Half-Elves | Race | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Ability Score Increase
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

The Half-elf is not a true race, but a mix of the Elves and Humans from youthful indiscretions. The experience is often joyful, at first, but the differences which first attracted them is often the eventually source of their suffering. A suffering known all too well by older and wiser Elves. There are a few true Half-elven communities, but their offspring often produce more elf-booded or human-blooded offspring. They do not share the Trance with their Elven parents, and if raise in Elven communities they are shamed for their cluminess and brutishness, often growing beards in defiance for social norms amongst the elves. They do tend to do better when raised in human settlements, at least at first. But they are a long lived race, and often see their own parent die of old age before full maturity. Because of this mix of human ingenuity and drive, with elven skills they are often more skillful in their areas of specialty than either parents, at least in the long term.   Ages: Maturity 40 to 140 years. Maximum age of 300 years.
Size: 5'4" to 6’2" tall, 80 to 160 lb.
Names: Depending on the parent that does the naming; Elven Names or Human Names.
Senses: Darkvision 60ft
Languages: Sylvan
Resistances: Charmed, Sleep  


  The most common form of Half-elf, born from Elven/human communities and every metropolitan elf across Faerun. They have a natural skill with woodshaping and herbs that far exceeds either parent, some twist of both skills. While a full-blooded elf is tied to nature, their half-blooded sons and daughters can extend their elven traits in more urban environments. They have a great tendancy towards diplomacy and leadership, but often populate Thieves' Guilds and the seeder parts of the world without enough guidance. Few have what could be called healthy relationships with their Elven parent. And their human parent rarely lives far beyond their maturity.   Proficiencies: Carpentry or Herbalism
Languages: Pick any three.   Shadow of the Moon: You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured.  


  A group of hybrid half elves born from the Shadowver of the Netherese Empire and their Elven allies. While many humans and even elves fell to the pervasive dread and malaise of the realm, these half-elves became something, else. Drawn to cutting their skin and piercing it with mental to heighten sensation and drive off the permanent feeling of ennui that has become their every day existence. They are often seen as dispassionate by their victims, but they have learned that every burst of emotion is merely it's death in the Shadowfell. Each laugh is choked off to ensure they can still laugh, each tear pulled back so they can still weep.   Resistance: Necrotic
Proficiencies: Finesse Martial Weapons, Bows, and Falchions   Blackstep: As a bonus action you can magically teleport 30ft to an unoccupied space you can see. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain expended uses on a long rest. When you reach 3rd level one creature of your choice within 5ft of you before you teleport must succeed on a Wisdom Saving Throw (vs DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your choice of Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma modifier) or be Frightened by you.  


  The royal bastards of court, few sun elves would ever admit to a dalliance with a human, let alone legitimise a bastard. Mixing this inner conflict and shame with their heridatory pride can be a volatile mix on their personality. Sun Half-elves often spend their entire lives being a shameful secret. 'That bastard'. This level of insecurity does inspire greatness however. Some of the greatest Archmages, Scholars and Artisans of the age thing of themselves as bastards to utter bastards. Prideful Fools.   Proficiencies: Finesse Martial Weapons, Bows, and one extra Skill or Tool in which you gain Expertise.   Cantrip: You know two cantrips of your choice from the Wizard Spell List. Your spellcasting ability for this spell is your choice of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.

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