7. Gods Out of Time by Darcie | World Anvil

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Wed 5th Oct 2022 12:53

7. Gods Out of Time

by Darcie Safrilla

I don't remember getting there or being taken, but I was released from some kind of magic coffin by a lady in white in the middle of an unfamiliar desert. I found my companions in a similar predicament and freed Swift and Hop before hostile creatures came onto the group. Hop released Thadeus as Swift and I tried to take on the attacking beasts. The large bird creature and death dogs were defeated, but their skeletal undead leader proved too much for me and knocked me out. Thadeus gave me enough energy to come to and we all tried our best to incapacitate the skeleton, but Thadeus went down soon after and Swift was turning to stone and out of reach.
We finally defeated the undead fighter, but Swift was almost completely immobile from the stone- he also lost an arm at some point since I had last seen him. We decided to put Swift in one of the machines we came from and Hop and I went to investigate the the Sister of Mercy who freed me initially and went to fend off the creatures. From her body emerged Jane Kitty herself. She was kind enough to assist with healing Swift of his affliction to be himself again. We were apparently on a completely different planet called Styx, near a statue to Mitclan, able to go back to the base through a portal. But we have also been in statis here while a year has passed down on the 9th World. She showed us an image of the Steadfast showing the city and land south of Qi has been decimated by some force half a year ago. Reality has skipped due to the destruction of an "Un Codex piece" by the "Nothing"?
Jane Kitty herself has asked us to find a piece in the city of Rarmon in the Pytharon Empire. Mary Erndt of the Sisters of Mercy there should know what we need for his task. The goddess took her leave and we did, as well (after pushing a pod about half a mile over the desert into the portal for Thadeus). We returned to the base to find AMI and Pinch still there, although Pinch was understandably upset with us for being gone a whole year.
I am still trying to wrap my head around all of this. How did I miss this much time? What happened to us?