The Painmaker | Feat | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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The Painmaker

Wrestler Class

A quick move which helps to set up the target for further attacks The wrestler grabs the opponent by the arm, then quickly pulls them into a knee strike to the face.

  • Make an unarmed attack roll against the target
  • On a successful hit, target takes 1d4 + Strength Bludgeoning damage
  • Target must make a DC15 Constitution Saving Throw. If they fail, they either become Staggered (see below) or the Wrestler can choose to Combo directly into a Finisher Move (see below)

Staggered enemies are susceptible to further attacks. Until the end of their next turn, any attack against them gains Advantage.
The Wrestler can link directly into another Finisher Move. This Finisher Move must consume a Finisher Point. The Wrestler gains Advantage on any Attack or Ability rolls required as part of this Finisher Move.

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