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Guide to Tags

Tags are a method to organize your articles and make them easier to find. Unlike categories, articles can have many tags, and non-article content, such as maps and images, can also be tagged.


How to add tags

Here are the different locations where you can add tags:

  • Articles: find the tags field on the right, just under the view button.
  • Images: in the Images section of your world, select the image and use the tags field on the right panel.
  • Maps and other content: you'll find tag options in the settings section.

Tag naming conventions

You can name your tags however you want, but here are some points you'll want to keep in mind:

  • You don't need to use the # symbol as part of the tag.
  • Tags are case insensitive, so the system will consider BadGuys and badguys to be the same tag.

You can keep track of your tags in the Notebook. A future update will include tag auto-completion.


Using tags

Here are all the different ways you can use tags in your world!


When using the search feature of your world, in both view and edit modes, the system will look through tags too. This has a number of useful implications:

  • If you tag all evil factions and characters as evil, you and your readers will be able to get all of them with the keyword "evil" (make sure not to accidentally spoil a plot twist!).
  • You can use tags as aliases. For example, if a character is known as both "Udan Holmes" and "Detective Udan", you can use one of the two as a tag.
  • For articles with complex titles, you can even tag the article with common typos. This will make the article searchable even when you don't spell it properly!

Automatic lists

You can generate lists of all articles that have a specific tag. These lists will always be updated as you add and remove the tag from articles.


The basic functionality is achieved by using the [tagged:TAG] BBCode tag (for example: [tagged:evil]). Check this how-to to learn how to customize the list.


Diplomacy webs

You can use diplomacy webs to generate a visual representation of the relationship between all organization that have a give tag. Check the guide to diplomacy webs to learn how.


Advanced: CSS styles

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CSS is a coding language and requires advanced technical knowledge. For beginners, it is a significant time commitment to learn. Please note, we can't offer support on general CSS questions.


Tags are added as classes to the content you add them too. This means that, for example, you can apply specific CSS to pages tagged as evil. If you want to use tags as CSS selectors, make sure you don't use spaces or other characters that can't be used in CSS.