31st of Frostbringer by Lance | World Anvil

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31st of Frostbringer

31st of Frostbringer

by Lance Fenleth

Hi mom, hi dad. It has been quite a week. I haven't had the time to write journals with everything that has been going on, but I think I have a break from everything right now. Rather than hurrying to finish this entry from the safety of a tiny hut while we're in the middle of enemy territory, I find myself finally back at home. Jenel is reading over my shoulder as I write this. She says hello. While the rest of my friends are each heading their own way for now so that we can cover as much ground as possible, recent events have led to the two of us having a rather unique relationship. More on that later. But for now, there's a lot to catch you two up on so I might as well dive in to another episode of The Adventures of Lance Fenleth - I'm being told to change that name to The Adventures of Lance Fenleth and Jenel Dalael. Not a bad title.
When I last left off, the group had settled down for camp at the river near Fort Thornewall. Just before we settled for the evening, we decided to see what was in Iri's bag of holding. She certainly left us with quite the hoard if I do say so myself. First of all, she had about 400,000 gold. 400,000 gold! Briarcreek doesn't have much money circulating within it so this absolutely made us the richest people around, except for Mayor Thorne maybe. Also inside the bag was a rod of resurrection, a luck blade with two wishes in it, a unique well of many worlds that allows us to setup an anchor point or function as a normal well of many worlds, and a belt of storm giant strength. And that's just the list of attunable items from the bag. Also inside were various gems, Iri's chess set (the one she would bring when she came to visit) a bejeweled drinking horn, and a pair of rings. Wedding rings. Wedding rings for her and Fafnir. Yep, you read that right. That's your one and only teaser this entry, I'll talk about it later. Finally, she had many tomes that you all had written. Some from her, Aoife, Reaper, Tarbert, and you two. We evenly distributed these books amongst the group, but I'm making sure that once they're done reading I get them all back. I plan on reading all of them, magic or no magic. After distributing this loot we made our way back to the fort.
We weren't sure what we would find at the fort as we returned. When we left in a hurry we never got the chance to halt the mind flayer transformation process. We also never checked up on the soldiers after waking them from their charm. But once we got there, soldiers were manning the watch towers and met us outside of the fort. Tldr, their chain of command was broken because the officials were still charmed and inside of the fort. We told them to remain outside and prepare to receive their comrades as we entered. There were a couple of soldiers which we freed on the first floor but they immediately told us that we were pissing off the brain. But that's a good thing right? Pissing off your enemies is fun, to an extent. After freeing a couple of guards we heard a bellowing from bellow and were immediately engulfed by the mist.
Once our vision cleared we found ourselves still at the fort but no soldiers were seen in the area. Obviously, the danger was below, but I was worried that if we descended into the basement we would be attacked from above as well. Therefore we decided to first clear the upper floors. It was... well... frightening. Each floor had some sort of trap or horror waiting for us. Floor 2? A statue of The Priest and tentacles mindlessly squirming around a magic circle. Floor 3? Piles of bodies that seemed to be affecting the minds of my friends. Each of them heard something, a scream, a noise, crawling, etc. But I heard nothing. To top it off, this was the floor where I first looked outside. On floor 2, a few of us looked outside and were immediately frightened by whatever they saw. When I looked outside I could understand why. The surrounding forest was covered in some sort of dark mass that wrapped around everywhere. But then I heard it. The sound of the worst flute player I have ever heard. Or rather, the sound of the only elder god known to play a flute. I'm sure you know the one. I saw the flute too but I knew better than to stare at what was playing it and quickly returned my focus to the room we were in. Anyways, floor 4? Toxic spores that were painful to breathe and doors that trapped us inside of the rooms. Floor 5? Trapped doors that set off delayed fireball beads upon breaking in. I swear it was like Mooncrest technology. We found many magic bows in this room so we ended up taking a couple. This was also the room where Skolvar nearly died. He was investigating some crates and ended up setting off multiple beads at once. We saved him, but that oaf is lucky the blast sent him flying towards us. At this point we knew there was only the roof remaining. I wanted to make sure there was nothing there so Hem and I, the only two who had seen what was outside without being frightened by it, decided to ascend the staircase.
Remember earlier when I said I was too smart enough to know that staring at the flute guy was a bad idea? I didn't have a choice when I went to the roof. There he was, right in the center of my vision. Luckily, the blade shielded me, but when I turned around Hem had disappeared. I quickly returned to the group and we cast locate object on him, revealing that he was below us. So, we descended all the way down to the basement. We found Hem wrapped in the tentacles of the elder brain. A portal was open and through it we could see the flute guy. Yet this time, I didn't feel my mind being attacked just by the sight of him. This was... strange. No one else seemed affected either. But anyways, we ended up fighting the brain and making quick work of it. When we did, the mist cleared a bit and there was no elder brain body to be found. No viewing portal, thankfully. And no more flute noises. I also noticed that during that fight the elder brain had used attacks that it could only use on people it had a mental link with. I'm not sure what we experienced in that mist, but I think it was some sort of dream-like experience.
Anyways, we took this opportunity to return upstairs. If we were "back" at the fort, that meant there were charmed people. The others were a bit roughed up after the brain fight, but we went anyway. We found soldiers who seemed to be suffering from the mind flayer transformation process, but they hadn't turned yet. Unfortunately though we were out of resources to help them and some of the soldiers still seemed charmed. Deciding that we should rest up before we try anything else, we left through the window and took refuge in Reina's office. One night of sleep as well as a conversation with Talariic later, we returned to the fort to destroy what was left of the elder brain. Talariic had told me that it still lived, part of it anyway. When we fought it we did some pretty massive damage to it and it was using what was left of its energy to keep its charm running. So we quickly went back to the fort and descended to the basement.
I can't remember if we first encountered this room before or after our rest, but floor two of the basement had a massive skeleton in it. And when I say massive, I mean like... the head was larger than a Mooncrest car massive. It had an eye moving around in one of its sockets as well so we decided to get rid of that just in case. There was a large spiral staircase descending past this point and we knew the brain was further down so we descended. We were right. The brain was in the center of a massive teleportation circle. Underneath the brain was a hole that seemed to have some mist pouring out of it. Since the brain wasn't capable of fighting anymore, we just fired some ranged attacks until it fell to the ground. We found some items within the magic circle and identified the circle itself, finding out it was a teleportation circle. We broke it and took the items like any good adventuring party would do. Returning back to the upper part of the fort, the soldiers were not charmed anymore. We took this opportunity to search the fort while Arvenna cast remove curse on the soldiers undergoing the transformation.
Searching the fort, we found some interesting journals from the soldiers but most importantly we found a book eerily similar to the one Reina gave us. The one wrapped in human skin. Although I think I might skip the finer details of this part. So much happened, so many bad things. But the short of it, and I know it's not fair to leave details out after saying this, but the short of it is after reading the books, Arvenna knew she could save the rest of the soldiers by summoning The Yellow King. So....... that's what we did.
Did you guys every summon an elder god? How about an elder god and his greatest enemy? Well, greatest enemy other than you guys of course. But yeah, we summoned Nodens too. How about The Yellow King, Nodens, AND the god of dragons? Yep, we did that. Well, I say summoned, but we didn't really "summon" them. Praying to Nodens granted us an audience with him and The Yellow King decided to show up in response. A fight broke out, causing two of us to die (we revived them, I won't leave that detail for later), but then Fafnir, who is apparently the god of dragons now, showed up to stop the fight from destroying the continent.
So, I need to explain something before I continue. After Arlian turned me into an Elan, I gained the ability to telepathically communicate with people. It's not like the telepathy you have mom. People can't always respond. But what I can do is grant someone else the ability to not only respond, but speak to me telepathically as well. I decided to put this "telepathic link" as I call it on Jenel so that we could coordinate heals during combat. And lets be honest, it's a pretty good way to talk about the others without them knowing haha. But what's important here is that I normally keep this link on Jenel unless I need to talk to someone else. At the time, I had it on Jenel, and that's what I want to stress.
During the chaos that ensued as the fight between The Yellow King and Nodens started, I heard someone speak to me telepathically. Not Jenel though. It was Iri. The person who I thought was gone. She said, and no I didn't mishear this, "Chris I'm so sorry. Take care of them!" Jenel disappeared right after I heard that. This bothered me beyond belief. After everything that Arlian did, I at the very least took solace in the fact that you were sent home dad. And I really hope you were. But hearing this, I can't help but question it. Why would Iri, one of the most knowledgeable people that I know, say that? I'll rant about that later. In the Arlian rant section. Yes he gets a rant section. But back to my story. Jenel disappeared and we were able to get everyone out. On our way out though, I could feel Arlian try to take control. The fucker actually wanted me to march back downstairs. Downstairs to two gods that were probably fighting to the death. Yknow, for a being as old as he is he gets really dumb when the elder gods are involved. Talariic shielded me though, giving me the opportunity to drop the sword before I was taken over. As soon as I did though, Arlian appeared, grabbed the sword, and immediately ran to the basement. We ran out of the building though and this was when I noticed Fafnir, or at the time an invisible force that landed on the roof of the fort and proceeded to let loose a laser that tore into the building. As it began to crumble, people began to stream out of the building. We had previous evacuated the soldiers, so we assumed, and assumed correctly, that these were the people we were trying to save. The ones being turned into a golem. Fafnir then put some sort of barrier around the building which blocked all of the noise from the battle. The two other gods grew in size as they fought, but eventually the bubble disappeared along with them. Fafnir however, still invisible, began circling the building.
This is when the scramble started. With everyone streaming out of the building, Hem dead, people everywhere, and Arvenna unattuned to her items, it was chaotic as hell. I told Arvenna to quickly head into the anchor point of the well- wait, I haven't explained half of that yet. It'll be quick. We looked into the well to try see where it was anchored and it was the physical version of the manse. I had no clue there was a physical version, but at least it was a safe haven. Anyways, I told Arvenna to go into there and attune to her rod of resurrection so Hem could be revived. Skolvar began trying to organize the people and getting them to one location so we could keep track of them all. I franticly ran around the fort looking for some sign of Jenel. But no sign of her, Iri, or Lord Dragon. Not Fafnir, Lord Dragon. That's what we decided to call the little prismatic dragon. But I did notice the "invisible force" still circling overhead as if it was looking for something. I decided to go inside of what remained of the fort at this point, finding a large hole that went all the way to the bottom where the teleportation circle was. I dropped a light rock down the hole to see if I could see anyone or anything down there, and not noticing what was going on there will be something I will always regret. Jenel is insisting that I can't blame myself, but I could have avoided what was happening had my eyesight been better. But... I'll get to that soon.
I climbed to the top of the ruined fort in order to keep a better eye on the "invisible creature." It took about an hour, but it eventually landed. I had been watching it the entire time and as I did so I caught glimpses of its form. At first, I recognized it as a dragon. But then feature by feature it started to resemble how dad described Fafnir in his journal. After the hour had passed Arvenna had revived Hem and returned to the fort so Skolvar and I chased down the creature. Once we got to it and I called out his name, he dropped the invisibility and revealed himself. It was indeed Fafnir, and he was pissed. Iri told me a while back that one of the innate powers that dragons have is the ability to scare mortals just with their presence. I could feel him trying to do this, but Skolvar and I pushed the fear away and tried to get answers. He told us that Iri, his betrothed, was somewhere within the ruins of the fort. He told us to get in there ASAP and find her. Now knowing where Iri and Jenel were, we quickly returned back to the fort.
Arvenna and Hem were helping the soldiers when we arrived. We updated them on the situation and while we wanted to jump down into the fort right away, Hem and Arvenna were not attuned to their weapons. We weren't sure what we would find down there so I told them to attune first. Skolvar and I continued to help the people as the hour passed. Once the others were attuned, Fafnir showed up and essentially told us to get our asses down there or he would kill us. So, well, when a dragon threatens you to do something, especially a dragon as powerful and "famous" as he is, you do it. And what we found is what I was referring to earlier, what we might have been able to avoid had we gotten there earlier.
It was dark when we dropped down into the fort. Fafnir's laser had blown a hole from the roof all the way down to that giant teleportation circle. We landed above that at the first pile of wreckage. I immediately used a light spell and that's when we saw him. The ghostly image of Arlian, holding the Talariic blade. The blade looked like his version of it again, not mine. And worst of all, he was repeatedly stabbing an unmoving Jenel. Needless to say, we all brandished our weapons to fight him. The combat was quick, not lasting more than... 30 seconds I'd say? I almost dealt the finishing blow too. When he seemed to be on his last legs, I pushed him off of the level we were on, hoping he would fall to the ground below and die from the impact. But ghosts fly. Fortunately, Skolvar had a magic missile wand and blasted Arlian to dust. I wanted to deal the final blow, but thankfully we beat him. I dropped down to the lower level just to make sure, but he was gone. The Talariic blade as well as Jenel's were on the floor. I grabbed them both and climbed back up to the others.
With Arlian temporarily defeated, and I say temporarily because we all know that the bastard just returns to the sword as he reforms, we tried figuring out what to do. After calling out to him, Lord Dragon appeared from the wreckage, extremely injured. I healed him but the little guy was frightened. He asked where Jenel's blade was and I pulled it out. That's when we noticed her. Yknow how I said Jenel was reading over my shoulder? That's because she is trapped in her sword. After talking to Lord Dragon, this seems to be the story: When I heard Iri speak to me just before Jenel disappeared, she took over Jenel's body and channeled her power to save the people that were transforming. Somehow, during this process Jenel was bound to the sword and Iri's soul was lost. Not "dead" lost, but literally lost. She is somewhere out there. And Arlian, that fucker had stupidly gone down to fight the gods and afterwards he somehow survived. Then, in order to piss me off, he attacked Jenel's body after she had been trapped in the sword. And to top it off, before all of that he attacked that council of minds Talariic was part of and killed all of them other than Talariic. I'm not sure why, but the monster has gone crazy.
Before hearing this story, we wanted to use one of the luck blade's wishes to revive Jenel since the rod was recharging. But, because of what had happened, we thought that this wouldn't work. While her soul was willing, it is bound to the sword for now. And Iri's soul is most likely trapped wherever it is so we wouldn't be able to wish her back either. So, we healed Jenel's body so that the wounds would close and got ready to bring her back to Fafnir. But Lord Dragon, the tiny little prismatic dragon that I thought was just born maybe what, 2 days before this? He recognized Fafnir and seems to know a good bit about him. After dad freed him, Fafnir went his way. Sometime between then and now, he became the god of dragons and was engaged to Iri. And of course, Fafnir hates us. By us, I mean Fenleths. Fafnir hates that dad didn't use his power and looking back on the conversation Skolvar and I had with him, that became very clear. He recognized me.
But anyways, we returned to him. And thankfully he agreed to talk everything out. I'll admit, some of that conversation is lost to me because I was a bit too focused on presenting myself in such a way that wouldn't piss him off. The others did most of the talking, I stood in the back, etc. But the result of that conversation is he answered many of our questions regarding the world we find ourselves in and the nearby locations. He also tasked us with finding Iri, something he didn't need to task us to do because of course we were going to do it anyway. He ended the conversation by creating a monument, telling us that in a year he would meet us at that location and discuss our progress. Perhaps, if we were worthy, he would strike some sort of deal with us. I'm not sure if that means he would give us some of his power or if he would just form a contract with us, but we do plan to return to him in a year. And then he turned invisible and left.
With that conversation out of the way, I wished we would have a break. We just had to deal with 3 gods, losing Iri again, finding Jenel in the state that she is in, and more. But there's not much time for rest with this fight huh. We prepared to leave the fort. We searched for supplies and keepsakes, fixed up wagons and found some horses, and got some sleep before deciding to head out in the morning. When we finally set out, it took us about a day to travel but we saw that the soldiers hadn't made much progress so we caught up to them by late afternoon. They were in pretty bad shape. Many were suffering from madness, saying the name of The Yellow King in deep speech, so we told the sane soldiers to gag the rest. When we got there, Hem took charge and divided everyone into camps based on how badly they needed assistance. We lasted until early morning before we needed rest, but we helped many of them. They set out with Hem as soon as they could but the rest of us needed to rest up.
Once we woke up, Skolvar and Arvenna ran ahead to catch up to the caravan while Jenel and I rode the wagon. By the time we caught up, the others were standing next to the corpse of Denise Miller. I didn't hear what happened until the day after, but Hem had spotted her gaining on the caravan and distracted her until he could run to Arvenna and Skolvar. The three of them took her down and Arvenna used the wish granted to her by Eilistraee to save Denise's soul. A grand story, one that will make a fine tale to tell one day. But with the group back together we once again caught up to the soldiers and helped them as much as we could. Arvenna could cure the madness of most soldiers so she stayed up all night again. Hem, Skolvar, and I got the rest that we needed, but a lot happened that night.
Part of what gave Denise her powers is a ring that we assume was granted to her by The Yellow King. Seeing as it was an item that we feared was directly related to him, I urged everyone not to touch it. Additionally, we still had the tomes, elder tomes as we've started calling them. The ones bound in skin. We have been keeping all of these items in led boxes, but unfortunately their sinister aura seeps through the boxes and starts to corrupt whatever they are touching. Thankfully, this corruption recovers once the boxes are removed from that item, but we had been having to play hot potato with them. Every couple of hours the boxes had to be put in a new place. A backpack, on the wagon, in the bag of holding, etc. We had put it in the bag of holding earlier this day, but it needed to be removed and we kindaaaaa forgot. Jenel noticed it was corrupting the bag during Skolvar's watch and he went to bury them.
Unfortuantely, Hem fell victim to the charm of the ring during his watch. Because of this, he was forced to dig up the boxes with the ring and the tomes. Nymph, his patron, sacrificed herself to save him. She took his place in the charm and gave him the opportunity to escape. But in doing so, this stripped him of his fey ancestry. I'm not sure what he is now, but at least he is alive and not under the thrall of our enemy. But he has lost much, as we all have, and we will help save Nymph and return Hem's ancestry. Hem, poor Hem, thought that he was a failure and a burden to us, so he tried to run. This obviously caused a lot of tension in the group after we convinced him to stay, but I think we've sorted through a good bit of it at this point.
But alright, I've been writing for a while now. I suppose the rest of this entry will have to wait until tomorrow.
*Lance returns to write his journal in the morning, just before he sets out to Iron Hollow*
It's morning now. I'm about to head north towards Iron Hollow for reasons I will talk about shortly, but I wanted to finish this journal entry before I set out on another task.
When I left off yesterday, the group had just convinced Hem to stay with us. We told the soldiers to head to town because Skolvar had run there and talked to Mayor Thorne already. Apparently, upon mentioning Reina to Thorne he immediately took his leave and gave Skolvar an official writ. Skolvar wrote orders for the townspeople and made his way back to us before our rest, so now that the town had time to prepare the soldiers were to head to town and receive aid. Meanwhile, we were to head to Thorne's manor and talk to him. He knew about the madness, or in other words, he knew about the elder gods. So we left to go to his place. On the way, I talked to Hem a bit about what had happened. Towards the end of our talk he started trancing. I thought I had just made him so incredibly bored that he "fell asleep," but he started coughing up salt water and a sword started to appear in his hand. What's up with this group and swords just appearing? I thought it was just me, but perhaps it's spreading to the others. But he had a newfound energy to him that I had never seen before. See normally, Hem asks before he does something. Not that he needs to, but that's just who he is. This time, he just said "I'm going to scout ahead" and sprinted away from the wagon. With Arvenna sleeping in the back and Skolvar not wanting to chase after him, we just had to let him go. He didn't go too far though, we could still see him from the wagon.
Anyways, we arrived at Thorne's residence soon enough. His place was the nicest home I have seen in all of Briarcreek. He had multiple fountains, many types of flora growing in various rooms, a room full of statues, and a music room with a magical harp that played the string part of any song you could think of. Each room also smelled of a different incense. It reminded me of home a bit with how luxurious it was. Thorne eventually greeted us and brought us upstairs. I'll skip through a bit of this conversation because if I'm being honest both parties were cagey with their information. We knew that he knew, he knew that we knew, but neither of us knew if the other knew because they were an ally or an enemy. I'm sure you get the idea. Eventually he activated some wards and spoke the names of a few of the elder gods and the conversation led us to his basement where he showed us something despicable.
In the basement we first saw a large magical circle. It held runes from many different schools of magic. There were two side rooms, each piled high with skeletons. he explained to us that it was in this basement where he sacrificed people so that he could have the power to recycle the souls of people who died. If he didn't their souls would be "eaten" by the elder gods. I get why he is doing this, and I understand that he continues to sacrifice people because he doesn't know what else to do, but still. Innocent people, most of which apparently haven't been told what is happening, are killed so that Thorne can continue his rule and protect "his people." I hate it. I hate it so much. But... I don't have a different answer for the time being. He understands the danger of souls being fed to the elder gods and he is doing what he needs to do. I'll have to find another way to help these souls because this is terrible. But there's a lot to do so I'm not sure when I can put time into that. Our conversation ended abruptly when we told him the celestial version of Reina- oh right, I didn't explain that. So Fafnir told us that Reina was originally an angel. She existed in some sort of heaven, but when she fell she was split into two pieces. The succubus Reina that you two met, and the celestial Reina, or the solar that we found in the basement of the church a while back. We told Thorne where we found her and he immediately set out to save her. Meanwhile, we went to the Miller residence to save Dana.
At the Millers we quickly made our way to the basement and found that Dana's transformation was almost complete. We wanted to use one of the luck blade wishes to save her, but remembered that when a wish was used on Denise she was nearly taken over by The Yellow King. If not for Eilistraee's aid the wish wouldn't have worked. Similar to what happened then, we thought that if we just wished without the aid of a god that it would be denied. With Eilistraee weakened she was not an option so Hem and Skolvar visited the manse to seek aid from their patrons. Upon their return, we had two options. First, was once again praying to Nodens with the hope that he would combat The Yellow King and this would prevent the denial of the wish. Not my favorite option because last time we did that the fort blew up. Skolvar had an alternative. While he didn't reach Kord, he did talk to Talariic who told him that if the group fought Talariic and won, Kord might appear. So, not wanting to call on Nodens first, we did that. We entered the manse and fought Talariic.
Normally, we would have gotten stomped. I mean, it's Talariic. He trained Arlian. He survive Arlian's attack on the council. But we won! I rushed in first and attack Talariic head on. As his student I felt like I almost had to do that. Well, he kicked my ass. I got a few hits in and resisted some of his power, but he kicked my ass. Arvenna healed me and I rejoined the fight thankfully, but Skolvar came in clutch. While Talariic wasn't looking, Skolvar literally just punched him in the back of the head. This caught Talariic off guard and we capitalized on the situation. Hem used his blood magic to bind Talariic, I knocked him on his ass, and Skolvar restrained him. Then we beat the shit out of him until Kord appeared. It was like for once, fate was on our side. We got to speak with Kord who agreed to protect us and we woke up so that we could save Dana.
Despite having Kord's protection, we still decided to summon Nodens. By we, I mean Hem. He held the wishes and that's what he wanted to do. Thankfully, Kord appeared just as Nodens did and the situation actually went in our favor. Nodens agreed to help us and fight The Yellow King when he appeared. Kord would protect the building from the damage while we used our wish on Dana. Thankfully, that's exactly what happened and almost nothing went wrong. Dana was saved, her transformation reversed and her bond to The Yellow King broken. Nodens did what he said he would do and fought off his enemy. Kord protected the building. But after the wish went through, Hem, Skolvar, and I were affected by madness and passed out. When we woke up we could tell something was wrong so we used the final wish to cure us all. The three of us had our madness cured and Arvenna's affliction from reading the book at the fort was cured as well, returning all of her memories of Jenel.
Since then, we returned to town. Thorne saved celestial Reina and we discussed a plan of action. He believed that we needed to start preparing for an invasion, so I suggested he make nice with the dwarves of Iron Hollow and start making rings of mind shielding for the populace. The story we're going with is that they're town signet rings. The town was also told about the death of the Miller parents. We made a story about how Father Miller died in the mist and Denise died of grief. Dana found them both and wanted a private burial. This story covered most of our problems but we'll see how that works out. As I stated at the start, each of my friends are going their separate ways. We're not leaving each other and disbanding the group, but we each have work to do. As part of his contract with Nodens, Hem is moving into the Miller residence and taking care of Dana. He is to train her so that she can take care of herself so he is going to live with her. The house also has a good lab for all of his alchemical concoctions. Skolvar is moving to the fort and helping with repairs. Arvenna is going to spend a lot of time in the town and help the people recover. Meanwhile, I'm going to be exploring the region and looking for any signs of enemy forces. We are preparing for an invasion after all. I'm worried they'll use the same tactics they used when you guys find the teleportation circle in Grandseal so I'll be looking around for those. Additionally, there are some areas I'd like to shed some light on like the well system and Iron Hollow.
First though, I need to get rid of the Talariic blade. After what Arlian did, I'm going to dump that blade in some body of water and wait for my opportunity to put him to rest. Talariic is alright with this plan and has agreed to continue to train me. It will be sweet justice when I destroy Arlian with the same training he was given. I'm not sure how I'll finally put him to rest, but I at least want to piss him off by dumping him as deep as possible. When he is angry, he is stupid. Since I needed a new weapon, Jenel agreed to let me use her sword so we'll be spending a lot of time together, hence the title change. I plan on flying, yes, flying, to Iron Hollow and dumping Arlian near there. When I attuned to Jenel's sword I underwent quite the transformation. Most notable are my wings! I've got a pair of amazing wings that look prismatic. When the light hits them just right it shines through it like a rainbow. Other than that, I also got more handsome. I know I was quite the looker before, but now, oh man. What else... I found that I can now cast prismatic spray. It's uh, devastating. For about an hour a day I can activate my "true vision" as if I were casting the spell. There's a couple of other changes too, but those are the highlights for my changes. Attuning also makes it easier for Jenel and I to communicate. I've been learning how to read lips so that we can talk, but now she can communicate via emotion too. We've got quite the adventure ahead of us and a full laundry lists of things to do. Dump Arlian, explore the town's well system, explore Iron Hollow, figure out how to save Jenel, find Iri, and more. It will take a lot of time, but at least we're not summoning gods like we were last week.
But yeah, I think I've caught you guys up on everything. I've got to stop by the local woodcarver so we can order Arvenna's birthday present before I head to Iron Hollow. We're getting her a lyre because she has been wanting to learn how to play. I drew up a design for it too. It has a good amount of room on it for designs so that she can customize it however she pleases. I'm sure she'll love it. I've got a birthday coming up too. I'll be 22. Still can't believe we've been here for almost a year now but at least I've surrounded myself with some amazing people.
That concludes the start of The Adventures of Lance Fenleth and Jenel Dalael! I hope I get the chance to write these more often, but I'll be busy again with all of this exploration. Until then, I hope you both are doing well and happy almost anniversary. Love you both.

Continue reading...

  1. Mystvale, Session 1
    15th of Midwinter
  2. Mystvale, Session 2
    16th of Midwinter
  3. Mystvale, Session 3
    13th of Frostbringer?
  4. 14th of Frostbringer
    14th of Frostbringer
  5. 15th of Frostbringer
    15th of Frostbringer
  6. 22nd of Frostbringer
    22nd of Frostbringer
  7. 23rd of Frostbringer
    23rd of Frostbringer
  8. 24th of Frostbringer
    24th of Frostbringer
  9. 25th of Frostbringer
    25th of Frostbringer
  10. 31st of Frostbringer
    31st of Frostbringer
  11. Time Skip Summary
    24th of Frostbringer
  12. Iridescence Day
    25th of Frostbringer
  13. 27th of Frostbringer
    27th of Frostbringer
  14. 28th of Frostbringer
    28th of Frostbringer