15. Seas and Signs by Darcie | World Anvil

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Wed 22nd Feb 2023 04:29

15. Seas and Signs

by Darcie Safrilla

The Swimming Moth is a gorgeous vessel to behold with a well-dressed crew who manned the ship with some flair and showmanship. I was expecting to become ill as I have on ships in the past, but this ship seemed to glide smoothly over the sea instead of being beholden to the waves below. It allowed me to enjoy looking from the sides of the ship and to watch the sea creatures swimming alongside us as we left port and the others were bugging Swift about the Sisters of Mercy yet again.
I found myself relieving some of the sailors of their watch in the crow's nest; it felt like the least I could do to help. There was another ship that seemed to be heading in the same direction as us, as well, but overtook us after a few days. I wonder if they are also headed to the Island of the Last Migration and if we'll see them when we arrive.
Thadeus asked for my help teaching him how to use his new weapon (nunchucks) without hurting himself. He also asked me if I remembered anything from the year we lost because he has had brief flashbacks to what he thinks happened in the lost year of memories. I told him the truth- that I remembered nothing from that time. Last I knew I was watching a tattoo artist while exploring Nebalich and some mystical feeling came over me to energize me through my tattoos. The next thing I know, the Sisters of Mercy woke me up a year later on another planet before we received this mission from Jane Kitty. The lost memories, the meteor strike, the Un Codex- is it connected somehow? And why am I involved?
Swift found that the guns on the ship apparently aren't functional upon his inspection. He asked Captain Bowers how they operate and he explained that the guns on the Swimming Moth operate autonomously to defend herself. Thadeus was very interested and asked more about if there is a numenera somewhere that allows the ship to man her own guns, but we didn't learn any more.
The evening before we were set to arrive on the Island of the Last Migration, we all saw a beacon of light illuminate the sky. The beacon originated from the town that Captain Bowers needs us to retrieve an item from, but we don't know what caused it. I hope the ship I saw pass us didn't cause problems here before our arrival, but I can't spot anything in this dark.
We convinced the captain to speed us up on the last leg of the journey and were all instructed to brace ourselves on the ship. I chose to secure myself up in the crow's nest so I can still see as we approach. The wing-like gossamer sails retracted and the ship plunged bow-first into the sea, but I only felt a spray of sea instead of being submerged. The Swimming Moth then breached the surface to soar above the water at great speed towards our destination. Thank goodness this part was brief as I would have been ill if this had gone on much longer.
The ship landed in the water and turned towards the island's coast starboard-side-first. There looked to be hostile monsters on the island in combat with other folks there. I used the rope that secured me to the crow's nest to swing down and land on the shore and get a head start engaging the shadowy skeletons. The momentum from the swing and the wave caused by the ship allowed me to dismount and strike one of the skeletons on land. The hit pushed him back and the ocean swallowed him up from there.