Gifted Glassmith | Class Features | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Gifted Glassmith

Hit Points

Hit Dice: d6 per Gifted Glassmith level
Hit Points at first Level: 6+Con mod
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 + con mod


Armor: Glass
Weapons: staffs, Glass
Tools: Glassblower tools. jeweler's tools.
Saving Throws: Wis, Dex
Skills: Any 2

Overview & Creation

Potions. Potions. That is all the adventures ever want. then what do they do? Casually discard the bottles that you've worked so hard on. literally breathed life into. Well, let's see what they think about it when the glass is the masterpiece. Glass can be so much more than people give it credit for, and the world recognizes you as the one to prove it. You have been chosen as the Gifted Glassmith. Clearly the right decision.    This is a world-specific class.   This is a gifted class meaning it is more powerful than a normal class. If you accept you will be reduced in level to level one and forfeit the option to multi-class or change class. You lose all proficiencies and health associated with your lost class, however, the growth rate for gifted classes is high so you will catch up in no time.   The Gifted   This is a production class. meaning to be effective you must produce items to use in battle. Being a production class the battle starts in your workshop, long before you have any enemies in front of you.    This class comes with a curse of envy. While you have this class you may never be free from this curse. The curse of envy causes some of the previous holders of this class to stir in their grave. they are coming, prepare yourself.

Class Features

Advanced production

    When creating an Item you must have the materials and necessary tools and complete it in one sitting. The DM determines on a scale of 1 to 150 the difficulty. the time needed to create the item is a number of hours equal to half the difficulty. You may roll a D20 adding you're proficiencies to blacksmithing and reduce the amount of time by a percentage equal to the number shown (rolled 12 add proficiencies make it 15, reduce time by 15%). a critical failure causes the time required to double. If the production process is interrupted for more than 5 minutes then you are left with an incomplete product that you must start over with. Due to the nature of your class, you cannot make anything that is not 100% glass. please note that glass is a very broad category and you have yet to find all the perfect uses for this perfect material.  


  You can freely control the movement of objects made from 100% glass within a range of 10 times your level in feet. You may still only attack 1 time per action no matter how many pieces of glass you are controlling. if the glass is floating in the air then any creature may move it out of the way with minimal force if they move slowly, but like hitting water if they try to hit it then it stays in place momentarily.  

Glassmith Pride

  Glassblowers and other workers of glass recognize you as their pride and joy offering you room and board as well as materials to continue your trade. However, taking advantage of your fellow tradesmen is inadvisable.  

Glassmith Resolve

  You don't incur levels of exhaustion while making items from glass.    

Greater Magic Jar

  You have a 100% chance of giving your creations the magic Jar 1 ability. A 50% chance to give it the magic Jar 3 ability. and a 25% chance to give it the magic Jar 5 ability. And a 1% chance to give it the spell lense ability.   Magic Jar: When the object in question becomes the target of a spell of X level or lower instead of resolving normally the spell is absorbed and stored within the glass until the glass is broken. Then the spell resolves. X corresponds to the level of the magic jar.   Spell lense: When the object in question becomes the target of a spell then the spell is instead absorbed by the glass. The glass can store 1 spell and can either cast it and expend the spell. Or the glass can store it indefinitely and take on characteristics based on the spell stored. This can store up to level 8 spells.    

Glass Cannon

  As an action, you may sacrifice half your total health to make an attack with no more than 10 items you are currently controlling with Crystalinekenisis.

Liquid Glass

    You take the definition of glass to a new level. You are able to make and use the unique substance known as liquid glass. You may make one drop of this with 100 hours of continuous work. When not in use this must be stored in either an adamantine or diamond container otherwise it will cut through it and be lost.   Liquid Glass: A substance that shouldn't exist. both liquid and solid at the same time the only way to work with it is crystalinekenisis as touching it will rip apart most substances on an atomic level. although this process is not fast it will eventually eat through almost any non-magical material turning it into individual sub-atomic particles. any creature hit with it will take 1 slashing dmg per drop regardless of resistances, so long as the effect of crystalinekenisis is active you cannot be harmed by this substance. in addition unlike normal glass under crystalinekenisis' effects, this will not be pused out of the way if interacted with.  

Improved Wisdom

 When using glass to attack you may use wisdom for your attacks. whenever using wisdom you may act as if the modifier is 1 more than it actualy is.  


 You are imparted with the gift of making forward and backward lenses! these are very difficult to make and require some rare substances. But wearing them allows you peek through time. This hints at the connection between time and glass.   Backwards lens: allows the user to view what happened at a location from the beginning of time to the time the item is completed. this is made from obsidian, sand (ground stone, dried mineral dirt) from the location in question, and the ashes of a level 20+ caster, and takes the form of a crystal ball. difficulty is 300   Forwards lens: Allows the user to view themselves 1 hour into the future once a week. This is done in an instant, so the moment the vision ends the future is playable again. This is made from diamond dust, the tear from a deity, and scraping from the skin of the one that will use it, this item is then bound to the person it is made for. this takes the form of glasses, a monical, or other face wore lenses. difficulty is 300

Jar Improvement

 You are able to handle magic jars particularly well. enough that you are able to transfer spells between jars and even combine 2 in the same jar! when combining spells the result is a combination of effects, duration, dmg and so on. you may not do this for already combined spells.    


 This is a place from legend. The jealous castle. a place that no one can see, but can see everyone. A castle made wholely from glass by the first gifted glassmith and a place that holds endless envy. but not to you. To you, it is a welcoming home with the substance that you adore. You gain the right to spend the night in Wive once a month. you cannot take anyone with you, this is a place only for you. See the Wivu legend for details on the castle itself. you may spend a maximum of 10 hours in Wivu after which you must exit. however you may exit from any mirror in the world.       

Mirror of time

 You finally understand glass. The Jealous stone that everyone looks at but no one sees. And the one that carries the memories of the past. This is the task that all previous glassmiths have failed at... that we know of. Can you make the complete mirror of time? You have one chance. you must gather sand from every town, every mountain top, every island, and every graveyard in the world. using glass made from an equal and even mix of all these sands you must make a mirror with a diameter that is a circle with a diameter exactly 0.000000267 times the diameter of the world. any flaws whatsoever will result in a mirror of lesser qualty and your chance will be gone.   Mirror of time (complete): You can see the past in this mirror... kinda? Stepping into the mirror will send you back in time to any time you want. There is no way back though. You maintain all levels, items, and memories. However, it might be a good idea to stay away from yourself.   Mirror of time (flawed): You can see the past in this mirror... you think? Totally indiscernible from the complete Mirror of time. stepping into the mirror will send you back in time to a random day in history. there is no way back. You lose all levels, all items, and all memories.... It was clearly a mistake to envy the power of time.

Starting Equipment

Glassblower tools.   jeweler tools.   small bag of sand.   clothes.

LevelProf bonusFeature 
1+2Advanced production
3+2Glassmith pride
4+2Ability score increase
5+3Glassmith resolve
6+3Greater Magic Jar
7+3Glass Cannon
8+3Ability score increase
10+4Liquid Glass
11+4Improved wisdom
12+4Ability score increase
16+5Ability score increase
17+6Jar improvement
20+6Mirror of time

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Statblock Type

Class Features
