Random Background | Generic, Random Table | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Random Background

Roll the Dice
1-5Military veteran
6Reformed criminal
7Comes from a long line of tanners
8Once owned an inn that was burnt down by bandits
9Former alchemy lab assistant
10Disgraced noble
11Fought on losing side of civil war/revolution
12Former prostitute
13Refugee from land overrun by evil
14Pious member of a notorious family
15Ran away from a duel
16Left at the altar
17Criminal who retired after betraying rest of gang
25Recovering addict
26Childhood playmate of somebody important
27Killed someone in self-defense
28Escaped slave
29Falsely convicted and then escaped from jail
30Former indentured servant
31Ran away as a youth and joined the circus
32Abandoned spouse and children
33Former sickly child who overcompensates as an adult
34Failed priest
35Failed merchant
36Passed a guild test but too disillusioned to practice
37Outwitted powerful monster
38Practiced magic before a traumatizing accident
39Died but came back through magic
40Lost a magic item with potent abilities
41Ran for office and suffered a humiliating defeat
42Inadvertently saved the life of a future villain
43-45Lost a spouse or child
46Used to have to beg for food
47Former artist suffering from a creative block
48-49Raised by members of a different race
50Former witch hunter
51Pledged to keep a fantastic secret
52Wanted for serious crime
53Oppressed for race, sexuality, religion, etc
54Monster reincarnated as a human
55True heir to the throne of some distant kingdom, wants to reclaim his throne someday.
56Lifelong slave, looking for a new master.
57Escaped a cult
58Retired adventurer
59Fallen angel trying to atone
61-70Ordinary peasant
71Former mage
72Lost noble, unaware of their heritage
73Survivor of a terrible war
74Sole survivor of a massacre
75Last remaining heir to fallen noble family
76Unremarkable 4th child of peasants
77Moved away from a distant nation due to political unrest
78Moved away from a distant nation for trade
79Grew up in a small town
80Was kicked out of school for being too stupid
81Bullied someone important, paid dearly
82Was raised in a nunnery/monastery
83Fled the country after being accused of terrible crime
84Has never left their family's farm
85Dishonourably discharged soldier
86Lived as an apprentice most of their life
87Sold their soul and regrets it.
88Was tricked into a devil's contract.
89Was tricked into a fey bargain.
90Lost all of their riches in a tragedy.
91Former soldier with regrets about their actions in war.
92Once resorted to degrading acts to stay alive.
93Angered someone powerful by mistake.
94Was kicked out of family for their contrary beliefs or actions.
95Left home after reaching age of majority and never returned.
96Was a successful business-owner until natural disaster hit.
97Former sufferer of a deadly illness.
98Was disabled for most of their life until a miracle struck.
99Was never allowed outside as a child.
100Survivor of an assassination attempt.
101Was branded as slave.
102Victim of a monster's attack.
103Victim of love-based magic; still wants to return to their former partner.
104Victim of love-based magic; in hiding.
105Was the town bully
106Grew up in a large city
107Grew up in a rural area without much social interaction
108Was never permitted to speak to the opposite gender
109Was wrongfully accused of suffering a mental illness.
110Inhabited an asylum for some part of their life.
111Was born in a prison.
112Believed they were someone other than who they actually were.
113Was raised by only one of their parents for reasons other than death.
114Was raised by only one of their parents because of the other's passing.
115Grew up in freezing climates with little experience of the other extreme.
116Grew up in boiling climates with little experience of the other extreme.
117Was raised in an environment where there was little-to-no natural light.
118Received a deadly wound in battle and suffers its effects to this day.
119Falsely accused of cheating in an important situation.
120Cheated their way through something important and was never caught.
121Graduated an institution of learning with accolades.
122Saved someone's life.
123Escaped from wrongful imprisonment in a mental asylum.
124Was a champion whittler.
125Retired from adventuring after discovering love for baking tiny cakes.
126Lost an ear to a rabid ferret
127Seeking revenge for a tragedy
128Looking for a mage to fulfil a parent's dying wish.
129Trying to fulfil a dying wish.
130Looking for the cause of an odd occurrence at home.

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Statblock Type

Generic, Random Table
