Too many eyes... by Margaret McGill | World Anvil

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22 March 1934

Too many eyes...

by Margaret McGill

Right. Got to get this out of my head, Shaw doesn’t believe me, Grandad would worry. I’ll have to burn it later.
Hit Hathaway’s tonight, picked up a couple of things. Went smooth as butter getting in, getting the stuff (well making some notes was about all we did), and then as we’re walking out, I got distracted and - this never happens to me - I tripped hard and had to catch myself on the door frame and kind of swing ‘round it to keep from going face down into the pavement. I think I might have had some choice words to say, and Shaw looks at me like I just blessed out the King. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so completely mortified, but he’s a pro and seconds later he was back to work locking it back up again.
I look ‘round to make sure no one’s heard me, and there’s one of those grates across the street, where they’ve got a sidewalk up a few inches from the pavement. I thought I saw something, and I thought maybe a cat’s gotten stuck in there, so I keep looking. And sure enough, there’s two eyes. But they weren’t cat’s eyes. Not unless it’s a lion or something, but this wasn’t a lion. And it was just looking at me, staring at me and it… I’m trying to find the words and I can’t put them together. It was like an animal, like it was a cat hunting or something, but there was something else. Patience. Intelligence? Not precisely, but [there is a smear indicating a broken pencil lead] Blast it, why is just thinking about this making my hands slick? I feel like I did that time Shaw and I hit that candy shop and I ate so much I got sick.
Anyway. This thing’s looking at me, and I give Shaw the elbow so he’ll look, and he waves me off. It was taking him forever to do that damn door. Or maybe it wasn’t. It felt like forever, like those eyes had me pinned up against the wall or something, and then there’s another eye. I’m thinking it’s another whatever that is, right? It was too close, though. Whatever it was in there, that thing had three eyes, and I will swear on a squiz First Folio, it was three eyes in one head and [a word here scribbled out and then erased]. And then the sound it made. This hoarse croaking, it must have been coming from the thing because there wasn't anything else there. Shaw was finally finished and turns around, and at that point I’m thinking finally, he’s going to see it and I’ll know I’m not imagining it… and then it turns. Maybe it was gone, maybe it just moved so it’s eyes weren’t reflecting, but I know all three of those eyes moved as one. I don’t know what that was but it was nothing natural.
So now I’m home and I’m thinking about it, and trying to think if I could have been wrong. A couple pennies stuck on a clot of mud or something catching the light just so. Every time I think I’ve logicked myself out of it I think of [another erasure] it and then I just don’t know.
Going down to Whitechapel tomorrow to follow up on some things from last night. During the day, so hopefully no bogarts or goblins spying on us this time.

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