NOT A DAIRY FUCK OFF 7 by Gothmog | World Anvil

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Tue 22nd Sep 2020 04:34


by Gothmog Stonefist

So we got back to sea breeze and stayed a bit. A festival was going on and I earned some coin in a log throwing contest. A few days later we headed to the (crossed out) -knife- elven city we needed to. On the way we got set on by some wolf's but I scared them off. Later that night we got attacked again Varis and Filea specifically. This time by devil's disguised as wolf's. We managed to defeat them and foolishly let the child looking leader escape though they revealed Filea's face and I well I don't know how to feel about it. She's a half breed but she isn't a weakling who hides and uses ambush tactics. It honestly confuses me about how I'm supposed to feel. Not that she would return any feelings regardless. So anyways we eventually got to the city and got lodging in a tree. Playboy and the others arrived today and guess who they fucking not just brought but made a devil deal with? That's right the little brat we let go the previous night. Now she's tagging along.