Slaves are bad, mostly because they're POOR by Finnan | World Anvil

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Finnan TeaLeaf

Slaves are bad, mostly because they're POOR

by Finnan Tealeaf

Welp it's about time to take my leave of my Halfling Hamlet and head to some sort of civilization. I mean I need to put my highly tuned weight alleviation skills to the test, plus perform my tales for bewildered local townsfolk. Somewhere small but upcoming where I can corner several choice markets....ah Glenhaven it is seems perfect. I hear of a local merchant that wishes to travel to Glenhaven and needs an escort sure, I'll come along sure dump ooph half-orc, human or dwarf will step to the front lines to prove his masculinity and I can stay in the back with my trusty bow and a hand from a far. My first companion is of little use a half-elf bard by the name of Matthias, doubt he'll be getting into the thick of things, will probably want to stay further back with me......ahem the ranged area is crowded buddy to the front lines with you. My other companion equally as useless and more of a threat at my dominance in the back rows, a bloody half elf sniper scout!, drow to boot to make her blending that much easier. I will not say I was jealous but damn that was some skill set. Here we were 3 ranged members of a party waiting to be mauled apart by some melee Barbarian or Heavily armored fighter, GREAT START! However fate shined on my that day and this big glorious hunk og MEAT SHIELD was met on the road... A huge Golden Dragonborn named, Tozawa Takamochi, from some far off land and constantly jiberring and jabbering about honor this and honor that. Blah Blah blah blah as long as it means that you will stand in the front lines and engage in melee combat while I'm either dispatch enemies from the shadows or at a distance with my bow....then by all means HONOR away my boy! I suddenly felt more at ease and relaxed and our journey to GlenHaven continued.
Welp on our travels we spotted some smoke over the treeline and Slyvia and I ventured forth to scout and investigate. We came upon a small camp of 8 commoners armed with pikes and a well armored man wearing insignias from Lurgas. Great eight slaves and one commander, sure there was plenty of loot to be had here, did I mention that slaves are POOR. I mean they literally have nothing except the clothes on their backs and can only give you two things when you fight to free them, JACK and SHIT. What a waste of fucking time but ugh the rest of my party is going to want to free these slaves and stop this group from Lurgas from ambushing and robbing future merchants wandering down this road....Uhm now there is a profitable pass time, MERCHANTS are the opposite of slaves. Usually quite wealthy and barely put much of a fight, talk about easy coin. Anyways Tozawa and Slyvia discuss for a bit and decide that dispatching the leader will probably make the slaves surrender and end the fight quickly. Well duh there fucking slaves, did I mention SLAVES are POOR, and would obviously welcome freedom and not being slaves anymore, great plan. We take our positions and, BAM!!! a fire a beaut of a shot right into this bastard's rib. Sylvia lands a shot and Tozawa runs right up to the front to fight everyone at once.. FOR HONOR!!! hahahahahahahahahaha!!! I go to finish this bastard lieutenant and he grabs one of the commoner's and jerks him in front of my shot and BAM! right between the eyes! I mean its a dirty scummy move but you still gotta admire the ingenuity! Welp one or two more meat shield down and Sylvia eventually drops lol Lurgas Lt. with an arrow right to the heart! Tozawa and Slyvia begin freeing and tending to the slaves and I begin tending to the Lt's pockets. LOL priorities people went not much of worth 50gp. Alright I actually feel bad for the slaves and decide to divvy out some of the gold to the survivors and the rest to my comrades and off to GlenHaven we go.
We arrive at GlenHaven, immediately Tozawa and Slyvia are off to bring the slaves to the authorities and inform them of what occurred. Ya I'm not going to lie old Finnan here and the authorities don't mix too well and I go to my local favorite spot the Tavern. When I arrive I see the Bard, Matthias entertaining the locals. Playing his instrument and spinning tales of our travels and deeds, not half bad the boy has some skills. I decide to pick up second fiddle and act out the tales he is describing while passing around a mug for donations. 10sp not too shabby, I hand the bard his 5sp and think if we got 10sp from these poor commonfolk in GlenHaven imagine what we can haul in the larger cities!!! Not to mention what I can alleviate from people as well during performances. I may have misjudged you my boy, Matthias this may be the start of a beautiful friendship.
Now to convince old honory, deep scaly voice to act as muscle.....that's gonna take some precision and time. Worst case scenario those criminal slaves I gave some coin to can always be called in repay a debt. ;-)

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  1. Slaves are bad, mostly because they're POOR
    Finnan TeaLeaf
  2. Highway Robbery