Taran Farfoot | World Anvil

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Taran Farfoot

Taran grew up in a quiet halfling community in Trielta Hills. He developed an interest in travel and sword fighting at a young age and seeks to live a life of adventure.

Uktar 21, 1492
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Evening of 24th of Uktar 1492

Don-Jon & Dragon

by Taran Farfoot

After a rather messy encounter with a pair of Red Cloaks this morning, we gained some useful information from one of the Red Cloaks we interrogated. After lengthy deliberation, we decided that taking down the Red Cloaks would have to wait until we're better prepared. No sense in rushing into danger.
Ended up taking up one of the job postings in Phandalin and proceeded to escort a man named Don-Jon Raskin to the Mountain's Toe gold mine. Seemed like an easy and straightforward task. Don-Jon entertained us with stories of his past on our way to the gold mine. Told us enough stories to fill the library of Candlekeep. Reminded me of that bard I befriended back in Waterdeep, Syrio Flammel. Still have the notes he gave me on casting magic through music. Wish I still had my longhorn. Will have to see if I can purchase a new one in Phandalin.
Shortly before arriving at the entrance to the Mountain's Toe gold mine, we came upon a half dozen orcs frozen in their tracks. Never seen anything like it. Gave me the same chills I had when I saw that white dragon in the sky the other day. We didn't have time to investigate further as the sun was already setting. Would later find out the orcs met their end at the breath of a white dragon. Wonderful.
Don-Jon informed us that the gold mine he was tasked with overseeing had a dwarven mining crew. However, upon entering the mines, we were greeted by a group of wererats calling themselves the Whisker Gang. Apparently, they'd taken over the mines after being driven from their base of operations by a group of orcs. Olaf led the discussions and negotiations with the Whisker Gang leader and we had a decision to make. Drive out the wererats who'd taken over the mine or help them drive out the orcs that took over their old headquarters. Zook wanted to take on the wererats but Don-Jon warned us they were not to be trifled with, especially without magical weapons. There was also the matter of the dwarven miners who'd locked themselves in the back of the mines. Would they survive long enough for Don-Jon to sort out the mess with the Whisker Gang on his own? We decided to investigate the Shrine of Savras and help the wererats reclaim their old headquarters. Maybe they left something of value there before being driven out. Worth a look.
As night had fallen by the time we left the mine, we made camp nearby. While eating dinner, I read through the notes from Adaeon and Syrio. Jotted down some tips I received from Olaf during our training earlier in the day. Still feel like the weakest link in the group. Need to continue my studies and training.

Taran's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. Bread and Butter
    Evening of 21st of Uktar 1492
  2. Tavern Brawl
    Morning of 24th of Uktar 1492
  3. Don-Jon & Dragon
    Evening of 24th of Uktar 1492

The major events and journals in Taran's history, from the beginning to today.

Bread and Butter

Had my first bite to eat in days. Didn't think I'd make it. Still feel like I've been trampled by a horse. The last several days play out in my head like a fevered dream. Caught a glimpse of a White Dragon while traveling along the Triboar Trail. Dange...

02:09 am - 23.10.2022

Tavern Brawl

Last night was interesting to say the least. Where to begin? We arrived in Phandalin and sold our gifts from Big Al; I really wanted to sample the butter but needed the gold. My rescuers had been staying at the Stonehill Inn and I joined them at the ba...

09:06 pm - 28.10.2022

Don-Jon & Dragon

After a rather messy encounter with a pair of Red Cloaks this morning, we gained some useful information from one of the Red Cloaks we interrogated. After lengthy deliberation, we decided that taking down the Red Cloaks would have to wait until we're bett...

08:59 pm - 05.11.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Taran.

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Other Characters by CaptainN7heGM