Petrified by Meridi | World Anvil

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by Meridi Korz

I am still reeling... what just happened? One minute, we're fighting basilisks, the next I wake up in a shack surrounded by my companions. Throom's raw emotion, it spoke to me. The severity of what had happened - my mortality.
Apparently Clancy and I were turned to stone, "petrification" they call it. It feels surreal. I am weak and can ascertain that it occurred, but in trying to piece it together the memory is not there. I guess I owe it to my friends for saving me. They could have easily left me...
'A life debt', isn't that what they call it? My heart breaks as I struggle with the weight of this all. Loyalty to my guild, my home, my family, or loyalty to my friends, my only friends, saviours of my life.
I struggled with this as we came across strange sounds in the street. Where once magic flowed through my veins, I was stiffled. I felt like perhaps it was due to my condition, but soon realised I was donned in full armour. I had to remove it, but some cursed donned it to me. Juno says that he will be able to assist on the 'morrow.
After this discovery, unfortunately, we came across some corpses. I helped our buddy Clancy by providing expert dagger support. It wasn't that bad, I must say. Killed one of the creatures myself. He must be rubbing off on me, the big fella.
Strangely, I know I was only gone a day or so, but a lot has changed. When we returned to Raven's Nest we found it was overrun by a strange group led by Mazirek (and his follower Storrev). Throom says they made an aggressive move against the guild. Something about wanting to store their army here, at Raven's Nest.
He told me he saw these small strange bugs and I told him of the Golgari legend, the Omen of Death. Never a good sign.
In any case, we have a job to do. In four days time we are to meet Davros at Korozda... this has not changed.

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