleeing Kensar - fleetingly visible running SW.   Rhuarc and Taraxacam lead the pack with Olivine trailing behind them. The others move at a much slower pace - but notice the 5 Leonids moving to hinder their pursuit. Skirmishes erupt all over the place.   Rhuarc yells to Taraxacam "Why do you guys cling to this diamond so hard? Forget all this imbalance shit, make your own balance! Help me get the diamond and I’ll make you rich!"   Taraxacam utters somthing like "I don’t want to be rich, I want friends!" At that Rhuarc takes off, and tackles Kensar and proceeds to beat her within an inch of her life with a vicious flurry-of-blows. "Give me the diamond," he shouts!   Taraxacam uses his new fall abilites to charm them both, and demands the diamond himself. With charmed eyes, Kensar says "yes, take it!" Taraxacam does so and begins racing back towards the camp. Rhuarc gives chase but is unable to attack the Eladrin due to also being charmed.   In the race back towards camp, Rhuarc encounters Olivine who fires an arrow at him. Rhuarc deflects it, and utters "The apple didn’t fall far from the tree did it? You son of a Zloy!". At that the pursuing Kensar leaps onto Rhuarcs back, raking her claws into him. Soon things are not going Rhuarc’s way (lots of misses). He says "I’m out, this was not supposed to be this hard!". He twists a ring on his finger and disappears! Kensar, charmed, follows after the object of her attention (Taraxacam), calling his name, but he is making a bee-line to Zane.   Meanwhile, some highlights closer to camp:  
  • Thanatos trips up Jento and the two juggernauts square off, however Casab (raging) tips the balance of this match up and has our Dragnborn concerned for his survival.
  • Lane casts moonbeam at Jento and hits him, but it is dispelled by Udella.
  • Lane hits Casab with Tasha’s Hideous Laughter and she goes prone. She is dragged from certain doom by Lelloa.
  • Josef casts heat metal on Udella, but Tajar's jabs break his concentration. However he and Thurgood have Tajar pinned down.
  • Lane casts "sparkle, sparkle" giving temp hp to Kensar, Olivine, Thanatos, himself and ???.
  • Taraxacam reaches Zane with the diamond. Zane says "We need to clear off the Leonids before I start casting, we don’t want to be interrupted."
  • Josef calls out something like, "The monk (Rhuarc) has left, we have the diamond. Cease fighting and nobody has to die!"
  • Jento growls but calls his pride to him. The Leonids regroup and healings are cast. Our beloved PCs do the same.
  • The charmed Kensar races up to Taraxacam, hugs him and kisses his cheek and says, "Our paths will cross again!" She then rejoins her pride and the Leonids move SW towards the Westwood forest.
  • With all immediate threats seemingly gone, Zane casts Resurrection and the dessicated lamia heart is filled with life and Nidalia is reformed by the divine magic of Pholtus!   Tears are shed as Korvala, Inbar, Marliza and Nidalia finally re-unite. Korvala makes introductions, speaking very highly of the PCs and how they helped turn a bad situation good.   Nidalia thanks the PCs for their major role in her re-birth. She explains she is indebted to them and is at their disposal. She tries to help them piece together the subterfuge they just saw. Her best guess is that the Leonids were operatives of Socreala, a sister-Lamia, who has been her long standing rival. She knows nothing of Rhuarc.   Zane reveals that Rhuarc has been caught a few times trying to profit off of events at Freehold, but thought he had "turned the corner" on his ways. He does say “But, he was trained by Zloy.” It is unclear to Zane if Rhuarc was working alone, or in league with the Leonids. It is a question for another day.
  • Wil (Taraxacam)
  • Mark (Thanatos)
  • Jay (Josef)
  • Owen (Olivine)
  • John (Lane)

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