Thank Gaius by Claus | World Anvil

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Thu 8th Oct 2020 11:45

Thank Gaius

by Knight of Endurea, Follower of Gaius Claus Schulte

Dear Gaius,
Thank you. I hadn't doubted you for a moment. Malwyn tried to infect my mind with talk of deception, but I knew better. His wicked ways were justly ended thanks to myself, my team, and, of course you, Gaius. It was a hard-fought battle, and there were a few close calls. I even had a moment where I could've sworn I was knocked unconscious by Baly, but I suppose I was mistaken due to the rush of battle. Ultimately, I survived. I endured. With the Everrook free of Sadariin's minions, we're one step closer to wiping out his blight altogether. I'm glad, but I can't help but feel wary. Malwyn spoke as if he was only one of many who had breached the wall. If that's true, this battle has only just begun. I can only be thankful that I have my comrades with me.
Lady St. Claire, despite her lack of experience, saved my life. No matter how you look at it, that's indeed what happened. She may have made some mistakes, but where it counts, I'm grateful she was there. My concern for her safety remains, but thanks to this peculiar ability of hers, I feel like she'll be okay. I certainly hope you don't intend to prove me wrong, Gaius.
Balasar was someone I was unsure of initially. He's an outsider, but I've always been one to treat others equally. As you taught me, Gaius. Throughout all we've been through, he has shown to be a valuable asset on the battlefield. It's not often I find someone I can trust my life with, but I believe I may have found that in Baly.
Yoni was a person I thought I had pegged from the beginning. Short-fused, short-tempered, and, well, short. And while she hasn't exactly proven me wrong, she has certainly got me thinking. If what Her Majesty says is true, the Copperlock name is an impressive one. To live up to such potential is a harrowing task, indeed. I wish her the best of luck.
If this prophecy Elarno spoke of is true, we must be able to put aside our differences and become a cohesive unit. Sadariin is on the horizon, and he must be stopped. I must stop him. As long as I can keep my team in line, we will win against any adversary that comes our way. And with you at my back, Gaius, how could we lose?
Preservus Leonus,
Claus Schulte