Friends by Astris | World Anvil
2nd September, 1349


by Astris

My love,
my grand adventure is now well underway as I have made the aquaintance of some brave and renowned heroes of the Above.
As I described in my last letter, I was on a mission to save a plantation infested with stirges. However, as I arrived there I found the threat had already been taken care of. They had killed the mosters which turned out to be mosquitoes, no doubt horrible monsters, and saved two children from certain death.
The names of these heroes are Meryll, who is a very talented fighter, Grim, a person related to the birds, and Bo, a cat like individual whose many injuries speak of his untold heroic deeds. They have kindly invited to travel with them on their boat and even offered to assist me in my trial. I have already lerned a great deal fom them. The abstract concept of using wind to move a ship is now clearer to me as they showed me every detail of their ship. Grim tried to explained to me what a "drug trip" is but I have not yet had any practical with those drugs. Bo is grieving the loss of a dear friend of his and has been rather quiet. I'm sure we'll all become great friends as I get to know them.
We are soon going to teleport to the city of Vulcrom. Bo wants to meet a friend there who will either shoot him or make him a new leg. There seems to be a lot of history there but I promised to protect him from anyone who might want to harm him. They have also told me about a powerful wizard who could know about one of my tasks.
I'm optimistic that I will soon have my first lead on one of the tasks and that I will be able to take them on with the support of my new friends. I cannot wait to stand side by side with them in battle. For now, I look forward to seeing Vulcrom and the many wonders it holds.
There is not one hour I do not think of you
Always yours

Continue reading...

  1. Arrival
    24th August 1349
  2. Friends
    2nd September, 1349
  3. Revelations
    2nd September, 1349
  4. Beginnings
    3rd September, 1349
  5. Struggles
    7th September, 1349