Potions of Healing | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Potions of Healing

Potion Common

You regain hit points when you drink this potion. The number of hit points depends on the potion’s rarity, as shown in the Potions of Healing table. Whatever its potency, the potion’s red liquid glimmers when agitated.


Potion of …RarityHP RegainedCost
HealingCommon2d4 + 1 + CON50gp
Greater healingUncommon4d4 + 2 + CON250gp
Superior healingRare8d4 + 4 + CON2500gp
Supreme healingVery rare10d4 + 16 + 2x CON25000gp

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