Why is it always dragons?!?!? by Ivellios | World Anvil

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27th of Reitum

Why is it always dragons?!?!?

by Ivellios Amastacia

I don't know if it's me but I always seem to find myself with dealing with dragons....Always Dragons!! Some very good friends of mine, experienced adventurers and a few close compatriots, get wind of a temple high up in the nearby mountains, and they say there are these crazy lizard-folk tribe, and dark tunnels and dragon statues that talk! and eggs, 100's..no.....thousands!!! of eggs.
I had stopped listening some where around lizard folk tribe, however when they said "treasure", I decided I should accompany my friends in case they need my help! of if they found any pretty gems they didn't want! (cute smile)
So we make the trek out there, following my very pretty Friend, B. It was easy getting to the foot of the mountain but then we had to start the climb. IT TOOK DAYS, I almost feel the first day, and friend almost fell the second day, it was nuts, there had to be an easier way to make that climb....
Anywho, we get to the top and decide to sleep of the climb, it was night anyways, but it was mostly dull, Squidgy, my bat friend got to come out from under my cloak and enjoy the night air. After flying around a bit tho, Squidgy said she heard people near but couldn't make out exactly where they were. So the night goes well and we set out in the morning.
It turns out this temple is in the shape of a massive dragon and we are walking on it's spine like it's a bridge and this thing is sooo big that it's like several fields long so we walk and walk and walk and then these creepy LIZARD-FOLK were hiding and were gonna jump us but I through an ice knife and hurt them and my friends shot arrows and crazy spells and we ended up winning the fight and finding the crazy huge mouth of the dragon that had a special code word to open the mouth and Squidgy found more creepy crawly things inside that we squished...(takes a breathe) soit was super dark, like darker than I have ever seen and we found an acid dragon statue that didn't talk and but was trapped all over and we found a safe spot to take a breather cause we were really hurting from all the walking and that's when the black dragon ghost talked to us and asked for a favor so went tried to go do that favor but found a cool looking blue dragon shaped throne and one of are friends REALLY want to go see it so I went to go check out and there were dead bodies there with a bunch of GROSS bugs! EWWWW RIGHT!! But it gets worse cause across the room, one of my friends shouts "they're flesh eating beetles!" and I was like "WHAT THE FU!!!!!" and just started running!!!
Crazy right!! So we end up finding some treasure which was aweosme but couldn't make good on our deal with the black dragon but i think we are gonna go back soon. That temple was sooo crazy but we made it out alive. In any case, I cannot wait to go back!!!!

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