Struggles by Astris | World Anvil
7th September, 1349


by Astris

My love,
I now see that the world above is not so different from ours. Vulcrom is a bigger city than Tiamari but it has many of the same problems. The leaders care much about themselves and little about anyone else. We've been in the slums and they reminded me of the Edge a lot. The dangers there might not be as obvious as I'm used to but there are criminals and the living conditions are horrendous. I don't know what to do about this. Large scale changes need to happen here. I wish I had some of your wisdom as I'm struggling with the approach of some of my crew mates. They are okay with breaking the law and harming people of the upper class. I just don't believe that individuals are the reason for the injustice we seen and can be blamed for it.
I have now met Bo's maybe boyfriend Cascade. He is a high ranking member of the guard and the navy. Unfortunately, he reminds me of some of the knights who trained me and believe themselves better than others. I had hoped that his love for Bo would be more important to him to his ego but sadly it was not. Since he is not my superior though, I can speak out against his treatent of Bo who risked a lot during that visit. I'm glad that this has never been an issue between us.
We are about to catch some of the criminals planning to do a heist in the seat of power and bring them to justice. This will hopefully not only put a stop to the plans of the Madame but also convince Cascade that he should trust Bo.
You would love the dress clothes that we bought for the fancy party we're going to. I'll keep them to show to you when we meet again.
Always yours,

Continue reading...

  1. Arrival
    24th August 1349
  2. Friends
    2nd September, 1349
  3. Revelations
    2nd September, 1349
  4. Beginnings
    3rd September, 1349
  5. Struggles
    7th September, 1349