The Perfect Kwartz by Ulgar | World Anvil

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Tue 15th Jun 2021 03:39

The Perfect Kwartz

by Ulgar Anvilbreaker

I have started falling into a rhythm here in Glenhaven. I work during the days putting my skills as a mason on paper for the workers to bring to life. Then night comes and I return to my hotel to drink and read.
And wish there was Proper Stone to Work With!!
Oh yes wood is fine i suppose, but I am a damned Dwerg! A son of the Anvilbreakers! And I will have stone.
An acquaintance of mine, one Lulubell Turem who introduced me to my first portal not to long ago, mentioned that she knew of a mine full of precious gems but two days north west from here. Granite holds gems. Well worth the look. Despite the circumstances of its previous workers.
Lulu was eager to help and I was able to convince my friend Rhogar to help as well. I even met a fine young man by the name of Atlas Ambrose. A half orc of all things but dressed much nicer then I. Quick of wit and quicker of fist he was.
I was able to talk the Commander of the Knights of the Elk not only to pay my companions wage which would have been enough to please me in it self, but also to sign me over the deed to the mine should we render it safe!!
We promptly obained a horse and carriage and set off.
It was a mild trip to the mine. Lulu and I exchanged notes on spells to pass the time. I summoned my first familiar, but he has yet to let me know how to address him.
When we reached the mine we promptly set in. I felt much better with my new armor. Reminded me of home.
Then we saw the first body. Then another. And several more after that. Workers who had family back in Glenhaven. What a waste of potential. Just like my Cousin.....
Their chests were blown out. Somthing came out of them. And we found them in a pool. Growing. We made quick work of them. Then went serching for their forebear.
The beast was waiting for us further in the mine. Digging. Frantically digging. Well at least until it became aware of us. Rhogar and Atlas put the pain to the beast while Lulu and I picked at it from range. In the end it became study material.
Lulu took charge of the dissection and I did my level best to not slow her down. She is one I will be learning from for sure.
Safe for now we investigated as best we could. The aura of conjuration has me worried. I will need to hire extra gaurds for my soon to be mine.

With not else left to do we... burned.... the bodies. And returned to town. Reported to Commander Gerst and collected our pay.
And my deed.
To The Perfect Kwartz mine!