Letter to Ravlor by Inara | World Anvil
11th of Camince, 1485

Letter to Ravlor

by Inara Edhelhael

**Written in Elvish, translated version here.**
Dear Ravlor,
I hope this letter, and the contents of this box, find you alive and well. Before you lose it on me, I am not dead, nor do I have any intention of becoming so. This is merely a precaution, the best one that I can think of at the moment.
The situation that I’m about to walk into carries an unknown amount of danger, but it is likely dire… as seems to be our way, does it not? I’m entrusting you with these journals in case the worst should happen. They contain my recordings of everything that has transpired since we lost Garrick in Latria last year. I have compiled all of my research, as well as my observations, thoughts and journeys since then. I do not want them to be lost to the sands should I perish, or even worse, to fall into the wrong hands… hence, why I am entrusting them to yours.
I will be in contact with you within the next few weeks, depending on how everything plays out… if you do not hear from me by the end of Clavifae, then please know that something has happened and I am most certainly dead. If this happens, please ensure that my writings are delivered to a trustworthy, reliable place where the knowledge that I have gathered will be preserved. And please… please tell my parents that I love them…
At first, I thought to send this box to my father, because it could sit in the far reaches of his workshop, or be buried in the gardens until such a time that it would be safe to retrieve them. But… I didn’t want to do that to them again… based on what happened during the war, they would assume the worst; and I really do not want to return home to discover my father carving me another coffin, stained with his tears.
I regret that we were unable to converse at length when I saw you last – something that we must rectify when this is all over. If this is ever over… I must admit, that sometimes it feels like I’m caught in a web, and there is a monstrous spider plucking at the threads and tightening the web around us all. What will happen when we reach the center? I don’t know, but I am rambling, trying to avoid writing what I actually need to write…
I am sorry. You asked me what it is that I’m seeking in the east, and the answer for the longest time has been that I was needing to get away from everything for a while. But now, it seems as though the situation here is even more immediately dire than the one facing our people at home right now. I know you will likely disagree, but Ravlor… I’ve seen the devastation firsthand that this dragon is wreaking… and there is some bigger plot at work. I can feel it.
I’m not going to go into much specific detail, because the last thing I want to do is to ever put you in more danger… but please watch yourself. Watch your back, and Doodles’ too. I don’t know if you remember what I told you about the professors I had trouble with in Egig Ero Fa when I was young… but we ran into one of them. He was in league with a giant snake (Megatsushi or something like that is what Kent called it), and was planning on sacrificing Hasim’s young baby to the creature. Honestly, with how Berthold was in the academy, I’m not surprised. But what was bad is that he arrived using your appearance. He moved like you, looked like you, but obviously cannot sound like you. The issues that I had with him were long before we met… so obviously someone has been feeding him information. So please be careful…
I spoke with Filandrel recently… I know… I can almost hear what you are probably saying right now. I am being careful. I didn’t want to speak with him, not really… but the situation we’re in right now is dire, and we, frankly, need all of the help that we can get… and he is very powerful, obviously. I’ve only been speaking with him in the Dream though, on my terms. I don’t know if he is manipulating me or not, but he isn’t telling me what to do anymore… in fact, his guidance has largely been to do what must be done to preserve our people, yes; but ultimately, to do what I feel is right, and he said I will have his blessing no matter which path I choose.
Before you start ranting… no… I don’t fully believe him. I don’t think I ever will again. But for right now… his knowledge is greatly needed. I’m expecting a message from him shortly, at some point today at least… apparently there is a meeting of a great many magic users, Filandrel, Vlatrossi, Priscilla Tringles the druid, and others to be held later today. I have been invited to attend, with my companions if they so desire. That is one of the main reasons also that I am sending you these journals… I have a feeling that if he knew about the,, that Filandrel would likely want them, or at least, want to read them. And, while I would not begrudge you reading anything that I’ve written, I do not trust the circle that I’m about to enter this afternoon…
You asked me back in Alcarin, what it is that I am seeking in the East. I did not have an answer for you then, but I have been thinking on it. (I told you that I always think about what you say…)
I initially came to the east seeking a respite from the politics surrounding Alcarin, and the nightmares. I thought that a change of scenery might help. Then, after I arrived here and travelled around a bit, I realized, that for all of their oddities, many people are the same no matter where you live, both for the good and the bad.
I thought that I was seeking love, which I have found, in a fashion, but now I’m beginning to have doubts as to whether it will actually worth it in the long run. I'm afraid of fully going down a path that I know will ultimately end in pain. Also, I fear that in the end, we have some opposing ideas that may put us at irreconcilable odds. I don’t know. I shouldn't burden you with this, I have no wish to drudge up your own memories about your own past... I shouldn't have said anything.
I feel on edge, as though the entire party is standing on a precipice, from which there is no going back… and I don't know where I fit into all of this.
We lost Dekar, as I told you… but I didn’t get a chance to tell you about Inira. She willingly sought out, and has been granted the “blood kiss” from her god, the Blood Lord. She doesn’t seem to realize that she has done something horribly wrong, that will turn her into a mockery of who she once was. Don’t get me wrong… I never liked her methods for many things, her practice of necromancy seeps into everything that she does. But, there is a far cry from being a necromancer and becoming a vampire. Nobody else seems terribly bothered by it, and that in and of itself is concerning to me…
Damian is another who seems to be going down a dark path. I won’t burden you with too many details, but please trust me on this. Please, Ravlor, stay as far away from him as you can… I fear that his father’s hatred of our people has poisoned his mind, and I do not know to what extent he is willing to take his hate. I don’t know if it is just directed at Elves in general, or if it extends to those of us who were his friends. Even Meriwald has warned me from him... Either way, please, Ravlor… please stay as far away from him as you can…
Now though, since learning some of the things that I’ve learned in the past several weeks, think that I may be able to do a greater service for our people… maybe that is what I’ve sought all along. There is a place here in the east, an ancient ruin of blue marble that sits next to a river, in a gently wooded area. If worse comes to worse… I think we should start a new community there. Don’t get me wrong… I don’t wish to abandon the Alcarin woods to the hands of the dragon and the humans, but I would rather carve out a new home for our people than see them perish in the wanton destruction that is inevitable should this course of events not be changed.
I must go now. I am sorry to be putting this on you, and I’m sorry that this is in a letter instead of in person. I hope to see you again soon. Don’t tell Doodles.
Now, I owe you one. ;)
With love,

Continue reading...

  1. Aboard the Jackdaw
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  2. On Eastern Shores and Swamplands
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  3. Journey to Alfarid
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  4. A Hafla
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  5. The City of Wei Jang
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  6. The Axiomyte
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  7. History and Memories
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  8. Library
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  9. Fuck This City…
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  10. Letter to Grimaldus
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  11. Our Next Move
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  12. A Journey Home
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  13. Sins, Guilt, and Monstrosities
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  14. At a Loss
    20th-21st of Solae, 1485
  15. A Cursed Land Under a Cursed Moon
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  16. Eclipse
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  17. On the Road to Rafulkarn
    25th of Solae, 1485
  18. The Beauty of the East
    26th of Solae, 1485
  19. Rafulkarn
    27th of Solae, 1485
  20. Consequences
    28th of Solae, 1485
  21. Kurvajai and Conversations
    1st of Camince, 1485
  22. Crumbling Amid Ashes
    2nd of Camince, 1485
  23. Ashes on the Wind
    3rd of Camince, 1485
  24. Ashes and Memories
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  25. Sand and Storms
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  26. Ashes of the Serpent
    9th of Camince, 1485
  27. Hasim, the Axiomyte, and Filandrel
    10th of Camince, 1485
  28. Letter to Ravlor
    11th of Camince, 1485
  29. The Council
    11th of Camince, 1485
  30. Fort Mahogany
    12th of Camince, 1485
  31. Of Endings and Broken Hearts
    16th of Camince, 1485
  32. Return to Alcarin
    18th of Camince, 1485
  33. Burial beneath the Boughs
    20th of Camince, 1485
  34. As the World Falls Down
    21st of Camince, 1485
  35. Picking up the Pieces
    22nd of Camince, 1485
  36. Time Will Tell, In the End...
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