Gifted Author | Class Features | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Gifted Author

Hit Points

Hit Dice: d6 per Gifted Author level
Hit Points at first Level: 6+Con mod
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 + Con mod


Weapons: pen, quill
Tools: calligraphy tools, printing press,
Saving Throws: Int, Wis
Skills: History, Arcana, perception, two more

Overview & Creation

Write that down for later, take note of the bard's shoes. what is that person's motive? Must write. The lighting in here is horrible, the trolls should realy get some more modern sources of illumination. Must consult thesaurus on illumination. Day in and day out you write. not because you have to, but because it is joy, it is preserving this moment forever! This inspiration will take your writing to levels never before seen. You have the potential to be the best Author in the world. Your potential has earned you the right to be the gifted       This is a world-specific class.   This is a gifted class meaning it is more powerful than a normal class. If you accept you will be reduced in level to level one and forfeit the option to multi-class or change class. You lose all proficiencies and health associated with your lost class, however, the growth rate for gifted classes is high so you will catch up in no time. Be aware power attracts power.   The Gifted   This is a production class. meaning to be effective you must produce items to use in battle. Being a production class the battle starts in your workshop, long before you have any enemies in front of you   This class comes with a curse of pride. While you have this class you may never be free from this curse. The curse of pride causes people of the same profession as you to target you! In this case, most other authors in the world will be unfriendly to the point of hostility just hearing your name.

Class Features

Spell casting

  The gifted author uses his/her autobiography to affect the world around themselves, making reality bend to fit their story. With this, you may learn spells off of any spell list. Much like a wizard, you must prepare spells after every long rest. however, you do not have spell slots. If you have a spell prepared then you may cast it, however, the number of spells prepared reset after every long rest and casting a spell expends your preparation of that spell. The number of spells you prepare after every long rest is equal to 1/2 your level rounded up (minimum of 1), these may be of the same spell or deferent spell, your spells are always cast at the level they are prepared. You mush have your autobiography and a pen or quill and ink to cast spells.   Intelligence is your spellcasting ability for your spells since you learn your spells through writing them carefully into what is happening around you. You use your Intelligence whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Intelligence modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.   Spell save DC = 9 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier   Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier   So for example you are a 3rd level Gifted Author. after a long rest, you may prepare 2 spells of level 3 or below. they may be of any spell you know that is 3rd level or lower. When cast they are cast at 3rd level, and the preparation is expended.   NOTE: it never takes you less than an action to cast a spell!  


  Your Auto-Biography is a magical book linked you your own life force. You must keep it updated by spending at least half of a long rest (4 hours minimum) updating it every 48 hours, this does not count as a long rest. failure to do this results in being unable to use abilities or spells until you spend 1 hour updating your Auto-biography for every day missed. It is impervious to dmg by normal means but takes dmg when you do. When you die a tattered book remains with all you did in life. You can, however, lose your Auto-biography or have it taken away, if this happens you cannot cast spells, or use any abilities. make sure to stay stocked up on pens and ink as well, if you run out then you cannot use your abilities or spells. A pen lasts 1 week, a bottle of ink lasts 1 week but requires a new quill every day.   The spells that you add to your Auto-biography as you gain levels reflect the arcane research you conduct on your own, as well as intellectual breakthroughs you have had about the nature of the multiverse. You might find other spells during your adventures. You could discover a spell recorded on a scroll in an evil wizard's chest, for example, or in a dusty tome in an ancient library.   Copying a Spell into the Book: When you find a spell of 1st level or higher, you can add it to your spellbook if it is of a level for which you have spell slots and if you can spare the time to decipher and copy it.   Copying a spell into your spellbook involves reproducing the basic form of the spell, then deciphering the unique system of notation used by the caster who wrote it. You must practice the spell until you understand it, then transcribe it into your Auto-biography using your own notation. For each level of the spell, the process takes 1 hours and costs 10 GP. The cost represents the fine inks you need to record it. Once you have spent this time and money, you can prepare the spell just like your other spells.        

Refresh Notes

  On a short (at least an hour) rest, you gain a number of notes equal to your proficiency bonus, you may use these to prepare extra spells that you can cast without using a spell slot. but you must cast them before your next long rest or you lose them. If you have a bardic inspiration affecting you or an inspiration die you may roll 1d4 and add that amount of notes as well expending the inspiration. The cooldown on this is 12 hours   To use the notes spend 1 to prepare a level one spell, 2 to prepare a level 2 spell, and so on. This may only be done on  

Friend of the word

  You understand the written form of all languages, codes, ciphers, and can identify handwriting at a glance. In addition, your reading speed is considered ten times as fast as a normal person. In addition, you keep a constant tally of seconds in your Auto-biography, so you always know the date and time down to the second. At 9th Level you aquire the ability to understand the spoken form of all languages, at 15th level you gain the ability to fully use all languages in all forms and also gain the ability to make unbreakable ciphers and codes.  

Real-world Study

  You may copy spells into your Auto-biography that you learn from another person verbally if you both spend ten times the amount of time required to normally copy it down. this represents trial and error in making it into a form you can use. Additionally, you may cast spells without using vocal, somatic, and material components. However, if the spell requires a component that costs more than 49 GP then you must still acquire and expend the component.  

Mightier Than The Sword

  Your use of office equipment is... questionable. In your hand's pens become finesse melee weapons that deal 1d6+Dex, quills become ranged weapons with a range of 30ft that deal 1d6+Dex, both deal magical piercing dmg for overcoming resistances. This improves to 1d8 at 9th level, and 1d10 at 15th level.  

Improved Production

3 When producing an original work it will take a number of hours equal to 30-your proficiency bonus - your level to Finnish to your standards. Bardic inspiration cuts this time in half. It takes very little effort to sell your work anywhere books are bought. The value is a number of GP equal to 50 times your level. This effort expends 1 week of writing materials and you must procure a blank book of excellent quality.   You have a 1% chance to produce a magical work that is imbued with a random spell you know. This book may cast the spell it is imbued with once every 48 hours for free. It's modifiers and DC is equal to your's when you made it. This makes the book vastly more valuable based on the level of the spell. At lvl 15 this chance upgrades to 5%   NOTE: be careful of attention that excessive selling of quality products may draw. You may be asking for a challenge you are not ready for if you saturate the market.  

Favorate Spells

  At level 6, 9, and 15 choose a spell you currently know. You may prepare all of them free of charge one time free of charge whenever you use your prepare notes ability.  

Pamphlet spells

  On a short rest (at least an hour) if you do nothing else you may create a pamphlet spell. This acts like a one-time use spell scroll that uses your spell modifier or DC that you had when you made it. You must consume fine paper equal in value to 10 times the level of the spell you are using, as well as one day's worth of writing materials. Anyone may use this to cast the spell for free, however, if the spell requires a material component that costs more than 49GP they must still acquire and expend the component.   In addition, these pamphlet spells may be programmed to go off under certain circumstances. these may be as detailed or as broad as you like. They may refer to the passage of time, the interaction of certain creatures, or general events happening. However, the effects fade with time and after1 month these products lose all effectiveness.  

Great Work

  You have been struck by insperation. Now is the time to make your mark on history. By spending 100 collective hours, 100 days of writing materials, and a blank tome worth no less than 1,000 GP, you are able to create one legendary tome. Bardic inspiration will cut 2 hours off of the time needed to produce this word, but you cannot get this bonus from the same bard more than once. You may make one of the following, naming it as you like with content appropriate for the ability. Great workds cannot be reproduced. You may delay use of this one-time ability for as long as you want.   Epic   Show Spoiler
A story that inspires the reader to be like the protagonist, this may be in the form of a play, a novel or any other way of telling a story through the written word. After reading the first few words people are compelled to read the whole story. After reading the complete work in one sitting (no less than 4 hours in length) the reader acquires a bonus to stats that affects all rolls having to do with those stats, this lasts 24 hours and does not stack with itself. The stat bonus is determined by the author on creation, for a 4 hour read it is an increase or decrease of 2 to any stats this number increases by 1 for every 2 hours it takes to read to a maximum of 20 hours (10 points). The effects of the epic may temporarily increase stats beyond 20. if any stat is pushed to 0 by this then unconditional instant death occurs. A bard may read the work out loud on a successful performance check with DC equal to the number of hours it takes to read + 10 he will impart 1/2 the bonus rounded down to anyone who listed the whole way through. To sell this would be as easy as showing it to someone. Anyone would buy this. Once completed the author gains +1 to all stats permanently and but may not gain the benefits of reading the Great work. this can push stats past 20
    For dumbys manul     Show Spoiler
A non-fiction instructional manual that is easy to read and comprehensive. When a person reads this work in its entirety (no less than 10 hours) they gain a great understanding of the skill contained within. This must be something the author is familiar with. This may teach the use of one spell that the author knows regardless of their class the reader may learn the spell as if it was one in their class. Or this can teach proficiency in a skill, save, weapon, or tool. Or it can teach someone how to do a task like beachcombing, or spelunking in witch case whenever doing the specified task the reader may add their proficiency bonus on top of any other bonuses. This may not include things too broad to cover effectively such as fighting, casting spells, or walking. It must refer to a specific type of place, situation, or type of object. Reading the Great work again dose not give additional benefits After completing this great work the author gains effects based on what was in the manul. If it taught a spell then he may prepare it twice using the resources and time it takes to prepare it once. If it taught a skill or proficiency then the author gains proficiency if he didn't have it already, (this represents the study of the skill) and whenever checks are made with that proficiency any roll over 17 is considered a critical success. If it instructed on a specific task the author auto crits on the task described. the author does not gain the benefits of reading the great work. To sell this would be as easy as showing it to someone. Anyone would buy this.
  Class-Study     Show Spoiler
A non-fiction work that focuses on one class upon reading the complete work (no less than 24 hours) gives the reader a one time level up in the class chosen by the   This is regardless of multi-class rules or exp. Reading the Great work again dose not give additional benefits. however, the class described cannot be a race-specific class, gifted class, or a class that the author has not seen in action. Upon completion of this great work, the author gains a benefit related to the class. The author gains the first non-spell casting ability granted to the class described. The author does not gain any benefit from reading the great work. To sell this would be as easy as showing it to someone. Anyone would buy this.
  Creature-Study     Show Spoiler
A non-fiction work that focuses on one creature type. This includes comprehensive knowledge on everything from dietary habits to sleep cycles. After reading this work (no less than 10 hours) the reader is always able to recall information on the creature type, has advantage to hit, track, and on saves imposed by the creature type. In addition creatures of the chosen type are vulnerable to damage from the reader. No additional benefits are gained from reading this work again. Upon completion of this Great Work, the author gains all benefits of the great work in addition to auto crits against the chosen creature type. To sell this would be as easy as showing it to someone. Anyone would buy this.

Mispelling[h/1]   When preparing a spell you may purposely change a number of letters equal to your proficiency bonus into other letters or spaces. This affects only that instance of the word in the spell description. If the wording makes no sense or creates a logic loop the spell does not work. But if it does make sense then the spell functions according to the typo rules. This does not work for numbers.

Artistic Liberties

  You may choose a number of spells you know equal to half your level rounded down and gain the ability to prepare and cast them for one level below their cost. every two levels you may choose one more spell to do this with.  

Second Draft

  You may re-roll any check, attack, or save once per short rest.  


  By spending 1000 hours, 1000 days of ink, and a Tome that costs no less than 1 million GP. You may make your masterpiece. This is the reason you were born. Your cherry on top, your peak, everything before and after will pale in comparison to this work. bardic inspiration will take 2 hours off the production time, but the effect will only work once per bard. You may make one of the following, naming it as you like with content appropriate for the ability. Great workds cannot be reproduced. You may delay use of this one-time ability for as long as you want.   Epic   Show Spoiler
Just seeing the cover of the epic is enough to compel someone to read it. Upon reading the complete work in one sitting (no less than 20 hours) the reader assumes the persona of the protagonist for 3 days. magic makes up for lacking or overqualified stats, as well as ideals, memories, spells, and items. The magic involved is at the level of a 10th level spell for purposes of dispelling. at the end of 3 days, the effects disappear along with any items, memories, and ideals. Effects such as curses, blessings, and memories of what was done while transformed remain, and the creature who read the book gains 3 levels of exhaustion. The book may not be read again for 1 month. The author creates a character sheet with a level no greater than 15 and no less than 1 with items that cost no more than 10,000 GP. The classes involved cannot be Gifted classes. Upon creation of the Masterpiece, the author gains a permanent +2 to all stats. This can boost stats beyond 20. To sell this seems wrong. But it's not likely to be turned down no matter the price you demand.
  Compendium   Show Spoiler
A non-fiction work dedicated to knowledge encompassing a subject. It could be creatures, metals, spells, or something more political like corporations, or treasure hoards. The person who possesses this work has unlimited, current, detailed knowledge on the topic. This is organized in a fashion that makes it easy to reference and it is magically updated every 60 seconds. The Author can freely access the knowledge without possessing the book, so long as it is on the same plane of existence. To sell this seems wrong. But it's not likely to be turned down no matter the price you demand.
  Instruction Manul Show Spoiler
A non-fiction work that instructs a person how to do anything. From construction to sword techniques this gives you the route most likely to succeed. Simply ask it will give you a ready-made plan. It does not help you beyond the knowledge you already have but gives eventualities, price projections, items needed. But conversely, it can tell you how to perform a spell to maximum effect, or take over a kingdom. It is up to you to do it though. answers typically take 20 seconds to 1 week to appear depending on complexity. Once you ask it a question you may not ask again for one day. The author may ask the book a question without being in possession of it and receive an answer within 1 day so long as it is on the same plane. To sell this seems wrong. But it's not likely to be turned down no matter the price you demand.


  The world mistakes you for the author of the world! 1 hour after you acquire level 20 when you are alone you will find a nondescript notebook and a number 2 pencil. You have 60 seconds to write one thing in it before it disappears. If it evades detection by the original author then it becomes true. careful about changing big things otherwise it will get overwritten. But who would notice if you lived forever? Or if a perpetual rainstorm started on a town you don't like? think quickly, write small.

Starting Equipment

1 autobiography   1 pen   10 quills   2 ink containers   1 scholars pack

Levelproficiencyfeaturemax level of spell able to cast
1+2Refresh notes, spell casting,2
2+2Friend of the word,2
3+2Real-world Study3
4+2mightier than the sword, ability score improvment3
5+3Improved Production3
6+3Favorate Spell3
7+3Pamphlet spells4
8+3ability score improvment4
10+4Great Work4
12+4Ability score increase5
14+5Artistic liberties5
16+5Ability score inprovement6
17+6Second draft6

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Statblock Type

Class Features
