To the Tower by Amarille | World Anvil
Uktar 20, Waxing crescent

To the Tower

by Amarille Trisquinal

It was gratifying to be right about the ghost and the crab. That was the only positive part of the whole day so far. She was grateful to Eethyl for his quick thinking with the Feather Fall spell. That would have ended badly otherwise. She didn’t know what he was doing with the crab though. Did he think they were going to leave him behind while they went on to the tower? Not only was the causeway clearly unsafe (especially for a smaller body such as that of a gnome) but they clearly needed his spells and knowledge to figure out what to do once they got to the top.
The skin prickled across the tops of her shoulders and down the backs of her arms. Everything about this place felt wrong. There was the heavy smell of ozone and the unnatural charge in the atmosphere, but that was easily explained by the lightning and the storms being drawn to the tower. In the past she had felt like a situation was going to go sideways before the trouble had started. She knew that feeling well from the last few decades. She knew to listen to that instinct. What she was feeling was something else. Was it the god? She had never knowingly been under the direct regard of a god before. She had prayed, of course. She had felt a vague sense of comfort from Selune. Again, this was different. She was intensely wary, but didn’t speak up. What would she have said?
Flicker pointed the stone at her. She had seen Eethyl, Keth, and Flicker talking about it a few days ago, but she hadn’t been able to hear what they were saying. Now it seemed like it was allowing Flicker to see something? She was holding it up to her eye. Then Flicker started asking about her ‘Animal Friend’ and Amarille realized slowly she meant YueLiang. In that moment the whole world stilled and she felt an icy cold wash over her. No one, absolutely no one, had ever seen YueLiang before. And if she’d had to pick someone, it sure as the void wouldn’t have been Flicker. On top of the feeling of dread it was too much to handle at once. She put Flicker off until later. Flicker seeing YueLiang was a problem that was going to keep. The sinister presence in the tower is what needed her focus in this moment. Everything in it’s own time.

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  2. An unwelcome surprise
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  3. Ambushed
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  4. Rescue
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  5. Daggerford
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  6. Hungover
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  7. Waterdeep
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  8. A Few Days in Waterdeep
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  9. Peony
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  10. Leaving Waterdeep
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  11. A few days outside of Waterdeep
    Waning gibbous in Marpenoth 1467
  12. Reorienting
    Full moon in Uktar
  13. Leaving the cottage
    Waxing crescent in Tarsakh
  14. A motley crew
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  15. An elm by a stream
    Full moon in Kythorn
  16. The Dragon Barrow
    Uktar 7, 1492 Waning half moon
  17. Sparring with Keth
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  18. Sefilwyn
    Uktar 12, 1492, waning crescent
  19. Trust
    Uktar 13, 1492 New Moon
  20. At the Druids Cottage
    Uktar 16, Waxing crescent moon
  21. To the Tower
    Uktar 20, Waxing crescent
  22. Friendship
    Uktar 25, waxing half moon
  23. In the gatehouse
    Uktar 28, waxing gibbous moon
  24. Research in Neverwinter
  25. Timeline of events relevant to Ebondeath
  26. Leaving Neverwinter
    Nightal 7 Waning gibbous moon