The Otherking by Martin | World Anvil

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15th Julyeth 1062 AF

The Otherking

by King Martin Leongling

Dear Jen,
I have been a fool. Worry not, this is not a letter of depression! But I understand how ridiculous my troubles on being nothing more than a collection of artefacts, of not being able to stand againt the Bobcat have been. Perhaps a small part of me still feels that way but I'm realising that I am important, more so than I ever dreamed. And I'm special, essential. You were right, when you berated me, however likely, on my attempts to shirk my duty onto my erstwhile, unborn, cousin. This burden is mine alone. And I cannot hope to inspire my companions, Caerbhall and Takuma, if I spend all my time convincing myself I do not have significance. No, instead I shall have to cast the cub aside within my heart and try to be something more. They need a symbol, Jen. They need a glorius, golden King to light their way. Not only my companions but the entire realm. I have no idea how I could ever become that, let alone do without losing my sense of self. And so all I can do is likely what Magden was trying to tell me the entire time, in his deeply misguided way... I have to follow my heart. I have to trust in my better nature and employ every ounce of intelligence and skill to win the day.
I have discovered recently that Leondric, my ancestor, was very likely given the very power of the gods themselves. Or aspects of them at least. Ram's strength, Flori's connection to those around her, and Mithani's power of insight into those around him. Powers I myself possess. King's Magic has been what I call it, but it is more akin to God's Power. I shall continue to stick with the latter though; I would not want to become that who I am fighting and begin calling myself 'His Imperial Majesty'.
The Otherking... I had a dream about him last night. Or, more accurately, my dreams took me to him. He was polite, obsessed with decoreum. Entirely convinced with his own godhood. I will admit I was terrified Jen. I couldn't even see him, let alone begin to think how I would defeat him. But I believe I maintained my composure; I had to. He was willing to bargain, which I found strange. The artefacts for the Realm, a small price perhaps. That, after all, was what they were created for. To stop the Realm's Invasion. Or were they? The Otherking claims there have been other gods, other Kings, all of whom have fallen before his hand. Perhaps my role is not to defend the Great Realm but to stop this tyrant from destroying anyone else. The true scope of my mission becomes clear. Leondric wasn't created to defend the Realm only, I shouldn't think, but to stop the mad tyrant who is subsisting on others. The artefacts are the gods last desperate attempts to stop him.
Strangely, he seemed to care very little about our Wyrd. He seemed to care very little about the Realm even. I feel as if this is all just nature to him. He must have a goal, beyond pure subjegation for ego's sake but I could not divine it in our meeting. Time seemed to have passed very slowly on his end; he seemed to think Leondric had died recently indeed. This might explain why it took him thousands of years to re-invade. Time simply slipped past him. Is that worrying, that he could invade at any moment? Have I caused him to know this? Surely not... he hated having his dominace questioned. I doubt he would have wanted Leondric to die before he could get his hands on him. I am inclined to believe he lied. He wasn;t going to admit to be bested by a mortal animal, after all.
His servants reported the power of Leondric, which made me feel inadequete, I must admit. My blasted ancestor possessed a power which awed the Others. He was so ferocious so as to actually rout the Otherking's servants. The Otherking might not have stepped foot in our plane but his minions did and Leondric, by all accounts, put the fear of Mithani in them. Of course, the Otherking took that moment to remark how pitiful my own power was in comparison to Leondric's. Even asking why he should want my own King's Magic in exchange for the Realm, diluted as it was. It appears, even if we could keep the Otherking at bay for centuries the power of Leondric is slowly slipping away from the grasp of my line. Truly it has to be who finishes it. I cannot afford to delay him further and push it off to what may my weaker ancestors. Of course, the Otherking could be lying again. Or he does not know that, perhaps, Leondric was supercharged by being in the presence of 'His Imperial Majesty'. I was only a shade in my dream; the same effect would not have activated as normal. I hope so. It would not be the first time the Otherking has underestimated us. And I hope that I can come at him with the full force of Leondric and watch his crooked smile die as I plunge my sword through his throat. If indeed, he has one.
We are in Raman now, safe for the moment. I have some plans to further my own legend, a neccesity to inspire the masses, protect the fortress and perhaps, maybe, give Takuma a little bit of hope back. For that, however, you shall have to wait and see. This is one secret I shall keep close to my chest.
With sweet wishes,

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