MARIE'S DEAD....HAHAHA what a great plan!!!! by Ivellios | World Anvil

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15rh of Dium, 1420

MARIE'S DEAD....HAHAHA what a great plan!!!!

by Ivellios Amastacia

As it turns out, there are not many followers of the craft within Glennhaven. Just my luck, I finally acquire good information regarding a Merchant and a solid haul of valuable goods he is transporting and I can't find a single person with the right skill set, besides myself and Amaia of course, to pull off this caper. Oh well, I suppose I will have to recruit some of the folk with in the camp. But who, who will prove useful while maintaining questionable morals in tense situations? And who will keep their cool if we are caught?
The half-elf Beatrix is certainly mischievous and her abilities are fantastic for this sort of work, but is she willing to pilfer goods not rightly ours? Yes, apparently; coin is a powerful motivator. Who else??
Norixius Thorin is a powerful mage and that bag of his is an incredible tool for this sort of work, but is the only dragonborne in Glennhaven, he can't exactly keep a low profile. Still he seems interested...and that gambling problem of his could help with the guards. He's on board!! One more should due.
How intriguing!?! An outsider of the camp has approached me and flash the signs of identification. A human named Kayden Amberose has heard through the grapevine of my mark. Well at least now I have someone with a bit of experience is subterfuge. We will visit the lady in the lake to ensure our mission goes as planned.....if you can call our squabbling over ideas a plan. I can't help that my theatrical nature is excited by the prospects of taking on a fun role for a heist.
We intercept the wagon an hour away from Glennhaven as not to raise too much suspicion. As it turns out, the guards hired by the merchant are Ember Mane Company men, Mercenaries for hire and worse...they have...integrity...ugh. Well, as the saying goes, there is more than one way to skin a displacer beast. They may have high morals, but that will be our advantage and their downfall.
A few minor spells to soil ourselves in muck, a minor illusion of a screaming woman, another of beating drums giving chase, a group of people running and screaming from the woods, one of them guiding a blind man (me hehe), while an adorable half-elf is shouting "MARIE'S DEAD!!" again and again is just enough to sell the story of our ruse, but oh no, Mr. Kayden furthers the sob story by giving life to an ill mother in Kingsport....(how ironic his lie is)....exactly where the merchant and his hired help happen to be heading, what a coincidence, what perfect timing, what brave and gracious folk to taken in such a pitiful bunch of wretched souls.....WHAT AN ABSOLUTE CROCK OF SHITE!!!?!?!?!!
So there we were, travelling with our intended victim of theft with no physical harm planned, unbeknownst to them, in our soiled garb. Perfection. Amaia gave me vision from above, letting me monitor the positions of these men. Once they felt we had evaded our fake pursuers, we settled for the evening and our plan...(yes, it was a plan...or there abouts) was put into motion. Two guards slept while the other two took shifts for the evenings watch. Norixius engaged one guard in a game of cards....I knew his addiction would prove useful. Now the real gamble, to charm the other guard and lead him away from the tent with the Merchant sleeping within and the wagon with our prize within. WHAT LUCK!!! The Spell took hold and the buffoon believes me to be his friend.
Kayden should have entered the wagon by now, and Beatrix has prepared herself for the final act of this play by disguising herself as the fat Merchant. She truly is mischievous, oh what fun!! Another minor illusion and the Ember Mane fool now thinks wolves are about. I force him to drag my "blind" self back to the wagon as the Merchant (Beatrix) tells of the sound of wolves and orders the guard playing cards to destroy them just as the other guard returns with myself in tow, also raving of wolves. Perfection. Than they wake the two sleeping guards, DAMN, so much for perfection....
One last sound of wolves and an order from the fake merchant Beatrix and the other two guards are off and into the woods. Quickly Norixius joined Kayden in the wagon and grab the goods, SUCCESS!! They exit and Kayden cuts the horse's tie and sent it off with a smack, the guards entering the light of the campfire to see the pony taking flight, just as we exit the light and the fair Beatrix cloaks us in shadows and out of sight....MY GODS What a thrill, finally something truly exciting. I felt as though I was once again the young elfling stealing for food and coin, what fun!!!
We put some distance between ourselves and the wagon before stopping for the night to look through our loot. Our short lived reprieve was interrupted by a soft voice belonging to a mask Halfling, She claims that the Merchant held something of hers, a locket, an item now in our possession....She knew of our job and she knew to find us after it was completed... this worrisome, but luckily for us, we had no such locket.
Kayden had the locket...masterful in the craft indeed, perhaps too any case he returned her locket and she offered to give us further jobs of which she will be our contact. Her name is Sparrow. We returned to Glennhaven in the morning and attempted to locate a fence or a Merchant with a terrible eye for appraisals so we may rid ourselves of our stolen goods....and as it turns out, Sparrow left us a message within our magical bag...she's good...frustratingly so, Her note pointed us in the direction of a strange and odd half-orc named Odo. He was strange, truly truly strange, but spoke our language just fine, including my favorite language, Coin. I wonder what other jobs this Sparrow will provide, in any case, I now have a team here in the camp I can rely on.....mostly.

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