Eddie Leaves by Sanna | World Anvil
2nd Febuary, 1345

Eddie Leaves

by Sanna Finch

I sold Bolero today. I didn't think it would be that emotional but I've had him for most of my life now. He was a present from my parents on my 12th birthday. I know 450 gp is a good prize for a horse like him. Still, he is worth a lot more than anyone can pay.
The money is more than enough for Eddie to sail to Vulcrom and get a start there. He already has a place on a ship and they sail tomorrow. Everything is going as planned. I feel sad to see him go knowing that we won't see eachother for quite some time. We bought magical sending stones that will allow for short but regular communication. At least I will hear his voice everyday. I'm sure that is going to be annoying.

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  1. Eddie Leaves
    2nd Febuary, 1345
  2. Purchase of the Mayfly
    12th May, 1345
  3. What Happened?
    5th March, 1349
  4. The Dream
    7th March, 1349
  5. The SHIT Race
    8th June, 1349
  6. The SHIT Monster
    8th June, 1349
  7. Captain's Log: Journey to Vulcrom Day 1 & 2
    12 & 13th June 1349
  8. just some thoughts
    25th June, 1349
  9. Captain's Log: The Storm, Day 16
    27th June, 1349
  10. Captain's Log: Day 36
    17th July, 1349
  11. Captain's Log: Arrival, Day 43
    24th July, 1349
  12. I need to focus
    24th July, 1349
  13. Banking and Bad News
    25th July, 1349
  14. We Need Truth
    26th July, 1349
  15. This Is It
    27th July, 1349
  16. Calculated Risks
    28th July, 1349
  17. Not As Bad As It Seems
    29th July, 1349
  18. Not Thanks to the Gods
    29th July, 1349
  19. A Cold Trail
    3rd August, 1349
  20. This Is What They Call Mutiny
    3rd August, 1349
  21. Massacre at Masterwork Masonry - Owner is Devil in Disguise
    4th August, 1349
  22. Trust
    18th August, 1349