Tier 1 by Leon Harrington | World Anvil

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Tue 16th Apr 2019 04:51

Tier 1

by Leon Harrington

Mission 1: Goods and Travel -COMPLETED- 1 MV (Van Epselonoric)
A small group of merchants has sent messages out for adventures to help them with travel, starting in Steton.
Traveled with Inverno Frost (deceased), Tonash (retired), and Sin Nel Ael (retired).
Mission 2: Cult of Personality -COMPLETED- 1 MV (Zathrasi)
A halfling man named Jute needs help finding missing people before the harvest at a small town in Steton.
Traveled with Mary (deceased), Eaton Kenneth, and Dame Davis
Mission 3: Search For The Missing Bones -COMPLETED- 1 MV (Cephalopodo)
A small farming settlement has been complaining about their bones going missing. You've been sent to investigate.
Traveled with Grigori (retired), Durin (retired), and Kazuo Song-Joo Dae
Mission 4: Ginger, Spice, and Everything Nice -COMPLETED- 1MV (Momo)
Somewhere in Krazax, Ginger is in need of some brave heroes to rescue him from a pesky snowman.
Traveled with Sultry (retired), Grigori (retired), and Sullivan Lost
Mission 5: The Baleful Ballad of Brackmire: Finale -COMPLETED- 2 MV (CitizenJoseph)
I joined a small party in Khao that were investigating a manor for the Sister of Fate, Deshawna.
Traveled with Vadram, Rhogar, and Aelin Reis
Mission 6: Silky Smooth -COMPLETED- 1MV (Rufi0h)
A merchant of the Great Bazaar want the eggs of a special species of spider found in the jungles of Khao.
Traveled with Vadram, Titherus Orssi, and Losizi Sol
Mission 7: Eldritch Fields -COMPLETED- 1 MV (Ser Nurp)
A letter has been sent out from the village of Shadebrook in Dolten, calling for aid against an eldritch presence that stalks their land, taking their people. The letter asks that heroes come quickly, to find and rescue their people who have gone missing, and stop this entity.
Traveled with Mary (deceased), Ariadne Haywood, and Lynn Adeya
Mission 8: Dungeons not Dragons -COMPLETED- 1 MV (Asentientmimic)
Following poorly made posters that have been posted around Kalkatesh, you answered the call for adventure, and went to investigate a curious cave in Krazax.
Traveled with Dame Davis, Jagen SeaCarver (deceased), and Roman Blake (deceased)
Mission 9: Dark Vaults of Amor -COMPLETED- 1 MV (CitizenJoseph)
Investigate the reappearance of fallen heroes of yore and rescue villagers from an enslaving force just inside the Badlands.
Traveled with Kazuo Song-Joo Dae, Ruuk Blackblood, and Isten
RP event: Raided and Rotten -COMPLETED- 140gp (TaCo)
The Town of Zaegar’s Price has been raided in the night. Homes burned, supplies stolen, and stables opened to release the mounts. Showed up with other adventurers to help clean up and rebuild the town.
Helped track a griffon for an elderly stable-master (Granny), returning it to the town.
Teamed up with Linwrick Mossfoot, Estelle Lotus, Heather, Astraeus and Devolia