Bread and Butter by Taran | World Anvil

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Evening of 21st of Uktar 1492

Bread and Butter

by Taran Farfoot

Had my first bite to eat in days. Didn't think I'd make it. Still feel like I've been trampled by a horse. The last several days play out in my head like a fevered dream.
Caught a glimpse of a white dragon while traveling along the Triboar Trail. Dangerous. Majestic. Felt a cold shiver down my spine when I saw it. Jaina suggested we head back to Neverwinter to report the dragon sighting. The rest of us wanted to gather more information, look into rumors of orcs in the area. We ended up pressing on.
The orc ambush came swiftly and without warning. Ajantis was cut down like wheat at harvest. Don't remember what happened to the others. Managed to slip away in the chaos and ran to a nearby corn field. Memory's hazy on what happened next. World went black. Woke up to sharp pain in my stomach. An orc had tried to wake me up with her foot. Knocked the wind out of me. Couldn't move or see. Head hurt. Tried to scream for help. Another kick to my stomach. Passed out from the pain.
Heard a voice when I awoke. Human. Introduced himself as Big Al. Turned out the orcs burned down his barn and smithy and took over his ranch house. We were tied up and blindfolded in his cellar. Overheard broken common from our captors about our fate as sacrifices to Talos. Apparently, the band of orcs were being led by a couple of spellcasters who followed the Storm God.
Don't remember how many days passed while Big Al and I languished in his cellar. All but gave up hope on getting out alive when we heard a commotion outside. Turned out Phandalin sent a group to check in on Big Al's ranch. Thank Yondalla.
Plan on traveling with my rescuers to Phandalin and sending word to Lord Neverember about what's transpired. I have a good feeling about this new group.

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  1. Bread and Butter
    Evening of 21st of Uktar 1492
  2. Tavern Brawl
    Morning of 24th of Uktar 1492
  3. Don-Jon & Dragon
    Evening of 24th of Uktar 1492