03 The Menace of the Metal Snakes from Planet Mongo! | World Anvil
The Menace of the Metal Snakes from Planet Mongo! cover

03 The Menace of the Metal Snakes from Planet Mongo!

Created : 31st October 2007 Render Engine : Vue 7; Notes : The metal snake is Serpentallica by Serrge at DAZ. Dale's outfit is the Sorceress of Belgarath by Baron Vladimir Harkonnen at Planet Vixens and her hair is the Portia Hair from DAZ. The blasts of fire from ray gun and spaceship are free at Cornucopia 3D by George Gregory.
  The body of the spaceship including the port holes was all modeled directly by me in Vue using simple booleans, so I did some work other than just putting the pieces together.

The Discontinuum
Original Title
The Menace of the Metal Snakes from Planet Mongo!
DMFW with Vue


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