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Colossus, Arise!

Daughter of Cadixtat (Fire Giantess) CR: 9 (5000 XP)

Huge giant (elemental, fire), chaotic evil
Armor Class: 18 (plate armor)
Hit Points: 288 ( 16d12+96 )
Speed: 30 ft


25 +7


9 -1


23 +6


10 +0


14 +2


13 +1

Saving Throws: Dex 1d20+3 , Con 1d20+10 , Cha 1d20+5
Skills: Athletics 1d20+11 , Perception 1d20+6
Damage Immunities: fire
Languages: Giant, Primordial
Challenge Rating: 9 (5000 XP)


Multiattack. The giantess makes two Ur-Lirean Lead Polearm attacks.   Ur-Lirean Lead Polearm. Melee Weapon Attack: 1d24+11 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 6d6+7 fire damage. The giantess can deactivate the flame of her polearm using a bonus action and turn the damage type into slashing if required. A target hit by Searing Polearm is also disarmed on a failed DC 18 STR Saving throw (the weapon flying up to 1d24 feet away). On a successful disarm the giantess can make another Ur-Lirean Lead Polearm attack against the same target with disadvantage. This attack scores a critical hit on a 20 to 24 and roll a d8 on critical table G for additional critical hit results (DCC pg. 385).   Ray of Fire. Ranged Spell Attack: 1d24+11 to hit, range 60 ft., one target. Hit: 4d10+7 fire damage. This attack scores a critical hit on a 20 to 24 and roll a d8 (or d10 if marked) on critical table G for additional critical hit results (DCC pg. 385).  

Bonus Action
BITTEN THREAD (EEG Domain, 1/day, as part of a melee attack). The giantess searing polearm burns at your soul. Bits of your spirit come out in bloody chunks. Take normal damage, plus age 1d4 years plus now in 1d10 * 1% Experience Point debt. Your next Experience Points gained go to repairing the wound in your soul. Your Experience Points do not go down; the next experience gained is lost. A CHA save halves the damage/effect.   ORGAN REVOLT (EEG Domain, 1/day). The giantess stares at your torso, whistles, hoots and claps as if encouraging a workers’ brawl. Your organs lose their sense of wholeness and, believing themselves trapped in a cage of flesh, fight to leave. Roll all your Hit Dice. Ignore any Constitution bonuses or penalties (the total Hit Dice of your character, usually equal to your level). If the total is over your current hit points, take the difference as damage. If the amount of damage you take is higher than your highest-rolled individual Hit Die, then an organ has burst out of you and escaped. Thankfully this is almost always one of the less vital, truculent, working-class organs like the spleen or liver; you will not immediately die, but you will need to catch that organ and shove it back up in yourself.   SPIRIT ANIMAL SONG (EEG Domain, 1/day). The giantess whistles. The target's spirit animal animal crawls up out of the target's throat. This is a small animal with your Wisdom as its Armour, Hit Dice equal to yours and hit points equal to its Hit Dice. You also suffer any harm or effect suffered by the animal. If it dies, your soul is gone. Your existence now ends with your death. To divinely aware agents or individuals, you will look like a robot or a construct, an empty thing walking around. No more divine healing. Clerics lose all abilities. The giantess will attempt to catch and eat your soul. She can do this with a successful melee attack against the spirit animal. The target can do the same to regain its spirit-animal soul.   OXYGEN NOTE (EEG Domain, 1/day). A gabble-hum of tongue clicks and bad noise. This only works on simple gases (they lack character), and only for a moment. A point of fire incarnates in the air, following the voice’s address point. Like an invisible baton. Fire swing fantasia note. If this happens inside you, you are now a briefly active involuntary flamethrower and take 36 fire damage (no save) and begin suffocating until you receive 36 points of magical healing.   FIREWALL (EEG Domain, 1/day). The giantess can trigger a wall of fire that circles her causing damage to anyone who attempts to enter melee with her.


Parry Spells. With her Ur-Lirean Lead Polarm, she may use her reaction to “attack” any spell cast at her giantess. The giantess must make a successful attack against an AC equal to the caster’s spell check total ( 1d24+11 ). If giantess “hits” and inflicts “damage” equal to the spell level ( 6d6+7 ), the spell is successfully countered, though not lost by the caster.

With dark skin and flaming red hair, fire giants have a fearsome reputation as soldiers and conquerors. They dwell among volcanoes, lava flows, and rocky mountains, and are known for their ability to burn, plunder, and destroy. Master crafters and organized warriors, fire giants dwell among volcanoes, lava floes, and rocky mountains. They are ruthless militaristic brutes whose mastery of metalwork is legendary.   Fire Forged. Fire giant fortresses are built around and inside volcanoes or near magma-filled caverns. The blistering heat of their homes fuels the fire giants’ forges, and causes the iron of their fortress walls to glow a comforting orange. In lands far removed from volcanic heat, fire giants mine coal to burn. Traditional smithies occupy places of honor in their demesnes, and the giants’ stony fortresses constantly belch plumes of sooty smoke. In more remote outposts, fire giants burn wood to keep their forge fires lit, deforesting leagues of land in all directions.   Fire giants shun cold as much as their cousins the frost giants hate heat. They can adapt to cold environments with effort, though, keeping their hearth fires burning bright and wearing heavy woolen clothing and furs to stay warm.   Martial Experts. From birth, a fire giant is taught to embrace a legacy of war. At the cradle, its parents chant songs of battle. As children, fire giants play at war, hurling igneous rocks at one another across the banks of magma rivers. In later years, formal martial training becomes an integral part of life in the giants’ fortresses and underground realms of smoke and ash. The fire giants’ songs are odes of battles lost and won, while their dances are martial formations of pounding feet that resound like smiths’ hammers throughout their smoky halls.   Just as fire giants pass down their knowledge of crafting from generation to generation, their renowned fighting prowess comes not from wild fury but from endless discipline and training. Enemies make the mistake of underestimating fire giants based on their brutish manner, learning too late that these giants live for combat and can be shrewd tacticians.   Feudal Lords. Humanoids conquered in war become serfs to the fire giants. The serfs work the farms and fields on the outskirts of fire giant halls and fortresses, raising livestock and harvesting fields whose bounty is almost entirely tithed to the fire giant kings.   Fire giant crafters work through insight and experience rather than writing or arithmetic. Though most fire giants place little worth on such frivolousness, they sometimes keep serfs at court who are versed in such skills. Serfs not destined for court or the fields (especially dwarves) are taken to the fire giants’ mountainous realms to mine ore and gemstones from deep within the earth.   Fire giants low in the ordning manage the mine tunnels and the serfs that toil there, few of which survive the difficult and dangerous work for long. Though fire giants are skilled in the engineering of mine tunnels and the gathering of ore, they place less importance on the safety of their serfs than on smelting and working the bounty those serfs produce.   Skilled Artisans. Fire giants have a fearsome reputation as soldiers and conquerors, and for their ability to burn, plunder, and destroy. Yet among the giants, fire giants produce the greatest crafters and artists. They excel at smelting and smith work, as they do at the engineering of metal and stone, and the quality of their artistry shows even in their implements of destruction and their weapons of war.   Fire giants strive to build the strongest fortresses and most potent siege weapons. They experiment with alloys to create the hardest armor, then forge the swords that can pierce it. Such work requires brawn and brains in equal measure, and fire giants high in the ordning tend to be the smartest and strongest of their kind.   Note, female fire giants are taller than males (males stand 12 feet tall and look like beardless dwarfs, females 14 feet) and unlike their looking husbands are beautiful, tall and lithe by human (and giant!) standards.

Suggested Environments

Mountains, Volcanos

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Statblock Type

