Downtime - 2019/2020 by Anastasia | World Anvil

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Mon 6th Jan 2020 11:34

Downtime - 2019/2020

by Anastasia Torell

Using a fuel cell from Braxx I spent 6 weeks drawing up a schema for a miniature floating object, along with the control panel. I haven't created it yet, and estimate that the miniature platform and remote will take a further 2,000 gold of materials, and 2 months of work to complete and will utilise the fuel cell we already have. To make larger platforms I will need a Khyber Crystal, which I currently don't know where to find and more time developing a schema.
In the process of investigating this, I contacted Aluxis, who gave me advice and answered some of my questions. For instance without an external magical power supply (like what he has with the Spell Sink, or a mage pouring spell slots into it) the larger floating cities won't fly. Aluxis has always been interested in finding a source that will remove this necessity.
I also, after some convincing, gain guest access to Morgrave Unviersity where I met a Tragrim Hayttear - a strange scholar who spends most of his time in the library. Here I find books that helped develop my above schema.

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  1. Downtime - 2019/2020
  2. The Truth about Lord and Lady Prista
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  3. Finding Haven
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  5. The Land Down Under
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