Fitting for a Crown by Martin | World Anvil

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1st Septemberith 1062 AF

Fitting for a Crown

by King Martin Leongling

The duel with Arthur was fierce and I still carry the injuries but it needed to happen. Hopefully the result can make Arthur rethink his views. Please guide him Mithani.
It feels strange to have reached this point. More than half a year's journey, culminating in my coronation. If you had put me in this situation a year ago I would have either thrown up, run away, or sat there to be crowned on the basis I was too worried to let me own voice be heard. But now I don't feel any fear, or even any excitement. It just feels like a neccesary step forwards. I suppose I do worry about ruling. After all, my entire tenure as crown Prince has been in service of defeating the Otherking. I can't believe others would actually allow me to rule, to make decisions on their behalf.
There, I shall have to rely on my friends. Caerbhall holds the simple, earthy roots. He's stubborn but he has his moral heart in the right place. And Takuma is the pragmatic one, the one who can see the river past the reeds. Together I think they should be able to help me not make too much of a toss of it. And I'll always have the teachings of Magden. If I listen to my heart, and try to do right, what more can I do?
I hope I can unite the realm.

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