NOT A DAIRY FUCK OFF 8-10 by Gothmog | World Anvil

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Wed 2nd Dec 2020 08:10


by Gothmog Stonefist

It's been a while since I last wrote in this. Just kept putting it off. Anyways a lot has happened recently. Firstly there was this temple we had to clear out. Me, Eligius, Julian and Filea cleared it out together. Plenty of large nasty spiders though we cleared it out. The final room almost went bad though. An absolutely massive spider knocked me out and got rid of Julian's snake. Filea finished it off. Then there was the playboy being an idiot and somehow got himself possessed and ended up blowing up reprieve. Got us all killed though some fox goddess helped bring us all back. Took some time to get used to the new body. Finally our journey to Desert Rose with me, Kosuke, Julian, and Zahira. it started off with us taking a trip in an absolutely (crossed out) -terrif- disturbing journey in a boat that went underwater. BOATS AREN'T SUPPOSED TO GO UNDERWATER! anyways we arrived at this town that was full of drow. We got attached to a caravan and acted as rear guard during the trip. This massive worm attacked the our cart but we made quick work of it. We arrived at the city and meet this bitch of a tiefling. Calling Julian a coward just because he stutters.