Writing is Hard by Gratch | World Anvil

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?? of ??, Year ??

Writing is Hard

by Gratch

"I still haven't gotten a hold on numbers or dates, but this is several weeks after my first Quest Lords quarterly tournament. I find reading and improving my vocabulary is easier when I practice writing down my thoughts."
"I'm not entirely certain what the party thinks of me. Leon is nice enough, as is Eris, but she is more... quiet to me, and he seems more focused on keeping her safe than making friends. Terriss is odd, and very touchy, but I like him even if he weirds Lucian out. Hmm, Lucian... Where do I even start with him? I guess it would be easiest to say that he confuses me. One day he'll be showing me how to write properly or teaching me a new word, and the next he'll have this strange aura of disdain around him. What saddens me the most is that, at times, I can see a glint of disgust or distaste in his eyes when he looks at me. I'm not sure, maybe he's just like the villagers from Warwick, but I hope not."

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  1. Writing is Hard
    ?? of ??, Year ??