Makoto | World Anvil

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Famously honest, harmless, playful, softhearted, cursed, scorn of the North Fleet.

Campaign & Party

Played by
Sonya Anderson

Cover Image Credit: ©Eugene Ball.

Sun 24th Apr 2022 05:30

?? - Arrival in Butterfly Falls

by Makoto

What a trek that was. Never mind the two weeks it took just to get to the bottom of the cliffs, but the ascent. My poor legs, I'm surprised I didn't pass out in my room as soon as I arrived at the Keep. Not that this town really needs a keep. There is no way an attack could happen on this city. Invaders would get picked off by archers on that narrow path long before an enemy could reach the city.
I say "city", but Butterfly Falls is, perhaps, half the size of the Port that Never Sleeps, and maybe an eighth the size of Gotei. But, it's my understanding that this is a significantly large community by Dragon standards. I'll have to do my best to keep that in mind, so I don't insult any of the Dragon that live here.
Some interesting buildings of note were a bright red brothel in the midst of all the brown stacked houses. The Blushing Lotus. Not only were its walls red, it had this... obnoxious signage. I admit amusement; clearly they are proud of their establishment and feel no need to hide anything about it. There was a little green sakehouse next to it. Its own colours seemed muted by the Blushing Lotus, and there was no signage to tell me its name. In fact, I don't believe I heard anyone mention it, through the city, or in the sakehouse itself.
There was a forge bellowing smoke when I first arrived. I believe it was a forge, at least, judging from the smell. But I couldn't really catch a glimpse of it. Samurai wearing various different clan colours were all gathered around it. I bet Hana-chan will be interested in that place before long. I later found out that it is ran by an old, Kakita bladesmith master, Kakita Hyousuke. He left for the Dragon Monastery to retire three years before I joined Kiyoko-sama, but I heard all about him while I was still learning from Kakita trademasters. The stories I heard about him, including making the Crane clan daimyo cry, I wasn't surprised to hear he had an argument before coming out of retirement. Or that he throws horseshoes at people. What surprised me most was that he took on an apprentice. How it would vex the Crane to know that a Dragon possessed the qualities and traits Master Hyousuke wanted in an apprentice when none of their own did.
There was a shrine in the middle of the lower section that is noteworthy as well. And the line was long. Amusingly enough, even samurai were lining up for this shrine's service. They were all women, and all of them doing their best to hide their faces. My guess - which I was later informed to be correct - were all these women were lining up for fertility aids, or good luck charms for the newly wedded. You know, to be granted a long and fruitful marriage with their new husbands that they didn't get to choose. Todakoro-san informed Hana-chan later that it was, indeed, a shrine to the Kami of Motherhood. I felt bad for being amused by that. While it may not be to the same extent, all of us women have the duty of providing our clans with the next generation of samurai. If I want children of my own someday, and I do, I will need to be concerned about my own fertility, too. And that is no laughing matter. I hope those women receive receive answers to their prayers, and I hope the shrine maidens are able to help them to the best of their ability.
Unlike my stay in Claw Point Castle, my room in Butterfly Keep is... extravagant. My room at Claw Point was mostly bare, as to be expected as one from a minor clan. But the capacity of my attendance is different this time. I'm not here as a Kakita trademaster, but as part of Kimiko-sama's retinue. I can still scarcely believe that I am her guest, but I suppose I've made an impression on her during the events of her Winter Court. I just hope Papa is proud, that I'm with who the Mantis supports. And maybe vex Kaoru and Katsuki at the same time. One step closer to showing them what I can become, and the heights I'll reach.
I've seen the list of those entering the Emerald Championship by now, as well. It's... extensive. There were still three days left for sign ups when I saw it, and there were already eighty names on it. It's with great regret that I saw Kazane's name upon it. I can already imagine why he's here, and why he's entering the Championship. He must not win. As much as it would be incredible that a Mantis became the Emerald Champion, he is not good for the Empire. He's probably not good for his ship or crew. I get flax for being playful when I duel, but him? Everything he does is to show off, and for the glory for it. He knows it, and he's an ass about it. So I've heard, at least. I can't say I've met the man, but his reputation far proceeds him. I can't believe the clan elders are permitting this.
It made me reconsider my stance on entering the Championship myself, if only to make sure he wouldn't win. But, the Emerald Champion is a role I wouldn't know like. It would not permit me to reach my dream of sailing beyond the known edges of the map. So the thought was but a fleeting one. Besides, I'm already supporting Nayoko in this Championship. I couldn't do that if I compete myself.
A name on that list was concerning, however. Seppun Kenji, Reiji-sama's yojimbo. Second name on the list even though Reiji-sama and his retinue haven't arrived yet, and no one had seen Kenji-san since he put his name down. I've since learn from Hana-chan that Kenji-san is being pushed out of Reiji-sama's inner circle, despite them having been so close for all their lives.
I went to the sakehouse after storing my belongings in my quarters, and the smells that came from it. While it was not entirely the same as any sakehouse in a port, it was so familiar. The hot sake and the buns just smelled so heavenly, I couldn't resist. It was rowdy, the way that all sakehouses are, but I feel this one might have been more than usual. With all the visitors, it was more crowded than the staff were use to, though they were over the top with their service. I've never seen such flourish when speaking to patrons or delivering their food and drink. My own sake was delivered by this gorgeous, flamboyant man who made Akihiro-san look tame, and before my zeni was even in my hands. And then the bun. I make myself drool thinking about those heavenly morsels. A plum pork bun that complimented the hot sake so perfectly, it was no wonder that I staggered back to the Keep drunk that night. As it turned out, the man who served me my food and drink was Mitsuki, the owner of the Jasmine Dragon, an inn somewhere in town. Apparently he was a member of the kobuki troop that works at that sakehouse, and if memory serves me correctly, left the troop and opened the inn solely for competition sake. But he still comes to the sakehouse to hang out with his friends... and helps out. Many would think it odd, but it's probably a good business tactic. If the patrons are interested in him, they'd go to the Jasmine Dragon to see him, get more of his food and service. Makes sense to me.
It was there at the sakehouse where I saw Master Hyousuke. I barely recognised him; he looked so different from the portraits I've seen. His beard is so thick and wild now, and certainly unlike anything ever seen on a Crane man, if facial hair is to be seen on a Crane man at all. A few years older than depicted, but there was no mistaking it. Especially when every Crane in the building went as white as their hair when he walked in. Didn't speak to anyone, only ordered a small meal and then left. I wonder what Yudai-sama will say when he finds out I've seen Master Hyousuke? I don't believe Kiyoko-sama will care much; she is a poet and a writer, and doesn't seem to care much for Kakita blades. But Yudai-sama may have a small stroke. And Katsurou may turn purple in his anger. When I thought about the Crane being vexed about Master Hyousuke's apprentice being a Dragon, it was mostly Katsurou I was thinking of. He will not be pleased, at all. And... it's a bit amusing. In a very petty and vindictive way, but alas.
I admit I don't remember much else from the sakehouse. I had far too much to drink, and am currently reflecting on that. There was... a singer in the corner of the sakehouse. Hoshino Sakura, I believe her name was. And a ronin. It's unusual for a ronin to bare a family name, but it seems she had never belonged to any of the great families, was never part of any clan. Pretty voice, and a pretty face, but she doesn't seem to like samurai much. And I admit I can't say I blame her. There was another ronin archer, Kariya, who apparently went on her Year of Waves and never returned to the Phoenix afterwards. A great storyteller, from what I've heard, but the Asako Loremasters are said to be. A Crab and a Lion were ready to fight in the middle of the sakehouse, a sight I'm sure it had seen many times before.
What I remember next was waking up in my room with Nayoko beside me. The flush of joy I felt when I saw her greatly muted the agony of the hangover. Apparently I was a bit mouthy with her, in a playful... suggestive way. Chatty with her and Hana-chan. Re-informed that Akihiro-san apparently slummed it, with Amayaiko-san and Junya-sama! I still find it difficult to believe, but I don't think this is something anyone could just... make up. How I wish I could have seen it for myself. I didn't think he had it him. Akihiro-san is far more tolerable than most Crane I've encountered over the years. First of all, he actually treated me like I existed, which is a major improvement in comparison. But dressing like a peasant and going to a sakehouse? And it was his idea? The thought of what had possessed him definitely crosses my mind whenever I think about it.
How I managed to get back and not be sober from the climb to the Keep is beyond me, but perhaps the Crab helped me part of the way. There were so many people from all clans there, making merry with each other, surely someone took pity on my drunk ass. I can't know for sure, but if I'm ever told, or if I happen to remember, I'll have to remember to thank them.
After that, Hana-chan and I spent our time exchanging information. I learn a lot when I go out for dice and sake, but Hana-chan's methods allowed her to learn things I wouldn't. It worked out that our personal interests lie in different clans. I feel as though our general knowledge of the people gathered here is more well rounded because of it.
The ceremony was... How do I even describe it? All the samurai in the city were required to attend. It marked the passing of the former Emerald Champion, slain in the line of duty trying to save the Emperor and the Imperial children from the oni that fateful, awful day. Even if it wasn't required, I believed I would have attended all the same. To pay my respects to a man who defended the Empire with his dying breath. I don't believe Kimiko-sama felt the same, but then, she made her feelings about the state of things clear during her Winter Court. She is angry, and rightfully so. I can't imagine the pain, anger, grief I would experience if Papa was killed. Especially in front of me. I don't want to imagine it, and I dread that day as much as I've learn to expect it to come.
A Dragon Monk presided over the ceremony. She didn't seem accustomed to speak in large crowds. That is a feeling I can relate to well. The smoke coming from that essence burner was impressive, if not also eerie looking. I've not a lot of experience when it comes to rituals. It was the first time I had seen all four Winds together, and I'm still unsure if it's wise to have them all in one place, especially after what happened.
A brazier was lit by the monk, and that flame was to consume the pieces of armour of the previous Emerald Champion. Each of the Winds said their piece. Kimiko-sama was... angry, as she was the day she tore the clan mons from her Court. Junya-sama seemed almost impassive about it all. Kiyoko-sama was the most respectful, and the most gentle with both her words and her duty, as if she was laying the Emerald Champion to rest herself. Reiji-sama... showed no respect at all. Just... dumped the bloodstained armguard into the fire as if it was nothing. I was shocked. The anger, I understand. The tender respect and even the impassiveness, I understand. Each of them are in mourning, and are mourning in their own ways. But there is something... truly unsettling about the way Reiji-sama treated it. No one has said anything, but then... I suppose no one would. There were more urgent things on their minds.
After the armour had been set ablaze, to the discomfort and outright revulsion to the shugenja around me, I noticed Kimiko-sama scratching her arms. Junya-sama and Kiyoko-sama were also showing signs of pain. The only reason why I knew Reiji-sama had been affected by the same thing was because of the smoke coming from his gloves. Gloves that were so quickly removed after everyone noticed what was happening. Kiyoko-sama burst into flames, though thankfully her retinue were quick to swarm her. Hana-chan helped us with Kimiko-sama, and a Dragon man was already there to apply some... foul smelling paste to Kimiko-sama's arms. After Hana-chan torn the sleeves of Kimiko-sama's kimono. I swear, I cannot meet Hana-chan without someone getting poisoned and someone getting naked at the same time. The same princess, too. It's becoming a habit, and I don't like it.
Hana-chan and Akihiro-san stayed behind to speak with a Phoenix Inquisitor while Kaijira-san and I escorted Kimiko-sama back to her quarters. The scream Kimiko-sama let out was expected, as were her tears. The poor woman. I admit I worry what will happen next, but it seems Kimiko-sama includes me in the circle of people she can trust. I hope I can live up to that trust. She doesn't know could have done this, but she also doesn't trust that it wasn't just everyone in attendance, excluding Kaijira-san, Hana-chan, and myself.
I don't know what will happen, but at this time I'll not be caught completely unaware. At least this time, I know there is a plot against the Imperial highnesses. It's why I'm here, after all, to get to the bottom of this and protect the Empire from further chaos.

Makoto's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. 01 - Opening Ceremonies & Sumai Assassinations
    21 Apr 2022 05:35:46
  2. 02 - Court for Nayoko's Fate
    21 Apr 2022 05:36:02
  3. 03 - Battle on the Wall & a Missing Hairpiece
    21 Apr 2022 05:36:19
  4. 04 - Unravelling the Conspiracy
    21 Apr 2022 05:36:33
  5. 05 - Budding Feelings
    21 Apr 2022 05:36:46
  6. 06
    21 Apr 2022 11:54:57
  7. ?? - Return to the Port that Never Sleeps
    24 Apr 2022 05:10:58
  8. ?? - Arrival in Butterfly Falls
    24 Apr 2022 05:30:57

The major events and journals in Makoto's history, from the beginning to today.

Opening Ceremonies & Sumai Assassinations

The Winter Court at Clawpoint Castle has already taken an interesting turn. As soon as the Court opened, the Imperial Princess, Ikoma Kimiko, had all of the Clan banners removed from the walls of the Great Hall. It was something else to see the faces of e...

12:16 pm - 24.10.2020

Court for Nayoko's Fate

The Court did not begin as expected, to be honest. Firstly, four of the banners had been returned to the walls. Imagine my surprise when I saw the Mantis colours hung directly to the Imperial Princess's left, the Crane next to them. The Unicorn and the Cr...

01:43 pm - 24.10.2020

Battle on the Wall & a Missing Hairpiece

I write this fresh from the bath after spending a hour out in a blizzard. Papa would be [i]very[/i] unhappy that I've been walking in such weather, especially since I've been hurt by the cold before. I will be surprised if I do not take ill with a cold de...

04:37 pm - 24.10.2020

Unravelling the Conspiracy

Thankfully, the Kami has seen fit to not punish my foolish trek in the raging blizzard with a cold. I'm happy to report that I am well, fully able to visit Nayoko in her cell and train in between in the days prior to the contest trials. It has been five d...

07:14 pm - 24.10.2020

Budding Feelings

I've drank so much this last week, I feel like I may have drank enough sake to last me the rest of winter. Though I know I'll be drinking again before long, and the hangover will be a daily occurrence at this rate. It's incredible to think that I had only...

05:32 pm - 21.04.2022


It seems I have a lot to consider now. I don't know how long Hana-chan will wait for an answer, but the shock of her question hasn't left me yet. We've been working together this last few days now that Komei-sensei has finished up my lessons. Hana-chan...

11:54 pm - 21.04.2022

?? - Return to the Port that Never Sleeps

It seems my anxiety over returning to Kiyoko-sama was for naught. My return to the Kakita estate went as it always does. Yudai-sama ignored me, and Katsurou sneered from over his nose as usual. Mari-chan greeted me with giggles and the biggest smile. She ...

10:42 pm - 22.04.2022

?? - Arrival in Butterfly Falls & Reunions

What a trek [i]that[/] was. Never mind the two weeks it took just to get to the bottom of the cliffs, but the [i]ascent[/i]. My poor legs, I'm surprised I didn't pass out in my room as soon as I arrived at the Keep. Not that this town really [i]needs[/i] ...

08:51 pm - 23.04.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Makoto.

Kyle Anderson

Played by
Sonya Anderson

Cover Image Credit: ©Eugene Ball.

Other Characters by SN.Anderson