01 - Opening Ceremonies & Sumai Assassinations by Makoto | World Anvil

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Thu 21st Apr 2022 05:35

01 - Opening Ceremonies & Sumai Assassinations

by Makoto

The Winter Court at Clawpoint Castle has already taken an interesting turn. As soon as the Court opened, the Imperial Princess, Ikoma Kimiko, had all of the Clan banners removed from the walls of the Great Hall. It was something else to see the faces of everyone in attendance, wondering what they had done and then listening to Kimiko's reasonings. They were not prepared to scramble as they did. I did not feel she was wrong to accuse all the Clans of being incompetent; someone let the Oni through and gave way for it to slaughter the Emperor. I wonder how close to her father Kimiko was, and if that is what's fueling her frustrations with the Clans. It was smart, to make the Clans scramble to prove their innocence, their ability to protect the empire. It took courage to pull a stunt such as that, and I can respect the princess for doing it.
Not everyone thought this, of course. A number of Crane elders left immediately. From what I know of the Crane from my time with them, I'm not surprised they would remove their support of her after having their loyalty and competence questioned.
That was a week ago. A representative of the East Wind arrived last night, and I find myself hoping this means that the two eldest Imperial children can put their differences aside. Perhaps it is a hope in folly, but only time will tell.
Today has been just as intense as the first day. The morning was rather quiet. I met with some trademasters still here representing their masters while games of Go took place in the Great Hall and training sessions occurred in the Dojo. I heard an Akodo general stormed the Great Hall, though, with a small army behind them. It has gotten a bit more crowded today than it had been the last week. I first thought it was because of the impending Sumai, but it seems this Akodo was unhappy about the Lion banner being removed from the wall. I heard he was pacified, but I hadn't heard much else about it.
The Sumai in the afternoon started well. The first couple of matches were entertaining to watch. From what I could see, at least, from my box. It was no place of honour, that is for sure, but I did enjoy the company I sat with. But, unfortunately, not all stayed well. In the middle of one of the matches, I saw an assassin, of all things, making their way to the Imperial Princess. I acted as fast as I could, and managed to knock her out of the way of an arrow. Mostly. Regrettably, I was not entirely timely with my rescue and the Imperial Princess was still grazed - and poisoned - by the offending shot. With help from a mysterious ronin, I... ended the assassin who shot the princess. Unfortunately the ronin, a girl named Nayoko, was arrested shortly thereafter. It's a shame, really, she helped the Imperial Princess, only to be locked away in a cell. Her eyes were so blue...
I've conducted business with Lord Hida at the sakehouse. I was only able to complete one part of the trade at my lady's request, the other will have to wait until Lord Hida hears back from his superiors. I admit, it was nice drinking with him, and it was endearing to watch how he and his wife behaved with each other. As much as I detest the idea, if I am to marry, I hope it is to someone I can look at the way Lord Hida and Lady Hiruma look at each other.
But I did learn, through him, that Nayoko-san is to be presented before the Court tomorrow. And... it doesn't look good in her favour. It was suggested that I should lend my voice to her aid, risk what little reputation I have newly received for this ronin. While I'm unsure my voice will be heard, I will do what I can. Nayoko-san helped us, she deserves a chance to prove her innocence.
In other notes, I have not yet uncovered the senders of two of my letters. The first a puzzle; it sounds like something Hisashi would do, though I don't recall him being so pretty with his words. At least not with me. But if it is him, and if I can figure out these letters, there is a prize waiting for me that will help toward my goals. For that reason, I mustn't give up! The other letter... I admit I'm not too interested in finding out who sent such hateful words. I believe it to be another Mantis. I had thoughts of an acquaintance of my father, Ryubuko no Asami, but she's never been the type to gripe. Unless something has changed in that regard. The seas are harsh, working with the Scorpion and Phoenix can be harsher. I have sent my reply, so I suppose I'll just have to wait and see.
Letter I

This will be a tough court, and likely less filled with relaxation and pleasure as some of the courts in Kyuden Shoji have prepared you for. You are to be dining in the halls of the Wall, amongst Crab who do our nation proud, but may not be used to the refinement our lands offer.
Still, our business is supporting these fine Crab to the South. Through your connections, I want you to establish two means of profit down in their lands. First, ensure that Lord Hida understands that despite the conflict of Imperials, my direct family still believes that the Wall is the most important thing in Rokugan besides the Forbidden City and our most Holy Emperor.
Promissory notes are included for Rice to help feed his troops for the next season. Further rations can always be purchased at a price you find discretionary. Fish is coming in at a substantially slower rate, due to a number of stringed mariner curses it seems. Bad nets, hauls that go bad before they can ferment. Prices for fish are unfortunately double their usual, but if you find need to be more lenient, you have my permission to.
Also, on a discretionary basis, there are a number of Jade Fingers that have been given as discretionary artistry for a few pieces here in the Smith's of Juraya Hall.
Roughly 4 boxes with 5-10 fingers apiece. I understand Jade Trading amongst clans is highly regulated, and not supposed to happen without official Imperial permissions, but with the Imperial city in shambles. It only behooves us to ensure the Jade keeps flowing even if artistry fails us.
Try to keep the price minimal, and perhaps suggest sending Daidoji warriors back from the wall, for defensive purposes. I want to keep the wall strong with this jade, but we need to keep Crane interests in mind. Do your Best Makoto.
Also, there is money that can be used to acquire favor and goods from other clans that will be in attendance. Your mind is sharp, and your skill for coin is equal. Do your best to acquire things that I cannot, as I will be in the court of Junya as a request to help Father.
PS. I do not recommend wear any colors of the Crane while you are there. The Mantis Green may be your best asset while visiting.

Letter II
Makoto of the Red Heron.
It's been awhile since we have danced a dance like this. Two sailors don't belong so far inland unless there's a river. But it seems our skills keep us busy with those above us in society. So, let's play the game. Figure out my name, and there's a special sailtack from Tempest Island in it for you.
But in the meantime, congrats in making it to the Court of the South Wind. She's gonna be the real winner here. And you're a good person, like half the people here.

Letter III
It's a shame you use a name you haven't used in several years. Your Gempukku was supposed to lead you to a port or a ship, and instead you went inland at the promise of money and comfort. A river is no substitute for the open sea. Delude yourself as much as you want, but you're no Mantis until you remember what it is to skim the surf with a boat again.
You're just a silly bug clinging to the greasy feathers of a Crane, and when you slip off, the Crane wont so much as bother to look back.