Highway Robbery by Finnan | World Anvil

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Fri 25th Jun 2021 02:30

Highway Robbery

by Finnan Tealeaf

It all started with a note written in the rather cryptic tongue of my profession. What profession O I have many, and don't you worry about lackluster details of this tale and please allow to me continue as storyteller is one of my many professions that I hold dear.
Off to the SongBird's Hollow I ventured, approached the barkeep and asked to play a game called something or another, once again lackluster details need not be included. Well that got me an invite to a rather interesting endeavor. I had a sitdown with some rather interesting folk a lovely lady known as Beatricks, a rather peculiar elf or half elf, Ivellios, could never tell the difference, with a beautiful snow owl, Amaia perched on his shoulder and lastly a human male known as Cayden. Before we went on to discuss the particulars of our impending endeavor, they had some formal matters to discuss and obviously I obliged them. They had spoken to me about their establishment and if any one people were lightening the loads and purses of coins it would be immediately dealt with. Also the sherriff Jor Haldon had been inquiring in the increase in these activities and has been investigating them thoroughly. I rather resented the accusations and assured them I do not associate with these sorts of hooligans and furthered assured them that if I would encounter any search debauchery during one of my performances I would immediately make them aware.
We went on to now discuss the peculiars of said mission on which we would embark. Later on slightly during the beginning of our mission I meant another fellow of like minded pursuits known as Links during the recon phase of our mission. We immediately bonded and worked together in tandem and gathered much recon/info that was required for our mission. He even proved extremely useful from out of nowhere arrived during a puzzling part of our expedition and immediately moved us forward...well done chap!!!
As for the other 3 that accompanied us they were quite impressive as well. However, that Ivellios is quite perplexing for me. He says, "This shall be peaceful", then erupts from the shadows into a bout of GLORIOUS VIOLENCE and FORCE....so I follow and he is unpleased. Very confusing....Details details details, don't you worry about that nonsense. All you need to know is that my meeting went splendidly! Our mission was a glorious success! I made some dear friends and companions of a likemind ! Lastly, I may or may not...fingers crossed, be invited into a special club!!!!!
You want to know more? Maybe swing by the SongBird's Hollow and catch one of my performances!!! Try the Dragon'sBreath you will not be disappointed and if you would like toss a coin to your performer.....he is rather impressive afterall ;-)

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  1. Slaves are bad, mostly because they're POOR
    Finnan TeaLeaf
  2. Highway Robbery