The Humble Adventurer by Claus | World Anvil

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Sat 26th Dec 2020 11:11

The Humble Adventurer

by Knight of Endurea, Follower of Gaius Claus Schulte

Dear Gaius,
I can barely bring myself to write today. I've heard some truly horrible possiblities regarding Aeran, and possibly even the very structure of Endurea. These... Ragsmen; a group of mindless bandits preying on the citizens of Aeran. Their kind, I can handle. But it seems this problem goes further. According to our intel, the Ragsmen are under the employ of the Rembrandts. I don't dare put into words the implications of something like that, if it were true. The priority right now is to deal with the Ragsmen, which we were successfully able to do by combining our skills and manipulating the enemy into entering our turf; a fool's decision. We've made swift work of them, and are onto our next task: Entering their turf.
Preservus Leonus,
Claus Schulte