The Jigsaw Case - Incident Outside the Wanderer's Doltenian Outpost - Leon's Logs by Leon Harrington | World Anvil

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Tue 16th Apr 2019 08:05

The Jigsaw Case - Incident Outside the Wanderer's Doltenian Outpost - Leon's Logs

by Leon Harrington

Shortly after dealing with the drunken chipmunk shenanigans alongside Vorazun and Grigori, I decided to continue searching for the undead wildlife reported in the area. Accompanied by Argus, the World Wanderer who originally discovered the creatures presence, we left the outpost in search of any oddities.
Using my familiarity with undead to sense for their presence, Argus and I established a perimeter around the area, slowly increasing the radius of our search. Once we were approximately 200 feet from the outpost I began detecting the presence of powerful undead, unlike anything I had sensed before. At this point Argus and I decided to get back up before perusing the threat. I stayed to continue tracking the creature(s) presence while he attempted to sneak back to the outpost. When he turned around both the outpost and the road were no longer in sight, and it was impossible to get a baring on where we were. We had been surrounded by strange magics preventing any escape, Enchantment, Conjuration, Transmutation, Necromancy, Divination. The Jigsaw Killers' signature.
As we attempted to examine our surroundings, a pit formed underneath the two of us dropping us both into complete darkness. As I cast light to illuminate the pit, the undead presence that had remained 30 feet from for us during this time suddenly blinked, and appeared in the pit, nearly filling the limited space before us. The creature was spherical, consisting mostly of eyes with a large maw. Both Argus and I felt a disconnect between us and our respective deities. Argus teleported to edge to the edge of the pit in an attempt to secure a rope for my escape. It was then that *HE* appeared, at the edge of the pit, a faceless man in a tailcoat, wearing a bowler hat. He impeded Argus who, through shear strength, held the rope instead. When I attempted to cast a spell against the man (hold person) it instead rebounded forcing me to save against my own spell. As I climbed the rope out, The man reaches down Argus' throat with his arm, pulling out a golden beetle and leaving him voiceless.
The creature in the pit began laughing, and the man swallowed the golden beetle. As Argus and I pulled ourselves out over the edge of the pit the man laughed in Argus' voice before dropping into the mouth of the beast, deep within the pit. The pit collapsed and the magical distortion choking the area shattered and faded, leaving us on normal ground. The world road was once again in sight, we were still 200 feet from the outpost. After catching our breaths, and a little healing, we made our way back to the Wander's outpost, meeting with Ambassador Chloe.
After meeting with Chloe, Argus and I informed her of events we had just experienced. She informed me that she also had an interaction with the Jigsaw Killer in the past and brought up that Argus' voice may be mostly recovered through the spell "lesser restoration." I attempted the procedure and was successful but recommend caution. The resistance if the Jigsaw Killers' magic remained and am unsure of the consequence of failing this spell. Future procedures of this nature should only be handled by experienced casters ((Tier 2 minimum)). I also found out that during Chloe's encounter with Jigsaw, she was made invisible, deaf, mute, and blind simultaneously. He also told her that he collects eyeballs, likely to be used in the creation of that undead creature that accompanied him.
Regardless, I am alive, I am well, and someday I won't be the one helpless before him.

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  1. Tier 1
  2. The Jigsaw Case - Incident Outside the Wanderer's Doltenian Outpost - Leon's Logs
  3. The Jigsaw Case - Killer's Profile - Leon's Logs