At the Druids Cottage by Amarille | World Anvil
Uktar 16, Waxing crescent moon

At the Druids Cottage

by Amarille Trisquinal

I just finished standing watch with Keth outside the Druids cottage. It has been a trying few days for him. I had thought that speaking about his mother would bring him comfort, but perhaps I was wrong. Vengeance doesn’t seem to be helping him. Perhaps it is too soon. There is still one cultist left, will killing them bring him peace? If not, who is left after that? Talos himself? Keth wouldn’t be the first to hate a god, but what peace can there be in that? I hope this doesn’t break him.
Eethyl has been surprisingly clear and forthcoming. It makes me wonder if his rambling is a condition that comes and goes or if he’s simply aware of the need to communicate more clearly. He did a pretty bit of magic at the stone circle to illustrate a memory. I think that it came about that Sefilwyn recognized a member of his family. Humans aren’t meant to be so long lived. I wonder at the effect it has on her mind. Are humans equipped to handle an understanding of the long arc of time like that?

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  1. The right direction
    Mirtul 24 1467
  2. An unwelcome surprise
    Kythorn 6, 1467
  3. Ambushed
    Kythorn 12 1467
  4. Rescue
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  5. Daggerford
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  6. Hungover
    Elasis 1 1467
  7. Waterdeep
    Eleint 16 1467
  8. A Few Days in Waterdeep
    Elient 19 1467
  9. Peony
    Eleint 22 1467
  10. Leaving Waterdeep
    Eleint 29 1467
  11. A few days outside of Waterdeep
    Waning gibbous in Marpenoth 1467
  12. Reorienting
    Full moon in Uktar
  13. Leaving the cottage
    Waxing crescent in Tarsakh
  14. A motley crew
    Uktar 6, 1492
  15. An elm by a stream
    Full moon in Kythorn
  16. The Dragon Barrow
    Uktar 7, 1492 Waning half moon
  17. Sparring with Keth
    Uktar 7, 1492 Waning half moon
  18. Sefilwyn
    Uktar 12, 1492, waning crescent
  19. Trust
    Uktar 13, 1492 New Moon
  20. At the Druids Cottage
    Uktar 16, Waxing crescent moon
  21. To the Tower
    Uktar 20, Waxing crescent
  22. Friendship
    Uktar 25, waxing half moon
  23. In the gatehouse
    Uktar 28, waxing gibbous moon
  24. Research in Neverwinter
  25. Timeline of events relevant to Ebondeath
  26. Leaving Neverwinter
    Nightal 7 Waning gibbous moon