Guild Theme Gallery

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This page is a list of all Guild Themes available to you, in alphabetical order. Learn more about styling your world.


Area 51

For all the science "fiction" lovers and conspiracy nuts investigators out there! Originally created by .

Suggested genres: sci-fi, contemporary fiction, corporate intrigue

Area 51.webp

Bright Fantasy

An enhancement from the default World Anvil theme. Originally created by Damion Otter.

Suggested genres: high fantasy, historical fiction, adventure

Bright Fantasy.webp

Cyberpunk 2020

A retro-future look with purple and bluish neon colours, punchy yellows and colourful shadows. Originally created by TJ Trewin.

Suggested genres: cyberpunk, sci-fi, futuristic fantasy, intrigue

Cyberpunk 2020.webp

Deadhouse Sonata

A dark theme featuring Apolypse333's upcoming MMO. Originally created by TJ Trewin.

Suggested genres: dark fantasy, low fantasy, grimdark, mystery, intrigue

Deadhouse Sonata.webp

Deven Rue

In honour of Deven Rue, the Mistress of Maps! Originally created by TJ Trewin.

Suggested genres: high fantasy, historical fiction, adventure, alternate history

Deven Rue.webp

Dungeons & Dragons

Inspired by the style in the Dungeons and Dragons 5e manuals. Originally created by Damion Otter.

Suggested genres: high fantasy, adventure

Dungeons & Dragons.webp

Eldritch Horror

A dark theme focused to modern horror in reds, grays and dark deep purples with an accent of a sickly otherworldly green. Originally created by TJ Trewin.

Suggested genres: horror, mystery, dark fantasy

Eldritch Horror.webp

Elven Forest

It's green, it's foresty, it's a great clean theme for bright fantasy settings, originally created by TJ Trewin.

Suggested genres: bright high fantasy, nature-focused stories

Elven Forest.webp

Galaxy Anvil

A sci-fi theme, with plenty of customization options. Originally created by Sierra Brown.

Suggested genres: sci-fi, space opera, space exploration

Galaxy Anvil.jpg

Modern Spaceships

Clean, blueish and subtly metallic, originally created by TJ Trewin.

Suggested genres: sci-fi, hard sci-fi

Modern Spaceships.webp


A generic, light coloured theme. Originally created by Damion Otter.

Suggested genres: alt-history, realistic fiction. Genre-agnostic.



Opulent is a rich, mysterious, dark theme suitable for many genres. Originally created by TJ Trewin.

Suggested genres: fantasy, intrigue



A dark, gloomy, rusty and grungy theme. Originally created by Damion Otter.

Suggested genres: low fantasy, wild west



In honour of the Ghosts of Saltmarsh campaign, ran by the Great GM and sponsored by World Anvil. Originally created by TJ Trewin.

Suggested genres: fantasy, anything with a focus on water



A medieval theme for refined ladies, gents and otherwise identified folk. Originally created by Lewis Sherman.

Suggested genres: medieval fiction or fantasy, historical fiction



A purple theme, originally created by TJ Trewin.

Suggested genres: fantasy, romance



A dark but vibrant theme, well suited for Dieselpunk and related genres. Originally created by Dimitris Havlidis.

Suggested genres: dieselpunk, dark fantasy, intrigue



A dark, sci-fi theme. Originally created by Damion Otter.

Suggested genres: sci-fi, space exploration, dark fiction


Stranger Worlds

Inspired by Stranger Things. Originally created by Damion Otter.

Suggested genres: horror, mystery, intrigue

Stranger Worlds.webp

Summercamp 2019

Celebrating Summer Camp 2019! Originally created by TJ Trewin.

Suggested genres: summer vibes, bright fiction

Summer Camp 2019.webp

The Great Gamemaster

Featuring our beloved Guy, the Great GM. Originally created by TJ Trewin.

Suggested genres: high fantasy, historical fiction, adventure

The Great Gamemaster.webp

These are the Voyages

Love the journeys of a certain spaceship named Enterprise? Check out this Star Trek-inspired theme originally created by

Suggested genres: bright sci-fi, exploration, light-hearted fiction

These are the Voyages.webp


A black-and-white (but mostly white) theme, for those who like things clean and clear. Originally created by TJ Trewin.

Suggested genres: bright fiction; genre-neutral


Wild Wild Steam

The perfect theme for steampunk settings! Originally created by TJ Trewin.

Suggested genres: steampunk, magi-tech

Wild Wild Steam.webp


Created in honor of World Ember 2019! Originally created by TJ Trewin.

Suggested genres: dark genre-agnostic


Your World, Darkly

A dark and gloomy theme. Originally created by Damion Otter.

Suggested genres: dark fantasy, mystery

Your World, Darkly.webp


A harmonious, calming theme. Originally created by Damion Otter.

Suggested genres: low fantasy, bright fantasy
