Rafulkarn by Inara | World Anvil
27th of Solae, 1485


by Inara Edhelhael

27th of Solae, 1485
We survived. That is what is important. The blackened heart that was corrupting the tree has been removed, and Rowan was able to begin the healing process for the ancient wood. I do not know how much detail I shall write this night, for my wounds are still paining me, and we are all exhausted. I need some deep meditation this night…
Last night with Grimaldus was a much welcome reprieve, and it renewed me to be able to better face today’s plan to enter the cursed city. When we arrived back in camp, I found Meriwald strutting about, carrying a knife strapped to himself with a piece of cloth, and a piece of metal perched atop his head like a helmet. He immediately started cursing and catapulting things at Grimaldus.
Finally, I got Meriwald reigned in somewhat, at least enough for us to set off for the city.
As we drew nearer to Rafulkarn, I could see the massive dead tree rising above the city. Its blackened branches extended out and across the breadth of the city wall, silhouetted against the drab morning sky. I was surprised to find homes on the outskirts, with fires burning in their hearths, it almost looked peaceful in a way… until the ghoul burrows covering the ground rose in prominence.
Hatholdir and his contingent of Elves were already circling the walls, using the tactic common on the eastern borders of Alcarin, wherein movement is used to make one warrior seem like many. I didn’t know how effective it would be against armies of the undead, but it works well enough against living men…
I could see the remains of Elvish architecture in the foundations. Humans had built their massive walls atop the Elvish ruins and it was painfully obvious where the delineation was… instead of flowing with nature, the human builders had broken the land, twisted and bent it, forcing it to serve their purpose instead of working in harmony with it. The land had been violated, desecrated and abused; and I found myself hoping that our actions would be of a help here. I found myself hoping that Rowan would actually be able to heal some of the land, restore the balance and peace that is to be found in nature.
I was jolted from my thoughts when we arrived at the city. Hasim scaled the wall and threw a rope down for the rest of us. I wish that I had been more comfortable casting a spell for us to simply pass through the wall unhindered, but with the unpredictable Black Wind in the area, and the apparent unpredictability of magic because of it, we all decided that it was best not to risk it.
Before I climbed the wall, I told Meriwald to wait in the outskirts. When he wasn’t cooperative, I did something that I’ve never done in my entire life… I dismissed him. I didn’t know what we were walking into, and I didn’t want to risk one of the vampires targeting him with a spell… As he disappeared with a slight poof sound, a lone feather floated down. I put it in my pouch, and tried to put aside the yawning emptiness in my mind that comes from his absence… I reminded myself that this was not the same as when I lost him in Latria… and put my hands on the rope to climb the wall.
When I reached the other side of the wall, the sheer magnitude of what we were attempting hit me… and for what purpose? I steeled myself with the knowledge that in the city’s center was the dead and twisted ancient tree that Rowan would be able to restore.
Sewage and grime covered the street we landed on… Sentry skulls were placed throughout the alley, and Hasim glanced at my bow and asked to borrow it…
I hesitated. Inira offered Hasim her crossbow, but he refused it, looking at me expectantly. I reluctantly pulled it off of my back, and as I held it out to him, I couldn’t help myself “Five shots, then you give it right back to me.”
“Of course.” Hasim looked confused. “It’s not cursed, is it?”
I shook my head. “Of course not. No, it’s not cursed.”
As Hasim took it from my hands, I was reminded of when it was handed to me, many years ago…
I had just received word that my classmates and I would be stepping through the Diluvian mirror to hold a tower by the Twin Rivers. It was the first time that I would be able to directly help the Union efforts against the undead… we were departing at first light the next morning.
I was leaving Egig Ero Fa to go see my parents that evening. Ravlor met me outside the gates. I could tell that something was wrong, but when I asked him, he merely shook his head. He carried two bows and two quivers with him that night… unusual, but I soon learned why when he pressed a bow and quiver into my hands. “Take this.” He bade me.
I looked at him incredulously. Why would I need a bow?
“Take it!” He insisted, his voice raised. “There will come a time when your magic will fail, and you will want to have a real weapon in your hand. Take the bow!”
Ravlor had been right. That bow had saved my life the next day, when I could no longer cast my spells, and blood was dripping from my nose from magical overload… the bow hadn’t failed me… and I haven’t entered a battle without it ever since…

Hasim is an expert shot. I assumed that he would be, but it was still pretty impressive that he managed to take out all of the sentries without triggering any noticeable alarms.
A swarm of rats coalesced into a vampire. He was hideous, seeming to be made out of rats. He introduced himself and began talking to the party. He was being formal and polite, first in Yongrel, then switching to Imperial. He requested that we leave, as the undead here are trying to live their own lives. I honestly wasn’t paying too much attention to his words, as I figured most of them were likely lies.
Inira denied that we were there intending to kill the Lord Commander Targileus. I don’t know why she decided to lie about her intentions. Dekar though, he basically threatened the vampire until he started a fight.
Before I even had a chance to move, the vampire’s sword came flying at me. I threw up a shield, but the blade passed right through my hasty defense, and searing pain wracked my body, doubling me over. Fuck, that hurt! I looked down and could see a red stain growing across my side. The rest of the battle passed in somewhat of a blur. Rowan turned into a giant eagle, and Grimaldus again rode on her back. He got stabbed, but he managed to grab ahold of the vampire and lift it in the air by his throat.
The vampire managed to bite Grimaldus, and I felt a momentary panic until Grimaldus held his mace aloft and cast a spell that blasted blinding rays of sunlight in the vicinity.
Grimaldus, Inira and Secilia healed our wounds and we continued into the city. Hasim went his own way, for the vampire had told him where he could find the woman he was hunting – apparently she had been captured by the vampire some time earlier.
As we moved through the city, Secilia said there was something that she needed to do, and she disappeared down a descending corridor going somewhere deep underground. Thorny vines closed over the entrance as soon as she passed through, effectively making it impassible if anyone wanted to go help her later. To be perfectly honest, I figured that we would likely never see her again…
Rowan offered to take us to the tree, through using her druidic ability to transport people through trees. We stepped through the passageway that she opened in a nearby tree root, and I found myself standing on a platform with Hasim, Inira and a massive vampiric monstrosity that was obviously Targileus.
Rowan was far below us, by the roots of the tree. I didn’t see Grimaldus or Dekar anywhere, until I looked up and saw that they had appeared in the upper branches of the tree.
I backed away from the undead monstrosity, casting mirror image on myself, which fortunately went off properly this time. I have rarely been more scared in my entire life. The party was scattered, and I was altogether too close to this Targileus…
The fighting was fierce. The creature moved up into the air as Grimaldus and Dekar jumped down, fortunately Dekar cast featherfall, so they wouldn’t plunge to their deaths. Inira was engaged in a shouted conversation with the woman who claims to be her “sister”. I write it like that because Inira doesn’t seem to have any knowledge of this woman.
I could hear Rowan having some trouble far below, and Dekar jumped down the crevice to try to aid her – I hoped that he would get there in time. My attention, however, was wholly focused on surviving the giant undead in front of me… he kept buffeting us with his wings, but then when Grimaldus drew nearer, he launched up into the air and he and Grimaldus fought an aerial duel.
Targileus managed to knock Grimaldus to the ground and nearly landed on top of him. I felt the world slow down as my heart dropped into my stomach… Grimaldus was barely moving and blood was smeared across his armor and seeping onto the dais. Without even thinking, I ran forward, brushing his arm as I cast a spell of greater invisibility. As Grimaldus disappeared from sight, the undead monster looked down at us.
“Is this love?” He scoffed. “Disgusting.” I could see the promise of death in his eyes, the sick glee that evidenced a disturbing spark of life. But, he wasn’t expecting me to have an exit strategy, so when I cast misty step, I almost wished that I could have seen his face when I robbed him of what he thought was going to be a kill.
Everything was a blur. Secilia materialized next to us, and we ended up defeating Targileus, as evidenced by the fact that I am alive, writing this now…
Dekar grabbed the blackened heart out of the tree, and promptly fainted. Rowan said that she was able to heal the tree, it would just take time for the corruption to work its way out…
However, I found myself with a sense of déjà vu, as everything began crumbling around us. I called everyone over so I could teleport them out, and again, asked for suggestions for our destination… I do not think the others would have been pleased had I teleported them all to Alcarin… Grimaldus told me to take everyone to the ruins of the blue light, so I did.
Now that everyone has had some time to rest, I summoned Meriwald back to me… and I feel as though what I did has driven a wall between us. I owe him an apology. I should never have taken away his choice like I did, and even though he is my familiar, and bound to my will, he is first and foremost my friend and constant companion… I did him an ill turn this day, and it is something that I need never repeat again… not on the eve of a battle…
Targileus’ words keep echoing in my mind. “Is this love?” … is it? Truly? I told myself in the past that it isn’t… that I’m merely infatuated with him… but then I find myself not even hesitating to throw myself in harm’s way to save Grimaldus. I did it in Alfarid against the snakes… and I just did it again, against the vampiric monstrosity… and yes… I pulled Hasim out of a dire situation on the bridge some days ago, but it was different…
Getting Hasim out was a calculated decision where I had a plan going in. Grimaldus? Every time I see him severely injured, I feel an overwhelming urge, a nearly visceral need to see him out of harm’s way, regardless of the cost to myself…
So, I must admit to myself, if to no one else… I fear that I am in love with Grimaldus… what this will spell for the future, I do not know, aside from a near guarantee of pain… but for now, whatever may come, for now, we are together… and this place of porcelain ruins and blue light is truly beautiful…
I am going to clean myself and rest now… for I do not wish to meditate when I still have blood encrusting my garments…

Continue reading...

  1. Aboard the Jackdaw
    25th of Arborus, 1485
  2. On Eastern Shores and Swamplands
    6th of Solae, 1485
  3. Journey to Alfarid
    7th-9th of Solae, 1485
  4. A Hafla
    10th of Solae, 1485
  5. The City of Wei Jang
    11th of Solae, 1485
  6. The Axiomyte
    12th of Solae, 1485
  7. History and Memories
    13th of Solae, 1485
  8. Library
    14th of Solae, 1485
  9. Fuck This City…
    16th of Solae, 1485
  10. Letter to Grimaldus
    18th of Solae, 1485
  11. Our Next Move
    18th of Solae, 1485
  12. A Journey Home
    18th of Solae, 1485
  13. Sins, Guilt, and Monstrosities
    19th of Solae, 1485
  14. At a Loss
    20th-21st of Solae, 1485
  15. A Cursed Land Under a Cursed Moon
    23rd of Solae, 1485
  16. Eclipse
    24th of Solae, 1485
  17. On the Road to Rafulkarn
    25th of Solae, 1485
  18. The Beauty of the East
    26th of Solae, 1485
  19. Rafulkarn
    27th of Solae, 1485
  20. Consequences
    28th of Solae, 1485
  21. Kurvajai and Conversations
    1st of Camince, 1485
  22. Crumbling Amid Ashes
    2nd of Camince, 1485
  23. Ashes on the Wind
    3rd of Camince, 1485
  24. Ashes and Memories
    4th of Camince, 1485
  25. Sand and Storms
    6th of Camince, 1485
  26. Ashes of the Serpent
    9th of Camince, 1485
  27. Hasim, the Axiomyte, and Filandrel
    10th of Camince, 1485
  28. Letter to Ravlor
    11th of Camince, 1485
  29. The Council
    11th of Camince, 1485
  30. Fort Mahogany
    12th of Camince, 1485
  31. Of Endings and Broken Hearts
    16th of Camince, 1485
  32. Return to Alcarin
    18th of Camince, 1485
  33. Burial beneath the Boughs
    20th of Camince, 1485
  34. As the World Falls Down
    21st of Camince, 1485
  35. Picking up the Pieces
    22nd of Camince, 1485
  36. Time Will Tell, In the End...
    28th of Camince, 1485