Nothing by Beaumont | World Anvil

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Sat 6th Mar 2021 03:03


by Beaumont Sunblade

I boasted of becoming a linnorm slayer. And a mermaid slayer. Neither of those things came to pass. In fact, other than some unimportant fish fucks, the only thing I did slay was a member of our crew. I always told myself I'd end up killing one of them eventually. Just didn't think it would be against my own will when it came to pass.
I suppose I should feel guilty. A normal person would, right? Or at least bad. But, even though I was under a spell for the actual act of stabbing Kai in the felt no different than any other kill when I learned of it later. It might be argued that technically he lives again after Shagar's magic reincarnated him as a halfling. But, even when not knowing that he would be returned I felt nothing at the knowledge I had killed him. And despite being our helmsman felt no need to pay for his revival. A normal person, even a bastard of a man like me, should have felt something. I didn't.
I felt nothing at killing a member of my crew. Felt nothing in the chase for Shagar. Have I finally gone as numb as my mother was in the end? If were not for this fear I feel briefly over what might have been, I would worry my path is trending towards her own end.
Dwelling on these thoughts does me no benefit. I'll need to talk to the Captain. There seems to be no hard feelings from Kai or the rest of the crew about me killing him. Perhaps they truly believe me not at fault. Or perhaps they're use to me being a dangerous animal who might turn on them at any point.
...perhaps they are just slowly preparing for dealing with me in another way.

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